About A Compendium of Souls:
A Compendium of Souls is about which spirits to invoke in times of trouble and how to invoke them. Whatever issue, worry or concern you have can be miraculously transformed if you only ask for the proper spirit to help. Often people make a homogenized request out into the universe but this rarely answers any prayers.- so I have detailed a collection of souls who are masters at dealing with certain situations and want to offer their assistance and support. There are a collection of spirit helpers who range from angels and saints, gods and goddesses, ascended masters, celebrities and even a rock star. There are detailed novenas, prayers, offerings, and invocations personalized for each spirit. The reader can also find further support from instructional videos on YouTube to help assist with further information. The ancient Egyptians used to say, “If you neglect the Gods, the Gods will neglect you”. This book will take you step-by-step and show you the way to finding the correct spirit needed to provide a solution to whatever problem concerns you.
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Author Bio:
Conducting well over 15,000 case studies, the author’s established psychic practice in London remained popular throughout all of Europe. Clients ranged from inspectors at Scotland Yard to top models in Paris. Integrating modern psychology with ancient metaphysics, the author has developed breakthrough methodologies that thoroughly activate psychic sensing. Thought impossible to attain, these techniques have never before been analysed and diagrammed, though tested and perfected through the multitude of students the author has trained.
Attending the London College of Psychic Studies in England for nearly fifteen years, and granted access to the inner circles for advanced psychic development, the author apprenticed with the most distinguished psychics, mediums, and healers of our time. Many of her teachers were people born during the Victorian era, who now help her constantly from the spirit world.
Attending the formerly known as Royal College for Medical Hypnosis and Psychotherapy at the NHS Hospital in Blackheath, England, the author trained in hypnoanesthesia for surgery and applied psychology with the world renown Dr. John Butler PhD (London) MBSH, CHT, MA, BA (Hons.), DHP. The school, now known as The Hypnotherapy Training Institute of Britain, was where she learned classical clinical hypnosis and applied psychology and psychotherapy. Doctor Butler has been known as the leading and foremost distinguished teacher of hypnotherapy in the world, teaching accredited courses from Kings College and The Royal College of Anaesthetics in London, England. The author uses these world class techniques with her metaphysical students at her school and live online classes, in order to induct them into an altered state. Here consciousness can be launched, in order to reach levels of relaxation impossible to achieve on one’s own. In this altered state, one can reach the remote portions of the brain and access something that can only be described as soul.
Angel also refined psycho-spiritual studies with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers in England who work in libraries, hospitals, and other public facilities. Formal education also includes two years of understudies in psychology at Ohio University, before graduating from the prestigious DSL postgraduate in West London, known for its hard-core curriculum in ancient and classical studies.
Nominated as a runner-up in the 2004 Writer’s Digest Competition for New Voices in Literature Award, the author now lives in Aspen, Colorado. A psychic-medium Angel does consultations with people from all around the world, in person or face-to-face on the computer. The author also teaches classical metaphysics at her established psychic school, The Academy of Light, as well as live classes online, with principles based on ancient mystery school studies. Her waiting list includes high-profile celebrities, producers, politicians, doctors, lawyers, professors, Hollywood screenwriters, supermodels, philanthropists, scientists, investors, Grammy winners, and psychoanalysts. She has appeared in several magazines, and can always be reached at:
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