
About That’s Why I Married You: How to Dance with Personality Differences by Chana Levitan:

That’s Why I Married You! is not your average marriage book, but a practical handbook for couples written by marriage expert Chana Levitan. Learn how to not only live with personality differences but to actually love those differences. The fact is that we’re naturally attracted to someone who possesses significant differences (amid various similarities). These differences hold a tremendous power of connection and vibrancy if we can use them correctly. Without the proper emotional tools and the right mindset, however, these very differences can trip a couple up and can even wreak havoc in a marriage.

Marriage help is often right in front of us. When a couple finally opens their eyes to the power hidden within their personality differences, they often find themselves saying, Oh…that’s why I married you! It is truly exciting to discover the many ways each spouse completes each other as a result of their personality differences.

That’s Why I Married You! is packed with essential marriage advice, information, practical exercises, tips and charts. Through the real-life narratives of successful couples who share how they make their personality differences work, the reader will find inspiration and guidance. Marriage is the ultimate journey; That’s Why I Married You! is the qualified manual for a successful journey.

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Author Bio:

Chana Levitan MSc is an educator, speaker, therapist and author with 25 years of experience. Her book, “I Only Want to Get Married Once” is a clear and practical guide to choosing the right marriage partner. Through the 10 essential questions discussed in this book, Chana assists her readers to gain the insight and clarity necessary to make the right decision.Chana has lectured extensively across the globe on five different continents and has counseled literally thousands of men and women. She is a frequent guest on television and radio, including WCBS 880 and WLS 890. She believes that a good marriage has many lives; it really is a dynamic, evolving process. This is wonderful truth that couples with ‘staying power’ reveal to themselves and to others; a truth that (sadly) many people will never know and Chana is dedicated to getting this message across to as many people as possible. Chana is launching her second book, “That’s Why I Married You”, in April, 2016. This book is a practical guide for couples to not only learn to live with their personality differences but to actually love with their differences. Chana loves people, music and nature; she and her husband grab every opportunity to hike and camp. One of Chana’s driving passions is to give people the tools they need to trust themselves and their abilities to create their successful marriages.

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