
4 On page optimization Blogging tips To Get Traffic From Google Search results or to get organic search results from search engines.

4 On page optimization Blogging tips To Get Traffic From Google Search results

On page optimization blogging tips plays an important role in getting traffic from google search results and traffic from other search engines.traffic that you receive from google and search engines is called organic search results but what are those factors that enforces google bots to send you traffic or to enlist in you google search results .in this post we will be discussing those factors which enforces search engines like google to send you traffic from their search results.blogging tips

page rank and alexa rank also depends on the amount of traffic that you receive for your blog.and if you have google adsense ads then earnings will also be higher if you receive google search results.so below are those methods that i use to receive google search results or say use to get traffic from google search engines.

Use of H1 Tag

Use of H1 tag

use h1 tag when you write little desciption about your posts.search engines likes google yahoo loves h1 tag and whatever you type in between h1 tags brings you traffic.you can check out many of the famous blogs who use h1 tags and it brings them traffic.do not out too many keywords in h1 tags.but use only 1 or 2 that matches with your post title and you will see getting traffic from search engines.

Post title before the Blog Homepage Title.

Post title before the homepage title

Use post title before the homepage title.many times you have seen your blog title appears before the homepage title which is not good from SEO point of view.if you want to receive traffic from search engines then put your post title before the homepage title.you can do this here .i have written all the required codes which will put your post title before the homepage title.Post title before the homepage title.

Use Caption and Properties On images.

Caption and properties on images

In order to receive traffic from google images you need to put captions and also use properties on images which indicates search engines like google and yahoo about the description of images.anytime a user types a keyword that matches with your images caption or properties then your images will start appearing in google images search results.so use effective keywords in your image captions .

Make bolder your anchor text and link them in blog post.

make anchor text bolder

Always use anchor text in your blog post and link them to your related posts and make them bold.google bots finds bolder keywords in your blog post and if your anchor text matches with user query then you will start getting traffic from google search results.and the moral is make search engines easier to find the keywords in your blog posts.so always make them bold.for example my anchor text is blogging tips so see in above image i have made blogging tips bolder.

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