
As part of the Breastfeeding Awareness Month celebration, check out a variety of tips, tricks and secrets from breastfeeding advocates all over the web, put together by Nizo Wear. Below you’ll find a collection of submissions from expert bloggers, product inventors and wise parents. Each submitter offered a breastfeeding tip, a resource you could look into for more information, and a product they have found helpful.

Babee Talk

Resource: www.babycenter.com

Helpful Product: Oatmeal cookies! I ate these every day and totally believe it is why I always had a great milk supply.

Baby Jack & Co.

Resource: theleakyboob.com

Helpful Product: Nipple cream and ice packs will be your best friends along with an amazing nursing bra (Nizowear.com)

Just Plum Crazy

Resource: www.parenting.com

Helpful Product: Tommee Tippee bottles to feed them when you can’t. They are the closest thing to the breast.


Resource: http://raggleinc.blogspot.com

Helpful Product: Any Majamas bra because they are multi-cup and stay comfortable before and after nursing. There are no clips, snaps or hooks so access is easy and Majamas bras are cute and designed to last so they can be worn long after nursing days are done.

Mommy Time Out

Resource: Breastfeeding support groups like La Leche.

Helpful Product: Breastfeeding pillow are amazing. They help keep you in a comfortable position while feeding so it is a lot easier on your back and you don’t have to be slouched.

Nizo Wear

Resource: www.nizowear.com

Helpful Product: Find a few good nursing bras that are comfortable and provide you options. Consider checking out our Serenity and Solace style nursing bras. They both are extremely comfortable, have removable molded pads and a pocket to hold a warm/cool pack for relief from discomfort. Our Serenity is perfect for your hospital bag, day and night wear. Our Solace style offers great support and comes in two beautiful colors. For more nursing bra selection tips, read here.

Double Blessings

Tip: THE BEST advice came from my sister, a Childbirth Educator. Once she explained the importance of understanding HOW I made milk, it all made perfect sense. Supply and demand. Flushing my system with double the amount of my typical water intake was KEY. Instead of 8 glasses of water, I needed to drink 16 or more (my goal was 24, that’s 2-3 every waking hour because I was nursing twins). And I clearly saw that a direct result of drinking more water increased my milk production greatly. If I failed to drink enough, it was painfully obvious. I kept herbal ice tea and lemon water within easy reach at all times and places around the house, and forced myself to drink 24/7. Especially WHEN I was nursing I ALWAYS sat down with a liter bottle next to me and challenged myself to finish it before the session was over. The more water you supply to your body, the better equipped your body will be to produce enough milk that is demanded of it. Supply and demand!

Resource: La Leche League and my sister, who nursed her 3 children for 12 months each

Helpful Product: My Double Blessings TWIN nursing pillow. It allowed me to nurse my twins simultaneously for two years! There just wouldn’t have been enough hours in the day to nurse them separately. It was a very special time for all 3 of us. The twins would have eye contact with each other and hold hands during our nursing sessions. I knew it was a very special time that I’d cherished for a lifetime… and I have!

Wristy Buddy

Resource: Friends who have experienced breastfeeding can offer the most realistic and helpful advice.

Helpful Product: Lansinoh’s 100% pure HPA Lanolin to soothe and protect cracked nipples. It is safe for baby so no need to remove before nursing.

Savory Savings

Submitted by: Krista Bainbridge

Tip: Don’t let yourself be relegated to the bathroom or shamed into going somewhere uncomfortable for you and baby. Others do not eat their lunch in the bathroom and neither should your little one. The more comfortable both of you are when nursing in public, the better off you both will be!

Resource: I connected with my local La Leche League group and they were AMAZING!

Helpful Product: I made myself a breastfeeding cover that allowed me to see my little ones, made it dark enough for them that they weren’t wandering and I weighted the end with a toy – so it played double duty – she couldn’t whip it off while nursing in public and we had a toy with us all the time!

Baby Bump Bundle

Submitted by: Michelle Levine

Tip: The best piece of advice is stick it out 4 weeks before you give up. Yes, you can read all the books in the world and even take a class, but it may be harder then you realize. But once you get into the swing of things, it is the greatest thing and the benefits outweigh the difficulties you might face at the beginning.

Resource: http://www.parenting.com/baby/feeding

Helpful Product: The most helpful products are a good nipple cream to soothe sore breasts and nursing pads for in between feedings. Our customers love the BreastfeedingBundle we offer for news moms because it not only has these two items but also includes a nursing cover for privacy during feedings and tea to sip, to make sure the milk is flowing when breastfeeding moms needs it most! It also includes a calming body mist to relax a new moms mind and emotions; and the tender tush spray for relief from the discomfort associated with hemorrhoids and postpartum perineal swelling and inflammation. It really is the perfect combo of products for a new mom!


Submitted by: Amanda Gobatto

Tip: Always keep a washcloth nearby and if your baby is going crazy and having a hard time keeping up after your letdown, pop them off and cover your nipples with the washcloth for a few seconds. Things will be much calmer when they re-latch!

Resource: Dr. Jack Newman - http://www.breastfeedinginc.ca/

Helpful Product: Pariday – TendHer Pillows (http://www.pariday.com/) because in the beginning, your breasts and nipples can HURT and these pillows help to relieve some of the discomfort!

Coupon Friendly

Submitted by: Kristin Willis

Tip: My first time breastfeeding, I cracked and bled. It was extremely uncomfortable and painful to nurse my daughter, and I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to continue because of it. Pure Lanolin helped soothe and protect me while I nursed. And it’s toxic-free, so it won’t hurt your baby!

Resource: http://www.babycenter.com/

Helpful Product: Snag a Boppy Pillow, especially if you had a c-section. It keeps your arms from getting tired while nursing, on top of being solid and made from good quality material to last you a long time!


Submitted by: Laura Gravett

Tip: If breastfeeding doesn’t seem to be working out the first few days, relax, use a pump, and revisit it again. Some moms “give up” on the latch and use the pump for a period of time and then find that the latch comes more easily once they relax and take some of that pressure off of themselves. Babies feed off of you literally and figuratively. A tense mom may create a tense baby.

Resource: www.kellymom.com

Helpful Product: Nizo Wear nursing bras as well as my PunkinWrap of course! Oh, and a good thermos/water bottle to keep mom hydrated!

Measuring Flower

Submitted by: TJ Sugden

Tip: If this is your first time breastfeeding, it sounds easy and/or natural. While it is definitely natural, it isn’t always easy. I recommend watching an experienced breastfeeding mama nurse her baby or watch Bravado’s video about breastfeeding. Observing exactly how it is done was what helped me get the hang of it.

Resource: www.kellymom.com

Helpful Product: A Milkies Milk Saver! You wear it on the breast that you’re not nursing on and, when let down occurs, rather than that milk going to waste in a nursing pad, the Milk Saver catches it for you so you can save it for later.

Mommy May We?

Submitted by: Amanda Lyn

Tip: Try different nursing positions to see what works best for you.

Resource: www.lowmilksupply.org

Helpful Product: The Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra is comfortable, molds to your shape, and provides full access during nursing.

Sweetly Made (Just for You)

Submitted by: Emilee Reynolds

Tip: Be determined to breastfeed even if it hurts. I used Medela Therashells which seemed to help. Keep going. You can always pump the milk and feed your baby a bottle but do try, it will get better.

Resource: http://www.babymakingmachine.com/

Helpful Product: Medela. The company seems to have all kinds of products to help mothers with breastfeeding.

The NapTime Reviewer

Submitted by: Cristen Casados

Tip: Latching and scabs: In the beginning (at the hospital) my baby wasn’t latching correctly but I was too scared to break the latch and make her mad. Because she didn’t latch correctly I ended up getting huge scabs on my nipples. I recommend using the Lansinoh HPA Lanolin for at least a week before you start breastfeeding to soften your nipples. I used this a TON in the beginning of breastfeeding my child. At least for the first few months.

Breastfeeding is a 3-handed job at first: While we were in the hospital we had a great nurse that really got my husband involved in the breastfeeding process. The nurse taught him how to get the baby to latch correctly and how to keep the baby sucking. This was so helpful to this 1st time Mom because we immediately had lots of visitors in the hospital and waiting for us when we got home and when it came time to breastfeed with the “hooter hider” he was able to help me from exposing myself to everyone.

Use disposable nursing pads: Leaks do happen, ladies! And it seems like they always happen at the WRONG time. I recommend always having some disposable nursing pads tucked in your bra. People will never know you “stuffed” your bra and they will protect you from leaking all over your clothes.

Don’t let you baby fall asleep at the breast every feeding: I’ve always made sure that my baby is awake when I put her to sleep so she can sooth herself in her crib. I didn’t want to become a pacifier.

Resource: https://www.lansinoh.com/articles-videos

Helpful Product: I recommend using the Lansinoh HPA Lanolin for at least a week before you start breastfeeding to soften your nipples. I also recommend using Soothies by Lansinoh Gel Pads for soothing your tired and sore nipples. Breast care Comfort Breast Shell by Philips. These were AMAZING! I recommend Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads because they are pretty thin and slightly curved and get the job done!

Belly Armor

Submitted by: Jessica Hoffmann

Tip: I have two! 1.) Learning to properly breastfeed can be challenging for both you and your baby. If there’s a lactation consultant available to you, take advantage of their patience and knowledge. 2.) Drinking very cold water through a straw while breastfeeding can help defer the pain. Breastfeeding is a beautiful bonding time for you and your baby so try to make it as painless as possible!

Resource: La Leche League

Helpful Product: I would recommend a nursing cover especially if you’re a modest mom that’s always on the go. They’re versatile and can be used as a nursing cover or car seat canopy.

Motherlove Herbal Company

Submitted by: Silencia Cox

Tip: Remember that breastfeeding is not all or nothing. Every drop is precious!

Resource: Your local IBCLC.

Helpful Product: Motherlove’s Nipple Cream is made with 100% certified organic ingredients, does not have to be washed off prior to breastfeeding, and is formulated to heal and soften sore nipples. Nipple pain is one of the leading reasons moms struggle with breastfeeding, especially in the early days. Along with seeing an IBCLC to verify that baby’s latch is correct, having Nipple Cream on hand can make a huge difference!

Sleeping Baby

Submitted by: Stephanie Parker

Tip: Stay ahead of your babies hunger to prevent sore latch-ons. If you nurse your baby before he or she is really hungry, baby won’t suck as hard.

Resource: An experienced mother! Don’t be afraid to ask a veteran breastfeeding mom you know for advice.

Helpful Product: Put your baby in a Zipadee-Zip to create a calm, cozy environment for nursing and to prevent scratching!


Submitted by: Angela Christopher

Tip: Always be comfortable and relax. If you are trying to hold your baby in a way that is uncomfortable for you, your baby will sense that. If you are tense, your baby knows it and can feel something is wrong. Lay down on the couch if you need to and lay your baby next to you. Put on some soothing music. Even if you are on the go, you can still be comfortable. Just make time, because you will never get it back!

Resource: You and your baby are your best resources. Go with what feels natural.

Tip: I don’t think you need any products for breastfeeding. The only thing I suggest would be breast pads to stop leaks.

Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bags

Submitted by: Sarah Wells

Tip: Ask for help and input from trusted sources, right from the start. Here are my suggestions for some of the best places to turn.

a.) If you deliver in a hospital, ask to speak to the lactation consultants while you are there to give you pointers and cheer you on! Your hospital may also have new mom/breastfeeding support groups you can attend after you are discharged for weeks to come.

b.) Follow up with a lactation consultant after you deliver for additional support. They even make house calls!

c.) Moms groups offer in-person peer support, which is critical in the early weeks of breastfeeding (and motherhood in general!).

d.) Speak with friends/family who are supportive of breastfeeding. It’s great to figure out who can help support you from your existing networks before you even deliver and then rely on them when the time comes.

e.) In-person groups always seem to help more, but Facebook/online groups are fantastic for the exhausted mom who might not be able to get out easily. These online groups are often chatting away at 2am when you’re up with baby!

Resource: http://kellymom.com (Evidence-based breastfeeding information and support.)

Helpful Product: For the back to work and breastfeeding mom, I recommend a hands-free pumping bra, extra pumping parts and of course, a Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bag!

A Fulfilled Mommy

Submitted by: Farrah

Tip: Don’t be afraid to nurse your baby to sleep. This is a beautiful thing! Yes, it’s okay to nurse your baby to sleep. It’s okay to have this emotional connection. I understand that a lot of people will tell you otherwise, but when you let nature take its course, you’ll truly understand this beautiful connection. Nursing is more than a way of feeding your baby.

Resource: www.kellymom.com

Helpful Product: A boppy or nursing pillow! It worked so great for us in the early months.

An Ordinary Housewife

Submitted by: Rena Gardana

Tip: Use the “hair tie method” to help make sure you nurse enough! Wear 5-6 hair ties on your right arm. At each feeding, move one hair tie to your left arm. When they’ve all been moved, go vice-versa. That way you make you get in your minimum of 10-12 feedings a day.

Resource: I really just look stuff up online.

Helpful Product: You really need a good breastfeeding pillow. I like the My Brest Friend because it snaps in place around you so it doesn’t try to work itself out from under baby. Also, it’s firmer so it’s more supportive and even offers a bit of back support.

Arizona Families

Submitted by: Christina Negrete

Tip: Make sure to try all positions with your baby for breastfeeding to find which one is most comfortable.

Resource: The lactation groups at the hospital are wonderful resources.

Helpful Product: I love nursing pillows for sitting breastfeeding positions and with time, as the baby can support themselves more it gives you the freedom to do something sitting up.

Bebe au Lait

Submitted by: Stacey Pinneke

Tip: Breastfeeding is ideally a natural function, but the process can be frustrating for new moms and new babies. Know that you are attempting to do the best for your baby, rely on resources and experts that can guide you through the process and (while it is easier said than done), try not to stress yourself and your baby out with worry and frustration.

Resource: www.kathleenhuggins.com.

Helpful Product: The most helpful product we recommend for breastfeeding is the Bebe au Lait Nursing Cover. The Nursing Cover provides moms that prefer privacy with an option that still allows mom and baby to make eye-contact (patented open neckline), while covered. Stylish designs and breathable fabrics provide moms with a comfortable accessory they can wear with confidence when nursing their newborns.

Making Spirits Bright: One Book At A Time

Submitted by: Maria Dismondy

Tip: Take good care of yourself as a nursing mother. Hydration and rest are so important, especially at the very beginning. You read about it in the books and it’s really true! I have experienced mastitis twice because I was trying to do too much and leaving too much time between feedings at the beginning.

Resource: Friends who have nursed!

Helpful Product: Prescription nipple cream. Your doctor can write you a prescription for this. It contains something that over the counter creams do not and I swear by this cream!

Praises of a Wife and Mommy

Submitted by: April Flanigan

Tip: Since my daughter was not sucking very well I used a nipple shield to help her but it affected my milk supply… I would never have used it had I known that would happen!

Resource: I used the Lactation consultant at the hospital

Helpful Product: Hot showers!

LatchPal by Happy Fig, LLC

Submitted by: Melissa Kay

Tip: A woman’s body is simply amazing, our bodies create life and often nourish our children for the first year! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself; instead, relax & focus on the special bond your child and the rest will follow.

Resource: We encourage woman to enroll in local breastfeeding courses, they provide a community of support & build confidence!

Helpful Product: There are so many crucial products, however, a supportive nursing bra is key! It *must* be comfortable and you should be able to unlatch the bra easily, with one hand! Let’s face it, you’ll be doing it lot! We also love LatchPal, because it secures a mother’s shirt, so you have a clear view of your baby! You can watch your little one latch correctly and a falling shirt does not interrupt feeding!

Written by Nicole Zoellner from NizoWear.com

Nizo Wear is the first nursing bra to have a unique, patented pocket in the pull-down flap that can hold a heating or cooling pack helping bring moms relief and healing faster while being extremely comfortable and super chic.

Nizo Wear nursing bras were inspired by the real-life experience of the company’s founder, Nicole Zoellner. When Nicole became pregnant with her son, she eagerly read all the materials her doctor had given her about the benefits of breastfeeding. She happily anticipated the feelings of serenity and bonding that nursing promises mother and infant.

So, Nicole set out to do for other nursing moms what no-one had been able to do for her: provide a practical, comfortable way to get relief from the soreness breastfeeding mothers often experience. Her design was patented, and Nizo Wear was born.

Visit www.nizowear.com for more information.

Don’t forget to enter our Breastfeeding Awareness Giveaway! Two prize packs are up for grabs (one with 20 prizes and runner up with 5 prizes)!

We encourage you to investigate each submitter’s website and the resource they have offered for more information. Use this information to make your time breastfeeding a powerful, intimate, productive and successful experience. Share this information with friends so we can re-normalize breastfeeding and remove the taboo!

Enter the giveaway here: http://nizowear.com/



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