
It's time, isn't it?

I finally have more than an hour or so ALONE in my office and am doing all the planning and knitting things I've put off for summer.  I spent all day yesterday organizing an e-book I'm working on, fixing edits in a test knit, swatching and casting on for new things - and filling out financial aid forms for college applications, and it felt SO good (except for that last bit...)

I'd love to get a KAL going, and I want to encourage you guys to bring a friend along this time! For those of you who haven't Knit Along with me before, my KALs are a bit mellow, and we don't have so many hard and fast rules.

The important part is the knitting and the sharing.  It's not about finishing and you don't even have to start something new, you just need to be working on a BabyCocktails pattern and you need to participate in the Ravelry thread!

It's about enjoying the projects and the company, so feel free to grab your needles, and maybe a friend and just join on in.

The first prizes will be awarded next Friday, 9/16, and the KAL will go until Oct 21, allowing me to get some great goodies at Rhinebeck for that final prize pack.  Timing is flexible, so feel free to join in anytime - you will be eligible for prizes in any week that you are posting/participating.


To join in:

- The only real rule is that you add your new or ongoing BC project(s) to Ravelry, be sure to link to the pattern, and post photos/conversation in the BabyCocktails FALL KAL Thread on Ravelry.  If you are in the thread, you are in the KAL.

- If you want, invite your knitter(s) friends to join us, and have them link to your Ravelry name in their WIP posts. This is totally extra but I'll be looking for those links and at the end of the KAL, there will be additional prizes for bringing in new faces - depending on how many new faces/enablers are out there,  Since this is a new piece, I'll see how many prizes I need for this as we go.

- You don't have to finish your project(s), as I said above.  You just need to be knitting and moving your WIPs along, adding pics and posting as you go.

- The more projects you post, or friends you refer the better your chances of winning prizes, as winners will be chosen from the new posts and images in the thread each week.

- And yes,drink ideas and discussions are always welcome.


There will be random prizes, free patterns, and a proper prize package each week with both yarn and things, plus some fun stuff at the end!

I'll start with a straight 15% off ALL my previously self published patterns, just to grease the wheels a bit.  From now until the end of day on Monday 9/12, the Rav code FALL gets you the discount.

Hope to see you on Ravelry, right HERE!

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