About Meditation and Reflexology (Eliminate Pain, and De-Stress using Ancient Techniques): Your Ultimate Mind Body Stress Relief Bible (Nature’s Cure for Many Ailments) by Merche Del Rey:
Feeling really great is such an important expression of good health but too many people suffer because they carry the effects of far too much stress in their daily lives.Let’s be completely honest. Life is incredibly stressful. With statistics suggesting that some sixty million Americans today are suffering from some form of mental health issue, it’s clear that we need to action and the time to take action is now.Merche del Rey, internationally recognised wellbeing specialist and a devotee of the principles of leading the healthiest, happiest life, has crafted this exceptional book bundle to introduce as many people as possible to the principles of truly effective relaxation and stress relief. And the methods work.Based on her profound understanding of the principles that govern how and why we become stressed in the first place, Merche has chosen to share her decades of successful experience in guiding and counselling thousands of individuals in a ground-breaking book bundle that is designed to help you right now to become much more resistant to stress.Merche explores the mechanics of relaxation using mindfulness, meditations, awareness and behavioural techniques as well as the more traditional physical therapy of reflexology.The result is a powerful collection of highly effective methods that can improve the quality of your life with just a few hours of practice. Join Merche and learn how to:•Identify the triggers that spark your stress response•Develop the higher brain functions that disarm your knee-jerk stress reactions•Use key elements in your posture to switch off and neutralise your stress response•Work with powerful pressure points to introduce a sense of peace and calm throughout your body•Engage your mind’s amazing capacity to let go of stress and anxiety•Slow down your heart rate and become deeply centred and powerfully focused•Unleash your deeper layers of creativity•Tame your fears and release your anxieties•Sleep more deeply so that you wake up feeling refreshed and energised•Unlock the deep physical tensions that consume so much of your energy•Apply delicious pressure to your feet to achieve instant results•Be finally free of the old habits of stress, tensions and anxiety Merche’s philosophy is that life is simply too precious to be wasted in a constant state of debilitating anxiety and stress. Her answer is to tame the stress response and take back control of your life, using your energy to feel totally wonderful. That’s her mission and this beautiful workbook bundle brings you everything you need to start living life the way that it was meant to be experienced: with fun, with creativity, with health, with joy, with fulfilment. Download this fabulous book bundle today and say goodbye to the old habits of stress that have already taken too much from the quality of your life. You deserve better than that. Give yourself the gift of natural and powerful relaxation and experience the wonder for yourself. Because you deserve it.
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Author Bio:
Welcome to my world of holistic healing and totally natural and delicious nutrition. My name is Mercedes del Rey but my friends just call me Merche and I am truly fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. My home is in the sun-kissed paradise of Andalusia in southern Spain where I am busily planning my holistic wellbeing and nutritional healing centre. This is where I grew up, went to school, studied and graduated before travelling to the US to further my education. My travels and studies have taken me to China and India, Africa and South East Asia and I feel at home wherever I go. I feel I have become what my parents encouraged me to be – a citizen of the world. My purpose in life is to help people to experience the full potential of their wellbeing and I’ve been guiding and advising individuals on the merits of natural, intelligent nutrition for most of my working life. I want to share my knowledge and experience with you and make a positive difference to the quality of your life. If Nature could ever present us with a double whammy of a challenge, it would have to be the twinned troubles of menopause and weight gain. Seems they like to show up at the same time and wreak havoc with our lives and on our bodies. Have you ever suffered from serious weight gain? I mean a lot of weight gain? Do you know how it feels when your body piles on the pounds and you despair of ever being free of those hideously stubborn rolls of fat? Are you one of the millions of people who’ve struggled time and again to get their weight under control but ultimately ended up just as fat as ever? If the answer to these questions is ‘Yes’, welcome to the club! You’re not alone. We might all be different but I think my story might be all too familiar to you because my weight was a always major source of concern to myself, to my family and to my medical advisors. I’d tried lots of diets over the years and I certainly managed to lose weight but, inevitably, the pounds always came back. I really don’t know which was worse or more demoralizing: just staying fat or losing the weight and putting it back on again. It was tough and it was dispiriting. Things definitely became more challenging than I ever thought possible when I hit menopause at full speed and discovered the joys of mood swings, fatigue, hot flashes and even more weight gain. So where do you turn when you’re feeling depressed, when your hormones are causing havoc, when your body’s putting on weight, when your sleep’s disturbed, when your energy levels are at an all time low? Who do you turn to? With all respect to the medical profession, the doctors didn’t help. All they recommended were courses of synthetic hormones to try to fool my body that everything was really fine when it was obvious that everything was completely out of balance. That was when one of my close friends decided to lend a hand and give me a name and a website address and told me to quit complaining and talk to someone who could really make a difference to all of my problems. At first I was skeptical. I didn’t think anyone could help me. I felt as if I was doomed to stay trapped inside my ballooning body for the rest of my days. But I was in for a major surprise. To be completely honest I hadn’t expected the warmth and understanding that flowed from that first contact with the amazing Beran Parry. She understood exactly what I was going through. She knew so much more than anyone I’d ever spoken to before and she made me feel completely at ease about my condition and the way to overcoming all of my weight and hormonal issues. The answers could be found in a return to a natural way of eating and the resorative power of Nature’s own medicine chest – the herbal remedies that have been used for centuries to tame these conditions safely and easily. My body was out of balance, asking for help, lacking essential nutrients and Beran introduced me to the wonders of the wonders of the Paleo Diet and the miracle of herbal supplements. This was my breakthrough moment. She began with a detailed study of my life, my eating habits, my nutritional requirements and problems and came back to me a week later with a comprehensive plan for my body. The rest, as they say, is history but the fact is that her methods completely changed my life. If you’ve ever faced the challenges of menopause with only a box of hormonal drugs and a bizarre list of side effects to help you cope, you’ll know how easy it is to lose hope of ever regaining control of your body. Natural herbal remedies combined with intelligent nutrition can revolutionise menopause and tame the mood swings, the hot flashes, the insomnia and the weight gain. The fact is that I’ve never been fitter, healthier or more energised. My libido is stronger than ever and I wake up feeling ready to face any challenges that the day may bring. I’m happier now than I can ever remember and my family and friends can see the difference. It isn’t simply the change in my body, the slimmer, trimmer silhouette. It’s the change in my emotional responses, the smile on my face and the laughter that helps me sail through each and every day. Is it really possible to create such an extraordinary change in our lives just by changing how we eat and adding the power of selected herbs to our daily diets? The answer is a loud and positive ‘Yes!’ because Nature has always provided us with the best and safest answers to our medical concerns.My hope is that you make the most of my books and enjoy the best possible health every single day.