EvoqueRequestListV8.doc (Size: 413.5 KB / Downloads: 24)
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Dr. Ralf Speth, CEO JLR
Mr. Ian Stuart Callum, Design Director JLR
Mr. Phil Hodgkinson, Dir. Product Development JLR
Mr. Andy Goss, President JLR N. America
Mr. David Pryor, Brand VP, JLR N. America
Mr. Richard N. Beattie, EVP M&S JLR N. America
Mr. Campbell MacArthur, VP Service JLR N. America
Mr. Andrew Polsinelli, GM Land Rover N. America
RE: Evoque Owners Petition JLR to Make Evoque Even Better
This letter is further to email correspondences, sent to each of you during April and May 2012, introducing a list of improvement requests to the 2012 Range Rover Evoque, (herein "The List").
The List is a global demonstration of enthusiasm and support by your customers: especially 3,000- members at http://www.babyrr.com, plus http://www.evoqueforums.net, http://www.evoqueownersclub.co.uk and other forums. The list represents months of heart-felt effort by thousands of List contributors.
During our correspondences, you advised us that JLR rarely engages with online discussion forums as JLR lacks the brand management resources needed to properly address such social media marketing channels. If this is the case, we suggest you look to your customer base to become such resources. We are sure you will agree that ignoring all such channels is a short-sighted option.
We are a powerful voice. We are nearly all proud owners of a 2012 Range Rover Evoque; our registered members, plus the public, have downloaded 25,000-page views on this topic. Given JLR's strong customer loyalty, we may represent an estimated $300-million in business to you.
We look forward to your acknowledgement of our good intentions.
Regards, list editors, on behalf of aforementioned discussion forums:
a) Mark N (UK) mark_n<at>babyrr<dt>com
b) Tim Oliver (UK) tim_oliver<at>me<dt>com
c) Martin Lewis (UK) Admin<at>babyRR<dt>com
d) Rick Ballard (Canada) rballard<at>inseed<dt>com
e) Phil Hodgson (UK) phil<at>orbiter<dt>plus<dt>com
f) CJFB (UK) moderator<at>babyrr<dt>com
g) Bigfoot (US) bigfoot<at>babyrr<dt>com
h) Griff (UK) griff<at>babyrr<dt>com
i) Jamie Milne (UK) jamie2785<at>btinternet<dt>com
j) Ashley Roy (UK) ashforth3<at>gmai<dt>com
k) Jit Enc (UK) j17enc<at>gmail<dt>com
l) Bill Bannister (France) teresa<dt>bill<at>orange<dt>fr
m) Steve Peary (US) steve<dt>peary<at>bdp<dt>com
n) Peter Sweet (UK) peetsweet<at>hotmail<dt>co<dt>uk
o) Tapio Koskinen (Finland) tapi<dt>koskinen<at>gmail<dt>com
p) Jonathan Williamson (UK) fert<dt>of<dt>flames<at>hotmail<dt>co<dt>uk