
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.

I am an author, screenwriter, and video game writer (credits on such games as Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands, and Minecraft: Story Mode). I have two trilogies published for young to middle grade readers, the Teddy Defenders (starting with Teddy Bears in Monsterland) and the Bringer of Light trilogy (starting with Allie Strom and the Ring of Solomon). In total I have about ten books published.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

My most recent publication (as of this interview) was Teddy Bears and the Christmas Pirates, book three in the Teddy Defenders trilogy.

I’m a child at heart, and these are the kinds of stories I love to read. Pixar and Disney made me who I am (not entirely, but mostly), and I’m obsessed with stories for children that can be enjoyed by adults and teens as well.

So I wrote the first book: Teddy Bears in Monsterland. This is a story of a teddy bear named Ari whose boy is taken by monsters, so Ari has to go into the Monsterlands to rescue him. It’s very much an Orpheus story, or a more friendly version of the Dante’s Inferno games/ animated movie.

But I wasn’t done. I had Michael Gilliland narrate the audiobook of book 1, and wanted something he could do quickly that we could put out for free as a sample. So I wrote Teddy Bears and the Halloween Ghost. This short story in the Teddy Defenders universe focuses on the female bear from book 1, Mia, as the teddy bears set out to save their children from a ghost. Fun times, and you can check out the #free audiobook on Youtube.

Next came one of my favorite stories to write to date, because I love pirates.Teddy Bears and the Christmas Pirates. Oh yeah, I love Christmas also, so it made sense that I would have to write this story. It is what it sounds like – the Teddy Defenders have to save Christmas from some pirates (they happen to be teddy bear pirates, and although you don’t have to read book 1 to totally get it, they tie together for sure).

Do you have any unusual writing habits?

Not unusual, I imagine – I just need my coffee, and hope to have some chocolate. Ah, a bit of irish coffee can sometimes help.

What authors, or books have influenced you?

Of course! I loved reading The Hobbit and the Narnia books as a child, so of course J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, and more recently there is naturally J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter, but also on the less directly related side Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn) and George R.R. Martin (Game of Thrones). They are both fantasy authors that definitely have their craft down. In fact, I started writing fiction with a YA fantasy after reading Martin’s books and being frustrated that I couldn’t’ find anything else that grasped my attention like his books did.

What are you working on now?

I’m currently working on a collaboration with author Michael La Ronn. It’s a ‘Decision Select’ novel, which means YOU get to choose the outcome of the story. It’s kind of like those choose your own adventure books, but grown up and evolved. It’s also about modern necromancy, and is pretty intense on an emotional level. Stay tuned!

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?

I’m still learning this one! But I’ve loved podcasting, and am a co-host on three podcasts. The Self-Publishing Answers podcast (with Nick Thacker and Kevin Tumlinson) is probably the most relevant for this audience, but I also do the Creative Writing Career and the Military Veterans in Creative Careers podcasts. I love hearing from fans who enjoy the podcasts and have found my work because of them.

Do you have any advice for new authors?

You should definitely be listening to awesome podcasts – others have already learned through their mistakes, so why not also learn from theirs instead of your own?

What is the best advice you have ever heard?

Patience and wisdom. Stop trying to rush everything.

What are you reading now?

I’m reading the sequel to Name of the Wind. I loved the prose in the first book, and can’t wait to see where the author takes the story.

What’s next for you as a writer?

I have high hopes that Pixar will hire me as a screenwriter one of these days. Fingers crossed!

In the meantime, I plan on writing book 2 and 3 in the Land of Gods trilogy (the first is Falls of Redemption). It’s my first truly fantasy trilogy, so I’m pretty excited to see how it’s accepted.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?

The Princess Bride, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, and Harry Potter. I’m going to count those series as one book each, for the point of this exercise

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