The world has gone mobile and digital marketers are taking every opportunity to connect with consumers on their mobile devices. Display, social, and search marketing efforts on mobile have more consumers choosing to convert over the phone. This has increased the volume of inbound customer calls to businesses, which analyst firm BIA/Kelsey predicts will reach 162 billion in 2019. It is crucial that digital marketers have the right data to optimize their mobile marketing for call conversions. This requires call attribution software. If you’re marketing over mobile channels, these are 9 call attribution metrics you can’t live without.
1. Phone-Through-Rate (PTR)
PTR is the first metric mobile marketers should see when analyzing their call attribution data. Our DialogTech Insights report found the average PTR from mobile landing pages is 2.3%, and right on par with form fills at 2.4%. Marketers who can’t properly attribute phone leads could be missing 49% of their digital ROI – not a mistake many marketers can afford to make.
2. Sources That Drive Calls
Once you have a good understanding of your overall PTR, it’s time to drill down and discover which sources drive the most calls to your business. Start with paid versus organic and continue to dig deeper from there. With this data you can determine which campaigns drive the most call conversions, allowing you to optimize across all mobile channels.
3. Top Converting Keywords
Digital marketers obsessively adjust their keyword bidding for paid search, but withoutcomplete conversion data you can’t confidently make those decisions. By integrating call attribution data with Google Adwords, you can track call conversions right next to your form conversions and make the most informed bid adjustments. Marketers can take it one step further by integrating call data with Google Analytics to associate true monetary value to both your call conversions and keywords.
4. Caller Transfer Status
Digital marketers put in a lot of work to drive valuable business leads, but once the call happens it’s out of their hands. Luckily, call analytics allow marketers to track everything that happens after the call is placed. Advanced call routing technology paired with a hosted IVR allow marketers to optimize the caller experience and provide the data necessary to monitor how inbound phone leads are received.
5. Call Duration
The amount of time customers spend on the phone with your business is a strong indicator of call quality. Marketers should optimize their campaigns to minimize the number of callers that immediately hang up. Call duration reporting also shines a light on the amount of time your sales and support teams spend talking to customers.
6. Caller Frequency
Tracking each call a customer places to your business offers valuable data for marketers. It can shed light on how often customers call your different locations, which mobile ad campaigns result in follow-up calls to your business, or how keywords searches evolve throughout the customer journey.
7. Caller Web Page Location
Call attribution data gives you exactly what you need to optimize your website user experience to drive more calls. With session-level call data you can track specific callers across every web page they visited on your site, from the moment they arrive all the way through to the moment they place a call. Marketers can use this data to shorten the path to conversion and get more customers calling your business.
8. Location-Based Tracking
Mobile marketing has completely changed the location-based marketing game. Consumers are constantly on the move and glued to their smartphones, making location-specific marketing campaigns extraordinarily effective. With call attribution data you can detect a caller’s exact location using geo-location and then route them to the office, store, or location nearest them.
9. Keywords During the Call
To better optimize your mobile marketing for call conversions and boost ROI, you need to understand what happens on the customer calls generated by your campaigns. Conversation Insight data enables marketers to search through calls for keywords that customers say on a call. You can then develop a deeper understanding of caller intent and craft your messaging using your customers’ language.
As digital marketing continues to shift toward mobile, it’s crucial to take advantage of the most natural conversion path for mobile users – phone calls. Call attribution software provides a wealth of data that enables digital marketers to effectively optimize for mobile and increase call conversions. If you’d like to learn more about call attribution and why digital marketers can’t live without it, read our Digital Marketer’s Guide to Call Attribution.