hello all ,
previously i had a requirement of validating af:query fields so i have found two ways to do that
see -http://oracleadf-java.blogspot.com/2013/12/overriding-default-query-listener-field.html
now i have to set some values in af:query when user clicks on Reset button of query so to do that i have to override default QueryOperationListener in order to handle QueryOperationEvent
Oracle docs says-
af:query- The query component provides the user the ability to perform a query based on a saved search or personalize saved searches in Oracle ADF. The component displays a search panel with various elements, each of which help the user to accomplish various tasks.
QueryOperationListener- QueryOperationListener class. A registered queryOperationListener is invoked when the user's action results a queue and broadcast of QueryOpertionEvent on the component. For example, click the delete icon in the QuickCriteria component or click "Save", "Reset" etc buttons in Query component to perform a Query Operation.
QueryOperationEvent-A user can perform various operations on saved searches while interacting with a query component. These actions include creating, overriding, deleting, duplicating, selecting, resetting and updating a saved search
want to read more-
so i have created a QueryOperationListener in managed bean that communicates with QueryOperationEvent
in this method we can capture various events of af:query as reset,update
so for this use-case i have to capture reset and set desired values in query attribute (viewObject's bind variable) , here i am using Departments table of HR Schema
now see the code (i have to set Human Resource department on reset in search panel) - how to capture raised event when user clicks on Reset button of af:query
to invoke Expression use this method
now run this page and check on click of reset button this listener is invoked and sets the value of af:query field
Default page view -on-load
after click on Reset-
other than this reset we can handle other events of af:query (for saved search there are various events based on corresponding operations) as DELETE, UPDATE, CREATE
on clicking various button of this personalized search box we get respective operation name in managed bean and can handle as done for RESET operation
Changing mode of default search panel (af:query) of ADF-
this is nothing but 2 lines that changes the mode of af:query - Basic to Advanced & Advanced to Basic
so dropped a button on page to change af:query search mode and see the code of ActionListener for this
now run page and see-
Cheers - Happy learning :-) Download Sample ADF App