
About Remember The Moon:

Being dead is harder than expected.

Fans of The Lovely Bones and Ghost will appreciate Remember The Moon as a inspiring story of everlasting love that reaches far beyond the grave.

Clinging to life from the edge of a cliff, Jay, a beleaguered software company executive sees the possibility of rescue in the eyes of the firefighter dangling nearby, but as the car slips, Jay utters his final words, “tell my wife to remember the moon!” The car lurches and Jay plunges toward his watery grave. He floats above his lifeless body and hears a familiar voice. “Welcome home J.J.”

Reunited briefly with his father, who died when Jay, a hapless 14-year-old, unable to save him after a canoe accident, Jay is introduced to his afterlife therapist Alice, who will help ease Jay into a life of being dead. Death isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Jay visits his grieving wife Maya and watches helplessly as his seven-year-old son Calder seems bent on joining his dad through hapless skateboarding accidents. Jay longs to ease their pain and tell them how much he loves them.

When Maya hires Liz, a lesbian psychic, Jay’s excited to finally give his wife his message of love. Instead, he learns her terrible secret and in anger and jealousy, leads her toward an ill-fated romance with a narcissistic, sexually deviant player she believes is “heaven sent” from Jay himself.

Maya’s grief becomes more complicated in the aftermath of another loss, and Calder’s alarming behavior prompts Jay to find a way to set them both free or risk the well-being of them all. Confronted with the decision to either follow his mortal instincts or help his wife find new love, Jay must learn to transcend everything he ever was.

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Author Bio:

Abigail Carter wrote The Alchemy of Loss: A Young Widow’s Transformation (HCI, 2008) as a form of catharsis after her husband’s death in the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. She self-published a novel, Remember the Moon in 2014. Her work has also appeared in SELF magazine, Reader’s Digest Canada, MSN.com and MORE.com and she maintains blogs at www.abigailcarter.com and www.alchemyofloss.com. Abigail is also the co-Founder of Writer.ly, an online marketplace where writers can find the people they need to publish successfully. She can be found on Facebook and on Twitter (@abigailcarter).

Abigail’s teaches memoir writing at Camp Widow, a yearly retreat for widows and at The Recovery Cafe in Seattle, a community center for people recovering from addiction. She has extensive Board experience: Executive Board of The Healing Center, a Seattle-based bereavement center for children and their parents; Executive Board, Hedgebrook, a women’s writing retreat on Whidbey Island, WA; Executive Board, The Seattle Freelances Association, a respected professional writer’s association based in Seattle; Advisory Board, University of Washington Digital Publishing Program.

Abigail moved from New Jersey to Seattle in 2005, where she now lives with her two children.


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