
Mobile warming is real. You can see its effects every day. From the incessant need to share photos to skimming the news, mobile phones are our digital lifelines. And mobile warming – society’s growing  addiction to mobile devices – is projected to grow exponentially.

Here’s a simple fact: more humans on this earth own a mobile phone than a toothbrush. While this might be a sign that we need to focus on our dental hygiene, it’s also a signal business owners can’t ignore.

Mobile Warming is Not a Hoax!

While it’s no secret that we’re obsessed with our smartphones, the majority of businesses don’t offer websites optimized for small mobile screens. Consumers today expect websites to be mobile friendly and easy to navigate with a swipe of a finger. And with browsing speeds getting faster, businesses cannot afford to overlook the influence and convenience mobile adoption is having on consumer behavior.

So, ask yourself: is your website prepared for droves of smartphone users? If not, consider the following five reasons mobile warming can impact your business.

It’s spreading. In less than two years, there will be 982 million smartphones sold in the world. And mobile web traffic will increase 2600 percent in four years.

The desktop is dead. Computers have peaked and mobile browsing has skyrocketed. This year, more people will use their mobile phones to get online than their PCs. This means your grandmother has a smartphone, and she’s on Twitter.

Customers care. Research shows 40 percent of people will go to a competitor’s website after a bad mobile experience. This is even more important for small businesses, as 95 percent of searches are local. In fact, customers care so much about their mobile experiences, they are willing to tell their friends. And with opinions traveling quickly over social networks, customers now share their experiences, link to their favorite restaurants, and give good – and bad – reviews.

Money talks. Mobile is the new digital storefront. By 2016, almost 20 percent of all sales, or $689 billion, will come from a smartphone. The effects of mobile warming have also led to new consumer behaviors. Today, smartphone users compare prices, search for coupons and read product reviews.

It’s on the map. With GPS navigation services, like Google maps, consumers and businesses are connected more than ever before. Consider this: 33 percent of mobile users are willing to share their location with retailers. Consumers expect to get directions, click on your phone number and do it from the palm of their hands.

While mobile warming is changing how we communicate, it’s also a convenient truth. It’s an opportunity to leverage, and to grow the business. By offering a mobile-friendly website, and embracing the trend, you’ll always be connected to customers and be a swipe away.

Still don’t believe in mobile warming? This video should do the trick.

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