
About : PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR THE BAR MITZVAH BOCHUR: Coach Your Son for His Special Speech by Allan Kaufman:

“Allan Kaufman is doing a big service by devoting his public speaking expertise to fill a void that has never before been addressed, proper coaching of presentation skills for Bar Mitzvah boys. I am sure that his efforts will result in an improvement in this “rite of passage” for Jewish boys by enabling them to communicate their thoughts and appreciation in a cogent, compelling, and meaningful manner. Yasher Koach, Allan!”

Rabbi Aaron Tendler

Rabbi, Owings Mills Torah Center

Instructor, Ner Israel Rabbinical College

“I just finished reading Allan Kaufman’s amazing “PUBLIC SPEAKING

FOR THE BAR MITZVAH BOCHUR: Coach Your Son for His Special Speech” and I must say that I am impressed!

Mr. Kaufman maps out every detail making it clear and organized in a way that any one can easily follow. As the mother of four boys, I can attest to the fact that the Bar Mitzvah boy’s speech can be very stressful for the parents as well as the young man. Thank you, Mr. Kaufman, for making this daunting task more manageable and understandable for the average lay person.”

Rochelle Goldberg

English Teacher at Bais Yaakov School for Girls in Baltimore

“Bar Mitzvah boys do not know how to give a speech. Unless they are coached, they will talk too quickly, speak too softly and not look up at their audience. Public speaking coach, Allan Kaufman, details how to coach the Bar Mitzvah boy on his upcoming speech. He provides an analysis of a sample speech including a D’var Torah. This is a great little book that is one of a kind, a great investment for less than the cost of a cup of coffee.”

Rabbi Jason Gelber

Rabbi, Owings Mills Torah Center

Here is the challenge. The presentation must be done right. It must be planned. Preparation is a must. Fortunately, the preparation only consists of two components.

1. Constructing the actual speech and its content — the D’var Torah and the thanking of all the important people that made this event possible, and more importantly…

2. Coaching on how to deliver this most important speech so that your family and friends will look up in awe, be amazed, and give your son his deserved praise for such a dynamic and effective presentation from someone so young.

Having a personal public speaking coach is the ideal solution to make both parts happen. But for most people, personal coaching is impractical from a cost/benefit point of view.

Fortunately, Allan Kaufman wrote this book so that you, your son’s Dad or Grandfather or Mom or Older Brother, can be his public speaking coach for his Bar Mitzvah Speech. This is not rocket science. But it will take some work and also a lot of practice by your son that YOU MUST SUPERVISE. All you need to do is just follow the instructions to turn your son into a polished public speaker for his special speech.

Learn more about the author, buy the book, or follow them on social media:
Visit the Author’s Website.
Buy the Book On Amazon.

Author Bio:

Allan Kaufman’s 30+ years speaking experience includes personal one-on-one coaching, speeches, workshops, training classes, corporate training, and train-the-trainer classes.

He specializes in communications skills training with an emphasis on helping people get rid of their fear of public speaking rapidly. He is an innovative seminar and workshop leader. His approach to communications training is unique and exciting, and results in noticeable skills improvement.

As one Baltimore newspaper wrote about him, “Allan Kaufman helps people overcome their number-one fear–a fear that may paralyze them and keep them from achieving goals. A fear that’s greater than the prospect of death, the fear of speaking in public.”

Allan Kaufman as quoted in Baltimore Magazine:

“Learning to communicate is like taking out an insurance policy. You never know when you’ll need it, but it’s too late to take it out after you need it.”

Allan Kaufman is President of Allan and Allan, Inc., a communications consulting company (www.nosweatspeaking.com).

The company works with organizations to improve executive, management, marketing and sales communications. It also assists business professionals to rapidly eliminate public speaking fear and hone presentation skills.

Allan and Allan, Inc. provides executive speech coaching, seminars, workshops, and speaking programs on rapidly eliminating public speaking fear and enhancing presentation skills.

Allan is a member of the faculty at Ner Israel Rabbinical College, where he inspires, motivates and educates students in the art of public speaking so that they have a life-long skill that will benefit them in their personal lives as well as whatever career field(s) they enter.

Allan has a B.A. degree from The Johns Hopkins University and an M.B.A. degree from the University of Maryland.

He is a former Captain in the United States Army Reserve.

He’s earned Toastmasters International’s most prestigious achievement award–Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)and has been recognized numerous times by Toastmasters International for his outstanding leadership contributions including being known as one of the leading sponsors of new Toastmasters.

Allan has appeared multiple times on Speakeasy–a show about communications–on Comcast Cable Television.

Allan is the author of No Sweat Speaking’s Public Speaking Humor Guide to Roasting & Toasting. http://amzn.to/117pwoM

He is co-author of No Sweat Speaking’s How to Avoid the Ten Biggest Public Speaking Mistakes Including How to Use Humor. http://amznly.com/qx

He is co-author of No Sweat Speaking’s Humor Tips: How to Spice Up Your Presentations. http://amznly.com/rx

He is co-author of No Sweat Speaking’s Guide to Public Speaking (Presentation) Etiquette–How to Look Like a Professional. http://amznly.com/sy

He is the author of PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR THE BAR MITZVAH BOCHUR: Coach Your Son for His Special Speech. http://bookshow.me/B00F7NHJCM


he is co-author of Presentation Truths Revealed–101 Universal Principles to Propel Your Speaking Success available at . . .


: PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR THE BAR MITZVAH BOCHUR: Coach Your Son for His Special Speech by Allan Kaufman is a post from Awesome Gang

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