
When creating a video for your business, you always aim to make it as successful as you can. There are a variety of factors that can go into the success rate of your video. A high click to view rate is something that will greatly impact your success. There are three things you should consider when marketing your video that may help increase these rates.

There is a process that goes on in someone’s mind when they see a video. They evaluate and assess the value of it, act on the proposed impulse and click it or ignore it completely and move on. You want your videos to have high click to view rates, which means you want it to seem valuable during the assessment process so they click it.

Using Emotion to increase video views

Using emotional triggers to tell a story can impact your viewers enough so they watch the video. Do something to create empathy or solve a problem, this will have an impact on the viewer and make it feel more valuable. Forty-nine percent of people say they share things that they care about to potentially change opinions or encourage acts of those around them. Create something that people not only want to watch, but want to share with others because it’s so inspiring. Even if your topic isn’t necessarily heart wrenching, present it in a way that shows people how it will affect them.

Emotion is high when it comes to charity videos, a lot of organizations are turning to YouTube to gain awareness about their cause and gather funds. Below are some videos that inject no emotion into their titles or descriptions. Yes, it is a good cause and you may want to help them, but you don’t have the emotional push behind you to watch the video.

What could they do better here? Add emotion and make a connection. Adding what their donors money is used for or how it could benefit them is a great way to increase your views, something like, “Watch now to help saves lives affected by drought”.

Inject emotion by being specific in what the video is about, how it can benefit others and how it can benefit you.

Using Curiosity to get more views

You want to create a headline, thumbnail image and description that sparks some sort of curiosity to push a person to click further. People become curious when there is a gap in their knowledge. Create a headline that points out a gap someone may have and it will spark their curiousity. You can achieve this with information that is unexpected, past knowledge that isn’t complete or through posing a question.

Everyone has a short-term, immediate and long-term subconscious goal. In the case of videos it’s important to focus on the immediate goal which may be chosen when they read your title or description, so make sure it’s good!

This is a great video with a title “Amazing mind reader reveals his ‘gift’” – which sparks your curiosity enough to watch it:

Remember that the description is your invitation to the viewer to watch your video. Write it so they feel that they have to watch it to achieve their goal. Everyone is always acting with purpose, but just with varying degrees; in the case of an informational video they want some sort of answer. This can be information, ideas, tips or anything that can answer their question!

Seems simple and some people don’t realize this is a goal of theirs until they see it and think “I should get new mulch for the yard”.

CJ Pony Parts has extensive videos that offer explanations on car related tasks, how to install headlights, exhaust, etc.

See how those titles offer you something? If you’ve needed a new fog light, you may watch this to see if you can manage to do it yourself.

Compare those titles to the ones below. These have nothing for you to gain and no goals to reach. You may be curious as to what they are about, but you could make it through your day without watching them. If they added things like, “Do you know what a Monster Dodge Charger looks or sounds like?” you may not, so you’re goal has switched because your curiosity has spiked.

Using Time to get more video views

In the fast paced world of the internet, people don’t want to spend a lot of time watching or reading something. They want the information they need without any excessive facts. Keep it simple and get your points across as succinctly as possible. Videos do not have to be short as some topics require long form video, but just ensure that the content is valuable in it’s entirety.

It’s also important that you are using the video link anywhere you can. If you have a blog, put the link there and write a post about it. Clarity Way has a blog that they post videos like this and video infographics on relatively often:

Notice that the title makes you want to watch and see what the health crisis is? See, curiosity! The colorful, factual and easy reading that goes with the video are all great features in gaining a high click through rate!

Make sure you are creating a description that is clear, specific and interesting! If a person doesn’t like it right away, they may start by just reading your description. If you remembered to use the options above, you’ll have a greater chance of the person being impacted enough to view the video.

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