Influencer marketing campaigns have become a common element in the marketing mix and strategy of many of the world’s top agencies and brands. There is tremendous value in partnering with influencers, brand advocates and subject matter experts that are trusted and recognized by their peers. Over the past year, I’ve had hundreds of conversations on the subject. I have heard many of the same great questions, from the seasoned marketer to those just starting out.
I’ve put together a list of the most frequently asked questions on executing influencer marketing campaigns, and the answers myself and my fellow team members at InNetwork provide on almost a daily basis.
1. How do you identify who is influential?
There are a number of factors that go into determining who is influential, and it can vary by industry and subject matter expertise. But as a guideline, we typically look at the following criteria when determining who we should add to our vetted network and who is truly influential:
Audience size and popularity
Do they have fake followers and if so, what percentage of their followers are fake or purchased?
Content quality
Authenticity and authority on their subject matter
Willingness to partner (have previous experience or expressed an openness to partner on influencer marketing campaigns)
Engagement metrics
Frequency of their posts
Conversations generated, such as average replies and comments
Average amplification (shares, reposts, retweets etc.)
For a more in depth look at our vetting process check out our previous blog post on the 4 Elements of Influencer Vetting.
2. What is the best way to contact an influencer for a campaign?
Always do your research on the influencers and see what THEIR preference is. Influencers will often have a media kit, contact page or online form to fill out on their blog. Be respectful of their personal brand and preferences, and reach out to them on the terms they’ve requested. If they do not have a media kit or contact preference then it’s fair game. Above all else, be sure to contact them in a respectful manner.
3. Do you compensate for influencer marketing campaigns?
The short answer is yes. But it can be in many different forms, and is something to be discussed with the influencer one on one. Some influencers will only partner with brands for cash compensation, but others would prefer products or services. It really depends on the individual and is determined on a case by case basis.
4. Can you negotiate with influencers?
Sometimes this is the case. Factors to consider when proposing compensation is the amount of time that will be involved in the influencer marketing campaigns, how many posts are required, and the complexity of the content the influencers will be asked to produce.
Keep in mind you are not buying the services of a vendor. You are partnering with an expert whose personal brand and knowledge compliment your own. It’s a partnership of their creative and subject matter expertise that gives them the freedom to make the content their own through their personal brand while sharing information about your product or service.
5. How do you share information with influencers on campaign goals and scope?
In a previous post we discussed the merits and importance of project briefs. Providing a campaign brief is a mutually beneficial way of collaborating and ensuring that the influencer and the brand are on the same page. It helps to set expectations from the beginning. That way, there is a consistent reference point to help avoid confusion or misinterpretation on how the influencer marketing campaign is being measured. A great brief provides guidance, but not dictation, so the influencer is clear on direction but not restricted in their approach and tone that helped them gain their popularity in the first place.
How the information is shared is something that is also decided largely by the influencer and marketer in each case. Some will prefer email while others like to share their briefs through file sharing platforms such as Dropbox.
6. What happens if they give you a bad review or say something you don’t like?
A bad review from an influencer could happen. After all, you are partnering with them because of their expertise, popularity and opinions and not to copy, paste and post a message to their audience. In the event a critical review does happen, treat it as an opportunity, just like Domino’s did, with The Pizza Turnaround campaign after reviews that their pizza tasted like cardboard. They improved their pizza, their image and had a wildly popular campaign. Even years later people still talk about it as an example of the power of social media engagement and brand advocates.
Use it as an opportunity to address concerns or bad feedback. Show the influencer and their community how responsive your brand is and and that you are committed to providing a great product or service. Great customer service resonates with people and is an incredibly important part of customer acquisition and retention.
What questions do you commonly have or hear from others? We would love to hear from you! Comment below or email us at