About 11 Step Leadership Breakthrough – Observations of a Leadership Giant: Gregg Popovich, Coach – San Antonio Spurs:
Dude Not Perfect – 11 Step Leadership Breakthrough
I’ve seen Elton John stop a show mid-song and rip a strip from the guy in charge of the roadies because his piano wasn’t tuned properly. I was thinking how I didn’t want to be in his shoes. Thousands of people in the audience were thinking the same thing.
Imagine you are this guy.
You are calm and confident while firmly on the hot seat. You know you have a team of highly skilled technicians who want to overcome this adversity with speed and agility because they believe in you and they will do anything to support you during this storm.
That’s leadership!
Now, that’s one version of this leadership story. The other one isn’t so pretty.
Study the 11 steps in my beginner’s Leadership Guide if you are interested in putting the pieces together for successful leadership.
Leadership comes with its perks. It’s a good feeling to be the person in charge. To hold your head up high knowing that you shape the destiny of a program and its people. But the down sides are weighty: loneliness from tough, unpopular decisions, stress during adversity or failure of the team resting squarely on your shoulders.
Leaders aren’t born. They are made.
Whether you want to coach your daughter’s softball team, take on a management role at your office or upgrade your leadership knowledge, become a better leader by adopting the 11 Step Leadership Breakthrough.
If you agree that leadership is a journey and leadership excellence is not just happenstance, then I want to share examples from one of the greatest leaders in sport.
Head NBA Basketball Coach, Gregg Popovich, San Antonio Spurs
Coach Pop’s storied career is a testament to applying key leadership fundamentals. He’s the perfect case study to support my leadership claims.
This book isn’t about Coach Pop’s rise to basketball coaching glory. This book is a training tool to acquaint you with key leadership skills. It just so happens that Coach Pop embodies them all and I’ve chosen some examples from his career to help make the point.
The 11 step guide is a short read that reveals these fundamentals in straight forward terms. At the end of the book, I’ve summarized the main points so you can return to these ideas quickly and easily.
I’ll shed light on key leadership skills and qualities:
The Success Frame of Mind
Building a Support Network
Passion & Competence
Being Present
Your Personal Code
The Game Plan & Your Team
Know Thyself & Take Critics With a Grain of Salt
Mentors & Role Models
Managing Time
Take leadership to the next level. Commit the time and small expense to be better informed.
Buy the book, and follow the author on social media:
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Author Bio:
I hope you enjoy some or all of the Dude Not Perfect 11 Step Breakthrough books. I’ve had a blast researching subjects and injecting insights from my personal experience.
Over the last thirty years, I’ve held positions as professional structural engineer, maintenance manager, healthcare executive, quality improvement consultant and entrepreneur. It’s been a pleasure to explore the enclaves of my mind to recall experiences and put them to word.
My bias on how to live life more fully changed dramatically when my wife and I took the better part of 2004 traveling the far reaches of our planet to learn how others live. We learned that for us, a live well-lived was about challenging ourselves with new experiences and not just working for the weekend.
Corporate life was short-lived after that experience. I now, like many of you, work from home where I have more flexibility – Carpe Diem! I sell ideas through books and sell material goods on-line with my business partner (another Dude Not Perfect).
I am husband, father, campfire musician and huge sports nut. I am a DIY’er convinced that everything short of cardio-vascular surgery can be learned from you tube.
Dude Not Perfect is a name that pretty much sums up what I believe to be true for me and my friends. We are guys who try our best to manage life’s struggles. We make mistakes. But we are true to a code that speaks to wanting to do quality work, providing service to others and living life to its fullest.
My passion in writing is to express ideas in a concise, creative, mildly humorous way to better frame solutions to your problems.