A message from Bishop Vásquez
Official appointments
Rev. Albert Capello Ruiz, pastor at St. Joseph Parish in Waco, effective June 29, 2015.
Rev. Adam Martinez, pastor at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Martindale and St. Michael Parish in Uhland, effective June 29, 2015.
Rev. Patrick Ebner, pastor at Holy Family Parish in Copperas Cove, effective June 29, 2015.
Rev. Christopher Downey, pastor at St. Joseph Parish in Killeen, effective June 29, 2015.
Rev. Joy Joseph Adimakkeel, pastor at St. Joseph Parish in Dime Box and Holy Family Mission in Lexington, effective June 29, 2015.
Rev. Joseph Varickamackal, pastor St. Anthony Parish in Bryan, effective June 29, 2015.
Rev. John Kelley, pastor at St. Ann Parish in Rosebud and St. Michael Mission in Burlington, effective June 1, 2015.
Rev. Matthew Kinney, administrator of Sacred Heart Parish in La Grange, effective June 29, 2015.
Priest of Third Order Regular Franciscans (TOR), administrator at Dolores Parish in Austin, effective June 29, 2015.
Priest of Friars Minor Conventual (OFM Conv), administrator of San Francisco Javier Parish in Austin and San Juan Diego Mission in Stony Point, effective June 29, 2015.
Priest of Friars Minor Conventual (OFM Conv), administrator of Cristo Rey Parish in Austin, effective June 29, 2015.
Priest of Friars Minor Conventual (OFM Conv), administrator of Santa Barbara Parish in Austin (Hornsby Bend), effective June 29, 2015.
Rev. Joseph Nisari, Cedarbrake Retreat Center in Belton, effective June 29, 2015.
Special collection for disaster relief
All parishes in the Diocese of Austin are asked to take up a special collection at all Masses this weekend or next to assist with the Catholic response to the damage left by recent floods and tornadoes. A letter was sent to all priests on Thursday regarding this request.
Bishops to offer Mass in Wimberley, San Marcos
Please join us in prayer as the Bishops of the Diocese of Austin celebrate Masses for those affected by the recent storms in central Texas. Bishop Vásquez will celebrate Mass Sunday at 6:45 a.m. at St. Mary Parish in Wimberley. This Mass is for those affected by the flooding and storms, in particular for the families of the missing and deceased and those who continue to serve on search teams. Bishop Garcia will celebrate Mass Sunday at 7:30 a.m. at St. John the Evangelist Parish in San Marcos. This Mass is for all the people of San Marcos and all those affected by the flooding and storms.
Prayer after a natural disaster
The following prayer was composed by the Diocese of Austin for those affected by the recent storms in Central Texas.
God of majesty and compassion,
You set the earth on its foundation
and all elements of nature obey your command.
You created us and know the fragility of human life.
Help us [or our sisters and brothers]
in our time of trouble;
hold back the damaging winds
and contain the waters that threaten our community
so our fears may turn into praise of your goodness.
Have mercy on those who have died in the flood waters.
Welcome them into your Kingdom of peace and joy.
Bring consolation
to those who have lost loved ones and friends.
In your compassion look upon us
and give us tears to mourn their loss
and strength to assist in the needed rebuilding.
Protects us and help us to live for you.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Dios de majestad y compasión,
Tú colocaste a la tierra en su base
y todos los elementos de la naturaleza obedecen tus órdenes.
Tú nos creaste y sabes la fragilidad de la vida humana.
Ayúdanos [o a nuestros hermanos y hermanas]
en nuestro tiempo problemático;
calma las tormentas y contén las aguas que amenazan a nuestra comunidad
de manera que nuestros miedos se tornen en alabanza de tu bondad.
Ten compasión de aquellos que han muerto en las tormentas y en la inundación.
Dales la bienvenida en tu Reino de paz y gozo.
Da Consuelo a aquellos que han perdido a seres amados y a amigos.
En tu compasión míranos y danos lágrimas para llorar su pérdida
y fortalécenos para ayudar en la necesitada reconstrucción.
Protégenos y ayúdanos a vivir para ti.
Te lo pedimos por Cristo nuestro Señor.
How to help
Catholic Charities of Central Texas is responding to those affected by the recent flooding. There are numerous ways to help. Visit http://ccctx.org/programs/disaster/ for the latest information on what is needed. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is also responding to the disaster. Click here to donate to SVdP. Under Donation Type choose “Disaster Relief Fund.”
Peter's Pence Special collection: June 28
All parishes in the Diocese of Austin are to take up a special collection for Peter’s Pence at all Masses on the weekend of June 27-28. The following announcement should be read before all Masses that weekend:
The Peter’s Pence Collection is taken up worldwide to support the most disadvantaged – victims of war, oppression, natural disasters and others in need of emergency assistance. Pope Francis has asked us to “care for those who are in need of attention, understanding and help, to bring them the warm closeness of God’s love through tangible actions of sensitivity, of sincere affection and of love.” The Holy Father uses the Peter’s Pence Collection to strengthen dioceses, religious orders and struggling communities of faith when they need it most.
La Colecta Peter's Pence se recoge a nivel mundial para apoyar a los menos privilegiados – víctimas de guerra, opresión, desastres naturales y otras personas necesitadas de asistencia de emergencia. El Papa Francisco nos ha pedido que “cuidemos de aquellos que necesitan atención, entendimiento y ayuda, para llevarles la cálida cercanía del amor de Dios a través de acciones sensibles, de sincero afecto y amor”. El Santo Padre usa la Colecta de los Peniques de Pedro para fortalecer diócesis, órdenes religiosas y comunidades de fe en pleno conflicto cuando más lo necesitan.
Reflection question
Gospel Meditation
Please consider using the following meditation for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (June 14):
The parable of the sleeping farmer reminds us that we cannot hasten the coming of God’s kingdom. This reminds us, too, that God answers prayers in his own time, according to his own will. Reflect on a time when you prayed for an outcome and something different happened.
La parábola del sembrador que se duerme nos recuerda que no podemos apresurar la venida del reino de Dios. Esto nos recuerda, también, que Dios responde a las oraciones en su propio tiempo, de acuerdo a su voluntad. Reflexione sobre un momento en el que usted oró por algo y algo diferente sucedió.
Worship Office
Hispanic Pastoral Musicians Conference
The ninth biannual Hispanic Pastoral Musicians Conference (HPMC), Cantando Juntos Como Iglesia ~ Singing As Church, will be held June 25-27 at the Las Cruces Convention Center in Las Cruces, N.M. Sponsored by the Southwest Liturgical Conference and hosted by the Diocese of Las Cruces, this bilingual conference is for all parish musicians, choir directors, singers, cantors, ensemble leaders, instrumentalists, music planners, liturgists, and clergy. This is a wonderful opportunity to increase your liturgical music skills, learn more about ministry with Hispanic Catholics, deepen your liturgical knowledge, and explore new repertoire for your choir. To register, visit www.swlc.org (early registration ends June 15). For information about scholarships, transportation and other details, please contact Andrea Ramos at (512) 949-2448.
La 9a Conferencia bianual de Músicos Pastorales Hispanos (HPMC), Cantando Juntos Como Iglesia ~ Singing As Church, tendrá lugar del 25 al 27 de Junio en Las Cruces Convention Center en Las Cruces, Nuevo Mexico. Auspiciada por la Conferencia Litúrgica del Suroeste y la Diócesis de Las Cruces, esta conferencia bilingüe está dirigida a todos los músicos que ministran en parroquias, directores de coros, cantores, cantantes, líderes de ensambles, instrumentistas, aquellos quienes planean música, liturgistas, y clero. Esta es una oportunidad única para reforzar y expandir sus conocimientos en cuanto a la música en la liturgia, aprender más acerca de este ministerio con otros Católicos hispanos, y descubrir nueva música para sus coros. Para inscripciones, visite www.swlc.org (Inscripciones anticipadas hasta el 15 de Junio). Para información acerca de becas, transporte, y otros detalles, le rogamos se contacte con Andrea Ramos a (512) 949-2448.
Youth Ministry
Theology of the Body Retreat
At the Theology of the Body retreat, teens from across the diocese will take an in-depth look at St. John Paul II’s teachings to examine God’s original plan for humanity, and the freedom that comes with knowing and understanding his love. Join us for this three-day retreat for teens and share in fellowship, small groups, interactive activities and sacraments. All incoming ninth- through 12th-grade teens are invited to attend the retreat from July 31 to Aug. 2 at Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center in Burnet. The cost is $85, which includes accommodations, materials and meals. Please provide one adult chaperone for up to four teens, and an additional chaperone for each additional 10 teens. See the diocesan website for registration information.
Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center
Upcoming retreat
Tear Down the Walls, a day of reflection, will be held June 20 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. Brian Egan will lead participants through this day of discerning what separates them from God and how to break down the walls. The cost is $35, which includes lunch. For more information or to register, contact Cedarbrake at (254) 780-2436 or cedarbrake@austindiocese.org.
Stewardship and Development Office
PDS update
So far 85 parishes have been converted to PDS ChurchOffice. All parishes will be contacted by a diocesan database team member prior to their conversion date with information to prepare for the conversion. The parish will have two weeks to review their data after their conversion. Please see the website at http://www.austindiocese.org/pds for the schedule as well as training sessions. We are also beginning the data synchronization process from the parishes to the diocese. The upcoming conversions this week are San Salvador in Bryan and St. Philip in China Spring. Our date for project completion is on target for the end of July.
Weekly notes
Bishop Vásquez' prayer intention
Please consider using the following prayer intention for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (June 14):
For the protection of our religious liberty …
Por la protección de nuestra libertad religiosa...
Corpus Christi procession
St. Mary Cathedral celebrates its fifth annual Corpus Christi Procession June 7 following the 9:30 a.m. Mass. All are invited to process with the Blessed Sacrament. Groups, organizations, associations, and parishes are encouraged to carry their banners in the procession from the Cathedral, to the Capitol and the University of Texas.
Ethics and Integrity in Ministry
EIM Basic and Refresher Workshops
Click here to login to your EIM account in order to find the workshop schedule and Sign Up for a Workshop (bottom right of your account page). Instructions are provided in case you do not recall how to login to your EIM account. Please contact your parish or Catholic school EIM site administrator if you need assistance or if you do not have Internet access. For general information about EIM workshops, please click here.
EIM Basic and Refresher Workshops are scheduled by the EIM Office, coordinating with the EIM site administrator at parishes, schools and other diocesan agencies. Staff of any site wishing to host a workshop should coordinate with their EIM site administrator. If the site administrator has arranged workshop details with a facilitator, then an email to the EIM office with those details is sufficient to request a workshop; otherwise workshop requests should be made by the site administrator using the Workshop Request Table. EIM site administrators may direct inquiries about EIM workshop scheduling to Emily Hurlimann in the EIM Office at (512) 949-2447.
Department Categorization:
Communications Office