Handsome tabbed content box widget for blogger like wordpress using CSS and Jquery.you have seen it in wordpress templates shows 3 tabs with recent comment,recent post,about me and popular post widget.
Pure CSS and Jquery based tabbed content box widget for blogger .we have seen it in wordprss templates where it shows 3 tabs and shows 3 widgets under the tabs,just like that i coded content box with tabs widget for blogger.where you will be able to customize it with your any kind of gadget or widget like labels,recent post widget,populat post widget,about me,blog list and like anything.this blogger widget is compatible to work with almost all of the browsers like opera,internet explorer,google chrome and mozilla firefox.this tabbed content box is completely customizable and coded with pure CSS and Jquery as i have already explained it .so lets start how to built it and insert in blogger.
Bonus Widgets:-
Image accordion Widget
Google Plus Pop Up Box widget for blogger
Navigation Menu Bar Widget For Blogger
Few things you need to notice.there are few customization like adding your links and images in this tabbed content box widget for blogger.below is the demo check it out and what are the customizations for this tabbed blogger widget are given.
Bonus Blogging Tips:-
Hide Google Adsense ads from homepage.
Add post title before the blogger homepage title
Navigation Menu Bar
Blogging Tips
Handsome Tabbed Content Box widget For Blogger Like wordpress
Qulaity of Code
Pure CSS and Jquery Based.
Too fast in loading.
Simple copy and paste code.
No need of adding it into head tag or somewhere else.
Just copy the code of this blogger widget and paste anywhere you want.
Image Accordion widget for blogger.
Image Accordion Blogger Widget For Custom Recent Post that expands on mouse hover and auto resizes on mouse away. SEO Optimized and fast loading.
Post Title Before the Homepage Title.
How to place Page or Post title before the Homepage title of blog or website,Blogging tips to add homepage title or blog title after the page title with seo tips.
Blogger widget
navigation menu bar widget.
Blogging Tips
Blogger Templates
Customization of Blogger Widget
change the menu name in this code.i have used widget,gadget .delete them and use your own name of menus.
Find the below code and use your own images ,links and text .
Image Accordion widget for blogger.
Image Accordion Blogger Widget For Custom Recent Post that expands on mouse hover and auto resizes on mouse away. SEO Optimized and fast loading.
i hope you liked this tabbed content box widget for blogger .feel free to share and comment.