
B2B copywriters often learn from each other. Master Copywriters generously share useful tips and perspectives that save others time, and help those new to the craft avoid mistakes along the way to building their writer’s life.

Ed Gandia is an expert B2B copywriter, successful author, and coach. He spoke with Charlotte Crockett recently about how to avoid the biggest mistake that many new copywriters make — not taking enough action to market their services. Ed also addressed ways to position yourself with your prospects, and how you can stand out from the crowd.

Ed knows what he’s talking about. He’s been an entrepreneur since the age of eight when he opened a candy store in his family’s garage. Determined to succeed, when sales did not materialize in his shop front, Ed jumped on his bike and sold the candy door-to-door!

He’s been prosperous in sales and marketing since then. After a successful career in software sales (during which he often developed his own processes and marketing materials), he turned to B2B copywriting as a freelancer. Ed’s focus is mid-size to large organizations.

Ed is co-author of the best-selling book, The Wealthy Freelancer, and host of The High Income Business Writing podcast, available on www.B2Blauncher.com. Ed authored the AWAI program Writing Case Studies: How to Make a Great Living by Helping Clients Tell Their Stories, and he co-authored AWAI’s How to Write White Papers That Command Top Fees.

Ed says that he “made every mistake possible” in his early years of freelance copywriting. Still a successful working copywriter, he now helps others to avoid them by sharing the lessons learned.

You’ll find the entire teleconference HERE.

The Big Hurdle

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