

Do you ever feel like there’s more to life?

Do you wish you knew what step to take next?

Are you ready to get unstuck and start feeling good about your life?!

MIND BLAST is a treasure trove of secrets to building a life that excites you… fulfills you… and that you can feel proud of. It doesn’t matter who you are or how far you’ve come… from the seasoned professional at the top of a company to a school kid deciding what direction to take… it happens to all of us… it comes without warning… and it can be tough to get out of…


It can come at the end of a relationship… in a job that so comfortable, it’s suffocating you… in discovering your skills are no longer relevant… in finding yourself disconnected from a social environment… in discovering an emotional disconnect with your children… in financial difficulties… from one failure too many… and it can feel pretty debilitating, can’t it?

It’s at times like these when we need, more than ever, to rely on our inner resources of strength, strategic decision making, emotional stability, and reason… and, ironically, it can be the time we find it most difficult to remember how to do any of these things!

That’s exactly when you need to reach for your copy of MIND BLAST!

My name’s Lev Mikulitski, and I’m a Strategic Business Expert that hit a brick wall, got stuck, and had to use everything I knew about strategy to transform my life into something worthwhile again…

I developed an arsenal of powerful strategic tools to turn any misery life might throw at you, into a mere hiccup on your road to success and happiness.

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Author Bio:

Lev Mikulitski, is a Strategic Business Expert with his vision firmly fixed on a bright and highly innovative future. With extensive hands-on experience transforming businesses within Advertising and Marketing, International Business Development and General BU Management, Lev is a powerhouse of passionate expertise. His is an inquisitive mind that never stops questioning and embraces every failure as a stepping-stone to a constantly evolving level of success. He’s a treasure trove of managerial secrets that will empower businesses to act today in a way that keeps them relevant tomorrow. Lev is happily married to Katya and has a wonderful 2.5 years old boy Jonathan.

Lev’s passion for Innovation, Strategy and Growth is rooted in a commitment to human evolution and community. It’s an approach that has never failed him in helping businesses to reach their potential. Master in embracing the unknown, Lev approaches business with a wider perspective than most. He has identified the crucial pillars of success that must be in place, in both our business and our private lives, to develop a genuinely valuable impact on the world.

Lev approaches every business challenge from its deepest roots and provides solutions to transform difficulties into strengths. He holds BS.c degree in Management, M.B.A Marketing (Magna Cum Laude) and various international diplomas. Also for the past couple of years, Lev served as a Consumer Behaviour lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and some of the most prestige’s E-M.B.A classes teaching Marketing.

Driven by truth, knowledge, professionalism and an unwavering belief in the power of connection, Lev is fast growing his reputation as a Strategic Business Expert of the future. With his sights secured on ‘what’s next’ and a wealth of insight from his wealth of experience in transforming small businesses, he holds the powerful ability to shift dreams to reality on both a personal and professional level for his clients and followers. His is a process of continuous discovery filled with new solutions. Lev’s number one mission in life is to benefit mankind through value that matters. Share this dream with him.

MIND BLAST is Lev’s first book.

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