
As an interlude before posting the final part of the current series, here’s something to mull over:


by Lloyd DeMause

The Journal of Psychohistory, Fall 1991, Vol. 19, No. 2

Two kinds of incest will be considered: direct incest, overt sexual activity between family members other than spouses; and indirect incest, the providing of children by their parents to others in order for them to be sexually molested.

There are two reasons why I believe indirect incest must be included in any definition of incestuous activity. First of all, arranging for children to have sex with other household members or neighbors is usually motivated by the incestuous wishes of the parent; and, in any case, it is usually perceived by the child to be similar to direct incest. Secondly, clinical studies show that contemporary sexual abuse usually involves a parent or guardian, who, if not the direct perpetrator, covertly brings about the incident in order to satisfy their own incestuous wishes.(15)


In determining the actual incidence of childhood sexual abuse in modern societies, the main problem is that one must rely upon witnesses who have enormous emotional difficulties in reporting what they find — far more so than with any other psychohistorical subject I have encountered.

For one thing, most writers on the subject have themselves usually been advocates of pedophilia. Ever since the early studies of such sexologists as Symonds and Eglinton,(37) most writing on incest has been by scholars hoping to justify sexual relations with children by showing how widespread the practice has been. Many openly state, as do Allen Edwardes and R. E. L. Masters, that “there is no shame in being a … pederast or a rapist if one is satisfied,” (38) or claim that incest can be a positive, healthy experience,” as does social worker LeRoy Schultz, who writes extensively on childhood sexuality. (39) Even Kinsey wrote: “It is difficult to understand why a child, except for its cultural conditioning, should be disturbed at having its genitalia touched,” (40) while his coauthor in the Kinsey studies, Wardell Pomeroy, wrote that “incest between adults and younger children can … be a satisfying and enriching experience …”(41)

One must use the research of such scholars with extreme caution, since their main motive is to deny the coercion involved when adults seduce lonely, unloved children. Yet the task of digging through the truly staggering amount of literature on sexuality in past and present societies (42) (there are over sixty journals alone with regular articles on the subject) is so overwhelming that, in order to locate the rare primary sources that are available, the researcher cannot avoid consulting the life work of pedophilia advocates.


Therefore, the best estimates for memories of childhood sexual abuse we now have for the United States are 40 percent for girls and 30 percent for boys, almost half directly incestuous for girls and about a quarter directly incestuous for boys. (51)

Yet even these astonishingly high figures are only a portion of the hidden true incidence rates. Four additional factors raise the actual rates even higher:

The groups interviewed do not include many people in the American population who have far higher than average sexual molestation experiences, including institutionalized criminals, prostitutes, juveniles in shelters and psychotics (52), the studies only count admissions to the interviewer of abuse, and it is unlikely that no conscious memories were ever suppressed during the interviews, a large percent of each study refused to be interviewed, and these may have been the most victimized of all,(53) and most importantly, these studies include only clear conscious memories of events — unconscious memories, which are usually only uncovered during psychotherapy, would increase these rates.

It is possible to correct the incidence rates statistically for these factors, Although only 11 percent of Russell’s respondents recalled being victimized before the age of five, another study shows the most common age of sexual abuse reported to authorities is four years, while other studies report that from 21 to 50 percent of reported sexual abuse victims involve children under five.(54) Since few people consciously recall traumatic events of any kind before the age of five, and since the graph for sexual abuse distribution by age runs roughly level from ages two to sixteen,(55) the incidence figures stated above should be increased by at least an additional 50 percent(56) to account for these three factors, Therefore, the corrected incidence rates are at least 60 percent for Girls and 45 percent for boys. Until someone is courageous enough to directly question the children themselves whether they have been molested — a simple procedure that has never been done in any published study to date — 60 and 45 percent should be considered as the most reliable national incidence rates we now have available for the U.S.

These reports of childhood seduction are considered by researchers to be real memories, not fantasies. Not only do most researchers conclude, like Russell, that “underdisclosure was a significant problem … not fabrication of experiences,” (57) but another study of 53 women that attempted to independently confirm memories of childhood incest found 74 percent could be positively confirmed plus another 9 percent indirectly supported, while none were discovered to be just fantasies.(58)

The best evidence for the cause of pedophilia is provided by the clinical reports of the psychotherapists who have written extensively on the subject.(74) The pedophile, similar to other perverts, suffers from severe lack of love and fears of individuation in his or her early childhood, and both desires and dreads merging with the mother because of an enormous need to reinstate mother-child unity. Earlier childhood abuse of pedophiles is commonly found. As an adult, the pedophile must have sex with children in order to maintain the illusion of being loved, while at the same time dominating the children as they themselves once experienced domination, repeating actively their own caretaker’s sadism. The pedophile uses the child as a breast-substitute, both in the sense of using him or her for gratification and also as an object for sadistic aggression.

The pedophile’s sexual activity is extraordinarily compulsive because it wards off recurring feelings of fragmentation, depression and death. This helps explain why the pedophile’s sexual targets are so interchangeable and why an active pedophile often seduces hundreds of children in his or her life. The seduction of children is a desperate defense against fears of personal disintegration. It should not be thought of — as it usually is by historians and anthropologists — as “an outbreak of instinctual sexuality.” or as being due to “a lack of impulse controls” or “a weak superego.” Adults who molest children have extremely powerful punitive superegos and are often highly religious. They are driven to their acts not by their sexual instincts but by their overwhelming intrapsychic anxieties. Given the seriousness of the perversion, it is not surprising that successful therapeutic methods have only recently become available.(75)

The time when one could deny that sexual seduction is extremely traumatic for children appears to have ended. The more studies that come out on the effects of childhood sexual abuse, the more severe the damage is found to be. The flood of books and articles documenting the emotional problems of victims both in childhood and in later life has to be read in detail to appreciate the profound sense of betrayal and the terrifying fears felt by the child, so that even single incidents have the power to permanently ravage their lives. Severe somatic reactions, depersonalization, self-hatred, hysterical seizures, depression, borderline personality formation, promiscuity, sexual dysfunctions, suicide, self-mutilation, night terrors and flashbacks, multiple personalities, post-traumatic stress disorders, delinquency, bulimia, and the overall stunting of feelings and capacities have all been documented — the earlier and the more often the abuse, the worse the damage.(76)

Full article, with references, here.

A partial list of pro-pedophile organizations and publications:

AMG – Athletic Model Guild (USA)

Acolyte Press (frank torey) (Amsterdam)

A.M.b.L.A – (Australia) Australian Man boy Love Association


A.P.S.G – (Australia) Australia Paedophile Support Group. Founded in 1980 or 1983 according to other sources. It was succeeded by the Boy Lovers and Zucchini Eaters (BLAZE), another group dismantled by police.

Azoz Films (Canada)

Boy Lovers (Australia / New Zealand)



CRIES (Belgium) Centre de Recherche et d’Information sur l’Enfance et la Sexualité (CRIES), 1982-1986. Founded by Philippe Charpentier. It was destroyed in a sensational conspiracy trial which resulted in the extinction of any pedophile movement in Belgium and France. The group published the magazine L’Espoir

Christopher Street (USA)

Coalition Pédophile Québécois (Canada)

Danish Pedophile Association (DPA) (Denmark) The Pedophile Group or Pedophile Group association is a Danish organisation which was disbanded on March 21, 2004. A website is still running, operated by a group of active members of the former association. It was originally founded in 1985. On July 23, 1996 the group had eighty registered members and participated in an International Congress in Denmark. It was also a member of the IPCE (formerly the International Pedophile and Child Emancipation). A 2004 newspaper article identified Dan Markussen as the organization’s spokesman. In 2000, a Danish TV documentary team went undercover to investigate the group. Members were shown exchanging child porn and giving advice on how to contact children in internet chatrooms. A man was arrested by police in connection with the investigation. In 2000, the group asked its members to provide misleading information to authorities to help Eric Franklin Rosser, an ex-member of John Mellencamp’s band and a man charged with producing and distributing child pornography, evade prosecution. He was convicted in 2001 however, and was subsequently added to the U.S.Federal Bureau of Investigation’s most wanted list

Dreamboard (USA)


Fach Und Selbsthilfegruppe Paedophilie. (Belgium) Founded at the early 1970s. In autumn 1994 Professor Rüdiger Lautmann come to Zuerich to have a public speech for this group. Defunct?

Fun Club

Gay News

Groupe de Recherche pour une Enfance Différente (GRED) (France) 1979-1987. The group published the bulletin Le Petit Gredin

International Journal of Greek Love

IPCE – International Paedophile and Child Emancipation (forum/website)





Martijn. (Netherlands) Founded in 1982. The most important pedophile association in Europe. On 27 June 2012 a Dutch court ruled that the group was illegal and ordered it to disband immediately. However this decision was overturned by a higher court in April 2013. The judge motivated his or her decision by stating that Martijn club did not commit crimes and the right offreedom of association.The group published the bulletin OK Magazine


N.A.M.b.L.A (frank torey) (USA)


Paidika (Netherlands) Journal of Paedophilia. Published 1987 onwards.


PAN (A Spartacus publication – editor frank torey)

Panthology (frank torey)

P.I.E (UK) Paedophile Information Exchange

POJKAERT. (Belgium) Paedophile publication.

Social Services


Stiekum (Belgium)

Studiegroep Pedofilie (Belgium) Defunct

TBP – The Body Politic

Thursday’s Child

Toro Bravo

UK Gov


Those are from this link, which has an easily searchable database of 174 known pedophiles and pro-pedophile advocates, some with their affiliations.

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