For the tech-savvy entrepreneurs, Pinterest for small business owners is like a virtual social media mecca for their brand. Breaking a company down into bite-size images makes it easier for prospective customers to know who we are and what we stand for. Seeing the product in action helps too.So it really isn’t surprising that many Etsy sellers flourish on Pinterest. How do they do it? Read on to find out.
In an earlier blog post, we detailed the technical side of Pinterest and Etsy’s relationship. What the buttons do, how to link the two websites, where to click, etc. But now we want to take on the practical aspects. Things that apply to not just Etsy on Pinterest, but other small business owners as well. First off, let’s provide a bit of perspective: According to Search Engine Land, Etsy is the top domain ranked by number of re-pins. So, when it comes to sites that focus on stuff you can buy, Etsy rules the Pinterest landscape. Interestingly, only 8% of the total pins are posted from Etsy sellers. 67% are pinned using the Pinterest bookmarklet.
There’s gotta be a reason for this, right? Turns out that Etsy images just come across as more naturally pinnable. Etsy sellers really know how to show off their products with beautiful, interesting photographs. On a simpler note, Etsy just has more stuff. There’s something for everybody to pin, from geeky keychains to chic formalwear. It’s also worth mentioning that Etsy and Pinterest both cater to tech-savvy folks with a penchant for unique crafts.
But how does an Etsy seller get popular? How do they find out what the hottest trends are? Oh, if only some sort of scrapbooking website existed, a place where people could post pictures of items they aspired to own… Oh wait. Yup, you guessed it! Etsy sellers can surf Pinterest to find out what items people want to buy. In a podcast by MCNG Marketing, Julie Grandbois (of Julie’s Elegant Crafts) had this to say: “Pinterest really helped me decide what things were more popular, that people actually want to buy.” She used Pinterest not only to show off her own creations, but also to learn about trends in the marketplace. Check out her Pinterest page here.
Etsy sellers are also brilliant when it comes to re-creating the unique tone and feel of their Etsy storefront on Pinterest. As Kevin notes on the Etsy blog, Moorea Seal , a jewelry seller in Seattle, WA, used a combination of simple board names and striking cover pins to create a chic and fashionable Pinterest page. Although she is no longer present on Etsy, you can find her shop here.
So that’s pretty much it. If you want to succeed with Pinterest for small business, you should take notes from the Etsy experts:
Make your images pinnable
Spice up your products with some creativity
Remember that you can use Pinterest both as a seller and a researcher
Find those pinterrific trends and figure out what products and services are trending
Re-create the look and feel of your physical shop.
Finally, bring your unique brand of personality to Pinterest.
And while you’re at it, take a look at Etsy yourself! It’s a great way to get some out-of-area business and a serious dose of inspiration.
Have anything to add about using Pinterest to boost your small business? Let us know in the comments!