About Still Single? It’s Not What You Are Doing- It’s How You Are Being.:
A one-stop guide for learning how to allow a fulfilling partnership into your life .
If you are feeling fearful, blocked, stuck, or unsuccessful in relationships, then Still Single?It’s Not What You Are Doing – It’s How You Are Being is the book for you. It is filled with an eclectic mix of practical, everyday activities derived from psychology and new-age philosophy.
You will learn how to:
• Feel good about YOU
• Draw a partner to you
• Stop blocking a fulfilling relationship from your life
Kimi Combow-Gill grew up in the Vancouver area of BC, Canada. A therapist for over ten years, she graduated from UBC with a Masters in Counselling Psychology in 2004 and has a private practice in Coquitlam, BC. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. For many years, Kimi wondered what she was doing wrong, as she hadn’t bumped into “the one.” Over the years, she did her personal work and discovered many things that she wanted to share with others. In August 2012, when she was in her thirties, she met her life partner. It is Kimi’s hope that her book will guide and inspire others to allow love into their lives.
Book will be free on Amazon February 12th and 13th!!
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Author Bio:
Kimi Combow-Gill grew up in the Vancouver area of BC, Canada. A therapist for over ten years, she graduated from UBC with a Masters in Counselling Psychology in 2004 and has a private practice in Coquitlam, BC. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. For many years, Kimi wondered what she was doing wrong, as she hadn’t bumped into “the one.” Over the years, she did her personal work and discovered many things that she wanted to share with others. In August 2012, when she was in her thirties, she met her life partner. It is Kimi’s hope that her book will guide and inspire others to allow love into their lives.