
Author Kay Oliver

Winter’s Love is an exciting love story that takes the reader on a journey involving two people who fall in love after experiencing the death of their spouses.

The author will provide the audience with a humorous presentation including why she wrote the book; the reading of passages describing the challenges of dating; children; finances; intimate relations; and more.

Winter’s Love is a real life story about two people who found love in the winter of their lives. Both experienced the love of their spouses snatched away by death. Although lonely, each found they could happily exhaust themselves with work, social events and of course with family and friends. But deep inside, if they were truthful, loneliness consumed them when they least expected it. Then fate stepped in and the rest of their story is a tribute to how the human spirit rises above expected limitations and love unmatched by anything each had ever experienced. Their story provides a pathway for anyone at any stage of their life on how to open their eyes and trust themselves to real love within their reach. Winter’s Love is written in vignettes based on over 600 emails. There is no order except the presentation of emails written over time. What happens when you lose a loved one? How do you manage a relationship with children? When do you let go of material things understanding that your property and finances are important and should be protected? When can you put aside shyness to intimacy again? Although these things are not as prevalent in young couples, many are very valid for all ages when it comes to trusting and sharing your life with another person. So, the vignettes began with the horror and delight of dating to the comical but persistent introduction by a friend that ended in a love that is so beautiful that it needed to be shared. Some of the vignettes are very short and others are quite long but all of them are sprinkled with life lessons that are written to help anyone overcome traditional barriers that prevent them from meeting the love of their life. The book signing event will begin with a twenty minute introduction and overview of the book. The introduction will emphasize why the book was written including information about the main characters. The overview will highlight three vignettes that will provide a framework for some of the life lessons dispersed throughout the book. In addition information concerning life longevity will be provided followed by a brief question and answer period. the remaining of the hour will be purchasing and signing books with additional discussion if time permits. Dr. Kay will be speaking and signing books at Changing Hands Bookstore @ 7pm 6428 S. McClintock Dr. Tempe Square Shopping Center

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