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Slender Amaranth, Amaranthus viridis…Rau Dền Cơm ….#7

Image by Vietnam Plants & The USA. plants

Tôi đi lên núi chơi với ông xã , gặp được cây rau Dền Cơm, tôi thích quá, hái một túi nylon đem về để dành ăn, ở siêu thị đâu có bán những loại rau này, thèm muốn chết mà nghĩ chắc chỉ có chờ dịp về Viet Nam , quê mình mới có mà ăn , cảm ơn Chúa cho tôi tìm được nơi có rau này …hahaha …

Ngon rau Dền Cơm giàu Calcium và chất sắt. Cả cây là nguồn dự trữ của Vitamin B và C.

The tops are rich in calcium and iron. The plant is a good source of vitamins B and C.

Taken on July 7, 2012 in Waco city, Texas state, Southern of America.

Vietnamese named : Dền Cơm.

Common names : Slender Amaranth, Kolitis,

Scientist name : Amaranthus viridis L.

Synonyms : Euxolus caudatus Naves, Euxolus viridis Moq., Amaranthus gracilis Desf. , Amaranthus polystachys Willd.

Family : Amaranthaceae / Amaranth famly. Họ Rau Dền.

Kingdom : Plantae – Plants

Subkingdom : Tracheobionta – Vascular plants

Superdivision : Spermatophyta – Seed plants

Division : Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants

Class : Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons

Subclass : Caryophyllidae

Order : Caryophyllales

Genus : Amaranthus L. – pigweed

Species : Amaranthus viridis L. – slender amaranth

**** www.lrc-hueuni.edu.vn/dongy/show_target.plx?url=/thuocdon…

Dền cơm – Amaranthus viridis L., thuộc họ Rau dền – Amaranthaceae.

Mô tả: Cỏ thường nhỏ, cao đến 80cm, đứng hay nằm ở gốc thường có một nhánh to, cong, thân to đến 5mm, không lông, không gai. Phiến lá xoan tròn dài, có khi hình bánh bò, dài 3-6cm, rộng 1,5-3cm, đầu tù, có khi lõm, không lông; cuống dài đến 10cm. Chuỳ hoa ở ngọn hay bông ở nách lá; hoa có 3 lá đài, 3 nhị, 2-3 đầu nhuỵ. Quả bế nhăn, chứa 1 hạt nâu đen, bóng, to 1mm.

Bộ phận dùng: Rễ và toàn cây – Radix et Herba Amaranthi Viridis.

Nơi sống và thu hái: Cây mọc ở đất hoang, dọc đường đi, và cũng được trồng lấy lá làm rau. Có thể thu hái quanh năm, rửa sạch, cắt đoạn phơi khô dùng.

Thành phần hoá học: Cành lá rau dền cơm chứa nước 84,5%, protid 3,4%, glucid 1,4%, cellulose 1,6%, vitamin C 63mg%, caroten 10,5mg%, vitamin B2 0,36mg%, vitmin PP 1,3mg%. Cũng có tác giả cho biết lượng vitamin C trong rau Dền cơm là khoảng 21mg%, xào ăn thì lượng vitamin C ít hao tổn hơn luộc.

Tính vị, tác dụng: Vị ngọt, nhạt, hơi hàn, có tác dụng thanh nhiệt khu thấp, thu liễm, chỉ tả.

Công dụng, chỉ định và phối hợp: Được dùng trị lỵ trực trùng và viêm trường vị cấp và mạn tính, cũng dùng trị rắn độc cắn. Ngày dùng 40-80g, sắc nước uống. Dùng ngoài lấy rễ tươi giã nát, lấy nước chiết uống và dùng bã đắp. Ở Ấn Độ, người ta dùng lá làm thuốc trị bò cạp đốt và dùng toàn cây trị rắn cắn.

Rau dền cơm còn là loại rau xào, luộc ăn ngon, có tác dụng dưỡng sinh. Kinh nghiệm dân gian là kỵ ăn với tiết canh (lợn, vịt) vì nếu ăn chung rau dền cơm luộc với tiết canh sẽ bị ỉa chảy dữ dội.

Đơn thuốc trị lỵ: Khi mới mắc bệnh, dùng 1/2 kg rau Dền cơm chia 4 lần nấu với nước, mỗi ngày uống 4 lần; ngày thứ hai dùng 1/4 kg cũng chia 4 lần nấu uống.

**** rausach-locxuan.com/2/1-5-16/rau-den.htm


**** plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=AMVI

**** en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amaranthus_viridis

**** www.iewf.org/weedid/Amaranthus_viridis.htm

**** stuartxchange.com/Kolitis.html


Uray is an erect, smooth, branched unarmed herb, 30 to 60 centimeters high. Leaves are alternate, ovate, long-petioled, 4 to 10 centimeters long, obtuse tip, usually notched, base truncate or decurrent. Flowers are very small, densely disposed, green, 1 millimeter long. Sepals are 5, or 1 to 3, ovate to linear, often aristate. Inflorescences are terminal, axillary, simple or panicled, interrupted spikes. Fruits are compressed, indehiscent or circumcised utricles. Seeds are black or brown, orbicular.

Note: This herb differs from Amaranthus spinosus (Uray) in the absence of spines on the stems.


- A common roadside weed on lowlands at low and medium altitudes.

- Probably introduced.

- Found in all warm countries.

Chemical constituents

The powdered leaves yield tannin, some reducing sugar and resin, but no alkaloid.

Parts utilized

· Roots.

· Harvest the root at any time of the year.

· Wash thoroughly, cut into pieces and sun-dry.

· The plant can be eaten as a vegetable.


· Similar to Uray (A. spinosus).

· Febrifuge.

· Emollent (leaves).

· Considered emollient and vermifuge.



Leaves and seeds are edible.

Eaten as vegetable.

The tops are rich in calcium and iron. The plant is a good source of vitamins B and C.

Study found it to be an excellent source of protein.


The plant isThe therapeutic properties and dosage are very nearly identical to Amaranthus spinosus (Uray).

Poultice of leaves for inflammations, boils and abscesses.

Use for acne and for skin cleansing.

Infusion of plant has been used as a diuretic and galactagogue.

Used for snake bites and scorpion stings.

Decoction of plant used for dysentery and inflammation.

In India, stem used as antidote for snake bites. Leaves used for scorpion stings. Traditionally used for constipation, inflammation, eczema, bronchitis, anemia and leprosy.

In Nepal, infusion of powdered seeds of flower used for stomach problems. Seeds also used in pregnant women to lessen labor pains.


• Flavonoids / Rutin / Quercetin: Study yielded flavonoids quercetin and rutin. Flavonoids possess biochemical effects – inhibition of enzymes, hormone regulation, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anticancer activities, among other. Av presents itself as a good medicinal food.

• Antiviral: (1) Virucidal potential of some edible Nigerian vegetables: Extract from four leaves, including A viridis, used as edible vegetables, were test for antiviral activity. All the extracts showed dose-dependent antiviral activity. (2) A ribosome-inactivating protein from Amaranthus viridis: An antiviral protein, amaranthin, was isolated from AV.

• Antinociceptive / Antipyretic: Study of methanolic extract of the whole plant of Amaranthus viridis in mice reveals dose-dependent antinociceptive and antipyretic activities.

• Pollen Grains / Allergenicity: Study concludes that airborne A. viridis pollen is the most prevalent pollen during August to November in the outdoor environment of Saudi Arabia, with a clear pattern of midday to early evening maxima.

• Anthelmintic: Three plants belonging to the Amaranthacea family – A spinosus, A caudatus and A viridis, traditionally used as vermicides, were studied for anthelmintic activity using earthworms (Phretima posthuma). Study concludes all three plants possess potent anthelmintic activity compared to Piperazine.



**** www.pfaf.org/user/Plant.aspx?LatinName=Amaranthus+viridis : Click on link to read more, please.

Known Hazards No members of this genus are known to be poisonous, but when grown on nitrogen-rich soils they are known to concentrate nitrates in the leaves. This is especially noticeable on land where chemical fertilizers are used. Nitrates are implicated in stomach cancers, blue babies and some other health problems. It is inadvisable, therefore, to eat this plant if it is grown inorganically.

HabitatsA weed of waste ground and roadsides but the original habitat is obscure[144].

Edible Uses

Edible Parts: Leaves; Seed.

Edible Uses:

Leaves – cooked as a spinach[46, 61, 144, 177, 183]. A mild flavour[K]. The leafy stems and flower clusters are similarly used[183]. On a zero moisture basis, 100g of leaves contains 283 calories, 34.2g protein, 5.3g fat, 44.1g carbohydrate, 6.6g fibre, 16.4g ash, 2243mg calcium, 500mg phosphorus, 27mg iron, 336mg sodium, 2910mg potassium, 50mg vitamin A, 0.07mg thiamine, 2.43mg riboflavin, 11.8mg niacin and 790mg ascorbic acid[218]. Seed – cooked. Very small, about 1mm in diameter[266], but it is easy to harvest and very nutritious[K]. The seed can be cooked whole, and becomes very gelatinous like this, but it is rather difficult to crush all of the small seeds in the mouth and thus some of the seed will pass right through the digestive system without being assimilated[K]. The seed contains 14 – 16% protein and 4.7 – 7% fat[218].


Figures in grams (g) or miligrams (mg) per 100g of food.

Leaves (Dry weight)

283 Calories per 100g

Water : 0%

Protein: 34.2g; Fat: 5.3g; Carbohydrate: 44.1g; Fibre: 6.6g; Ash: 16.4g;

Minerals – Calcium: 2243mg; Phosphorus: 500mg; Iron: 27mg; Magnesium: 0mg; Sodium: 336mg; Potassium: 2910mg; Zinc: 0mg;

Vitamins – A: 50mg; Thiamine (B1): 0.07mg; Riboflavin (B2): 2.43mg; Niacin: 11.8mg; B6: 0mg; C: 790mg;

Medicinal Uses

Plants For A Future can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.

Astringent; Vermifuge.

A decoction of the entire plant is used to stop dysentery and inflammation[218]. The plant is emollient and vermifuge[218, 240]. The root juice is used to treat inflammation during urination[272]. It is also taken to treat constipation[272].

Other Uses


Yellow and green dyes can be obtained from the whole plant[168].

Cultivation details

Prefers a well-drained fertile soil in a sunny position[200]. Requires a hot sheltered position if it is to do well[K]. Plants should not be given inorganic fertilizers, see notes above on toxicity. Cultivated as a food plant in the tropics[46]. Should this plant be called A. caudatus. L. ‘Viridis’[200]? Most if not all members of this genus photosynthesize by a more efficient method than most plants. Called the ‘C4 carbon-fixation pathway’, this process is particularly efficient at high temperatures, in bright sunlight and under dry conditions[196].


Seed – sow late spring in situ. An earlier sowing can be made in a greenhouse and the plants put out after the last expected frosts. Germination is usually rapid and good if the soil is warm[133]. A drop in temperature overnight aids germination[133]. Cuttings of growing plants root easily[206].

4,417 Views On Flickr

Image by sirwiseowl

Since this image was posted on ‘flickr’ in October 2008 it has attracted 4,417 views. Worth reposting I’m thinking. Yes I’m still having my porridge every day!

I must have my porriage every morning, summer and winter.

Good for you, plus keeps the tummy satisfied all morning.

Swirls of pure Canadian maple syrup all over the top…oh! so yummy!

Twenty reasons why porridge is the ultimate health food……..

(I’m not sure why reason # 1 is at the top of this list. #20 comes first with me at my age! Alas, a cup of tea is more appealing when I first wake up in the morning. Then I’m wide awake so bound out of bed to prepare and enjoy my porridge)


Porridge oats can boost libido by helping to re-balance testosterone and oestrogen in the body. Testosterone drives sexual desire in both sexes. Men with low testosterone levels go off sex.


Oats neutralise acidity levels in the body and help absorb toxins. Since a hangover is the result of the "poisonous" effects of alcohol, a bowl of porridge might help relieve the symptoms.

Porridge also contains one of the highest levels of soluble fibre of any cereal. Soluble fibre is essential for healthy digestion. Since alcohol depletes sugar levels, the slow-releasing carbohydrates in porridge help redress this.


Compounds in oats can help calm the nervous system and reduce the craving for nicotine.


Bathing in oat-based solutions can help problem skin. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the anti-inflammatory compounds in porridge oats can help conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Fill a sock or stocking with porridge oats and place in water for 20 minutes while bathing.


Of all the cereals, porridge has the best proportion of protein needed for growth and repair in the body and to help boost the immune system.


Many studies have shown that eating fibre-rich food such as porridge reduces the risk of heart disease. But scientists in the U.S. found that porridge contains avenanthramides – chemicals that stop blood cells sticking to artery walls, preventing the fatty deposits that cause heart disease.


Digested foods such as porridge might cut the risk of developing non-insulin dependent diabetes by absorbing sugar from the gut and cutting the need for large quantities of insulin to be released.


The slow releasing complex carbohydrates in oats sustain energy levels, allowing full concentration to be maintained. Complex carbohydrates also stabilise and raise blood sugar levels.


Porridge is high in Vitamin B6, which promotes the brain chemical serotonin. High levels of serotonin are associated with feelings of well-being and also aid relaxation and restful sleep. Levels of serotonin dip when sunlight is limited – i.e. during winter – and can lead to the depressive condition Seasonal Affective Disorder.


Porridge oats are high in complex carbohydrates and soluble fibre, which means they release energy slowly. A bowl of porridge should provide all the energy you need until lunchtime.


A study of 10,000 children by researchers at New York’s Columbia University found that among those who regularly ate whole-oat products, the proportion of overweight children almost halved.

Researchers at Oxford Brookes University also found that those eating foods with a low glycaemic index (GI), such as porridge, were less likely to binge on sugary snacks. Foods with a low GI rating release glucose into the body more slowly and evenly, leaving you feeling fuller for longer.


Porridge is rich in soluble fibre, which has been shown to lower blood cholesterol. High cholesterol occurs when fat builds up and constricts the arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart. Eating oats can improve blood flow and bind to cholesterol in the gut, aiding its removal from the body. Scientists think the cholesterol-lowering effects of oats are due to the oat soluble fibre beta-glucan.


High-fibre foods such as porridge increase the movement of food through the digestive tract.

This increased bowel action provides a good environment for beneficial bacteria in the gut to ferment while decreasing levels of destructive bacteria.


Porridge oats are blended with milk, making an excellent source of calcium which is essential for bone health. Lack of calcium can lead to osteoporosis, which involves a loss of bone density and can make bones fragile.


Porridge oats are 100 per cent natural, with no added sugar, salt or additives, and are naturally low in calories. An average bowl of porridge made with water contains 171 calories.


Porridge is a source of folic acid. Studies have shown that taking folic acid from before conception until the 12th week of pregnancy can reduce the chances of having a baby with spina bifida. Pregnant women need 400mcg of folic acid a day.


Oats are rich in the antioxidant vitamin E, which protects the body from the damaging free radicals that can cause cancer. A diet high in soluble fibre foods such as porridge oats might also help reduce the chances of developing bowel, colon and breast cancer.


Porridge is a good source of manganese, which is essential in allowing the body to produce energy as well as helping to build bones and connective tissue. It also contains zinc, which is needed for normal growth, sexual development and reproduction, and a healthy immune system.


A daily serving of oats can improve blood pressure control and reduce the need for anti-hypertensive medication, according to U.S. researchers – 73 per cent of those fed a wholegrain oat-based cereal (containing 3g of soluble fibre) stopped or reduced their blood pressure medication by half.


Britain’s longest living man, David Henderson, from Montrose, Scotland, who died in 1998 at 109, attributed his age and good health to a daily bowl of porridge. This could be because the lipids present in oats contain a good balance of essential fatty acids which have been linked to longevity and general good health.

Research by: Angela Epstein

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