

fuck this kind of guilt tripping. fuck ppl who just defend aywas like it did nothing wrong. how much fucking cash have people donating to save aywas’ ass already? sum ppl be like “i cant give anymore”  aywas sucks balls at keeping afloat obv. ITS SITE’S FAULT ITS A BUSINESS. NOT A CHARITY.  if ur neighbor hood biz go out of biz, do you fucking donate? No god damn business asks for relief funds unless their shit got destroyed in a robbery or a fucking hurricane, idk fill in the blank

Answer this mothafuking Q: How much fucking cash do you need slash? 50k? 100k? 1 million? u were missing at most 5 fucking thousand dollars and THEN planning the teo sale. Have a big fat fuck you. And fuck you to anyone who thinks this is sane and OK to do. It’s fucking not. its aywas fault to deal with their financial shit. Are ur customers the federal bank? do they need to bail u out? its funny how u distrust people yet u keep running cash grabs every fucking week. u trust ppl to give u some cash yet u dont even trust ur own community. give some fucking respect to your dedicated customers. Man up already.u write the most depressing shit on ur tumblr just as how depressing how mods like eveglori and frey need to dick around on tumblr about their feelings being hurt

suck my dick. I don’t need a biz telling me its needs money every week because it cant even fucking support itself. i dont need slash writing some candy coated ad like its from jcpenny telling me i shud give my whole paycheck cause gp bonus or whatever fuck theyre promo diz week like dey wholefoods. I don’t care if ppl invested time and money. yall are insane for thinking this piece of shit site and drama ridden community needs to be saved cuz some peeps think aywas is superior to facebook. im so done with all the bs this site does. i am so done with the idiots like blue on the site who just never question aywas because aywas is the garden of eden get it together, or shut down. learn 2 pay ur rent or quit.

O YA. 1 more thing. to the ppl who will prob just reblog n be like “UMADBRO” fuck you too. instead of fucking around with people on the tag and saying shit like “stop fighting b friends” y not to use ur free time to collaborate wit others to solve the problem and create meaningful discussion. shut up and do something. inb4 pushbuttonpuppet or linchan need to post “waah waah stop im disapoint” in order to confront their own feels LMAO

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