
New Safe Kids Worldwide report made possible by a $2 million GM Foundation grant More teens die in motor vehicle crashes than from any other cause of death, about 2,500 per year. Fatalities are split between teen drivers (56 percent) and passengers (44 percent). In half of the fatal crashes, the teen was not wearing a seat belt. To develop strategies to drive down the number of teens killed in cars – responsible for one in four of all preventable injuries among children, Safe Kids Worldwide conducted a survey among teen passengers and drivers. The report, “Teens in Cars,” was funded as part of a $2 million grant from the General Motors Foundation. It was based on a national survey of 1,000 teens between 13 and 19. “It can be uncomfortable for anyone to speak up when they feel unsafe riding in a vehicle, and perhaps even more so for teens riding with their peers,” said Mike Robinson, GM vice president of Sustainability and Global Regulatory Affairs who serves on the boards of both Safe Kids Worldwide and the GM Foundation. “The results of this research further underscore the importance of reaching teens with the life-saving messages to buckle up during every ride and to speak up when they don’t feel secure.”

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