
From Joelrunyon.com

It's been a while since I've joined the meme for BC Bloggers. I was a bit busy with our transfer to the new house and now that we don't have a helper, I am more swamped than ever. :D

On to the topic, I guess my day usually and is typically revolving around my little girl and manning the house as I'm a stay at home mom at the moment.

7:00 - 8:00am - Wake up, tidy up the room a bit. This would mean I will pick up the toys the little girl was playing with the previous night. Get the cups and glasses we used (we drink tea and water in the room before going to bed) Prepare breakfast and the husband's lunch (It could also be prepared the night before or leftovers from last night's dinner). Load the clothes in the washing machine. Plan what to cook for lunch.

8:00 - 8:30am - Eat breakfast with the husband and the little girl. Clean up the mess and wash the dishes. Hang the clothes. Take a bath with the little girl. Say goodbye to the husband as he leaves for the office.

9:00 am - Let the little girl drink her milk and prepare to go out. There will be delays, usually. :)

9:30 - 10:00am - If we have planned activities for the day, say, go to Ikea or buy something in the market, we go out by 10am. It usually takes us two hours to finish everything since she will be playing in between or will ask to eat or something else just comes up.

12:00noon - We're usually home by this time and are eating lunch. After eating, I will let her watch tv for a while or play with her toys while I clean up.

1:30 - 2:00pm - Tuck the toddler to bed for her afternoon nap. After she sleeps, I will try to rest or clean up some more. I normally rest for an hour or so. I send emails to my family (parents and siblings). Then I'll be up and about by 4pm to prepare dinner. I cook it ahead so we can play by the time the little tot is awake.

4:30 - 5:00pm - Usually she's up at this hour and we will be both playing. Or reading books. Then we prepare to head out to the playground.

5:30pm - 7:00pm - Playground time. Or playdate with her friends.

7:30pm - Dinner time at home. Waiting for Dad to arrive. Bathing time.

8:00pm - The little girl watches tv for 30 minutes to an hour while Mom and Dad eat dinner.

8:30pm - Cleaning up the whole house and prepare for breakfast the next day.

9:30 - 10:00pm - We all stay in the bedroom to play and read until we fall asleep.

From Ninaspetpeeves

Whew, that was long! I never thought we do a lot of things in a day. Lots of reasons to be happy and enjoy life!

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