
About How to Keep Real Food Simple: Whole Food Meals Three Times a Day…EVERYDAY, While Saving Time, Money and My Life! by Stephanie Newman:


How to Take the Complexity Out of Cooking and Preparing Whole Real Food

Successfully live the whole food lifestyle by learning the basics of a real food kitchen and pantry.

Save time, money, energy and your sanity while finding, preparing, cooking and eating all your whole foods from scratch!

This book will teach you how to:

How to Rid Your Body of Unhealthy Addictive Food Cravings: Sugar and Processed Foods

The very first step, before you start any new eating plan or diet is to get your unhealthy cravings under control! The two biggest obstacles to maintaining a whole food diet are unhealthy cravings for sugar and processed foods. This book will give simple ways to curb these cravings with the use of whole food substitutes such as naturally sweet foods low in sugar, fermented foods and supplements. It’s imperative to get these cravings under control so you do not sabotage your healthy real food lifestyle.

How to Simplify While Keeping Your Real Whole Food Simple, Elevated and Healthy

I was overwhelmed when I went to a real whole food diet. I spent hours going through cook books, making my lists, going to 3-4 stores for ingredients and hours upon hours in the kitchen three times per day. My time, money and patience were running out and I knew something had to change. So I did what I was always taught to do, I simplified. No more lengthy recipes, piled up cook books, gadgets, rare spices and hours in the kitchen. Instead, I went back to the basics. Learn the simple cooking methods, the short list of must have whole food kitchen tools, and my 4 step process of creating simply elevated whole food meals with a short list of healthy pantry items.

Learn The Basics of Whole Foods

This book covers the sources of whole foods from Local Farms, Farm Bag services, Farmer’s Markets, Gardens and Grocery Stores. Learn how to pick them, how to store them and how to prepare them. You’ll learn how to create simply elegant meals from your farm fresh ingredient. The tips in this book will save you hours of time by taking advantage of buying in bulk and storing for a month and even years in some cases.

How to Use 5 Simple Healthy Pantry Items: The Secret to My Success

My passion for whole foods led to my desire to keep them pure and that meant not seasoning them with chemicals, artificial flavors, MSG, GMO’s or dyes and food additives. Adding such chemicals would taint these fresh whole ingredients and I couldn’t have that!

I wanted something all-natural, simple and flavorful. I wanted something that could easily elevate any simple ingredient to a new culinary level with ease. I wanted something that would be the tiniest cost on my plate with the biggest impact.

I found that by changing the way I look at whole food and by identifying a handful of essential whole food pantry items that can’t help but keep things real and simple.

BONUS: Several of my original whole food recipes that highlight my inspiration and thought process. No more cookbooks and long list of ingredients, just simply elevated real food! Note: This book is compatible with low carb, gluten free, paleo and Gaps diet.

About the Author

I was suffering from health problems for many years due to my adverse reaction to chemicals, sugar and processed foods. When my very young children showed signs of being affected, it was time to make a permanent change! I ran into obstacles that were about to defeat me…until I learned how to remove the complexity and keep things both real and simple. Eating healthy will no longer be a chore, but a creative process once you have all the right tools in your bag!

So don’t miss out on the opportunity to finally get the simple knowledge that’s been hidden in too much complexity. Scroll up to grab a copy today!

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Author Bio:

Our journey to wellness began by having the whole family changing their diets from processed foods and sugar to whole real, fresh from the farm foods. There were a lot of stumbling blocks along the way, especially when trying to change two young children’s diets.

I was overwhelmed with having to obtain all fresh food, then having to cook it and then having it taste good! I poured over recipes, I spent hours upon hours in the kitchen and I was drug into a complex culinary world that I knew nothing about.

I then decided to keep it simple because I was already using the best organic whole food starting ingredients and everyone knows that is the most important thing to creating exquisite meals.

I went from standing in the kitchen 8 hours per day trying to maintain a whole food diet on real food to just 2 hours per day for 3 meals a day for a family of four! It can be done! I have found that with only 5 healthy pantry ingredients you can simply elevate your fresh produce and protein with ease while providing true flavor and variety.

Contact: oldcitysalts@gmail.com

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