
A message from Bishop Vásquez

Official appointment

Sara Ramirez as Executive Director of Catholic Charities of Central Texas, effective Sept. 30, 2013.

Year of Faith: Catechists, Marian devotion

The Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization has sponsored events for the Year of Faith.

The most recent event was held for catechists in September at the Vatican. Pope Francis addressed the catechists at the International Congress on Catechesis in the Vatican's Paul VI Audience Hall. The title of his message was Do Not Be Afraid of Going Beyond Your Boundaries—God is Already There.

The next event, Marian Day, is scheduled for Oct. 13 at the Vatican for various Marian groups to honor Mary’s role as the model of faith for all believers. Through Our Blessed Mother’s example, we are called to have complete trust in God’s will and his ability to grace our lives with his Divine Presence. In solidarity with the attendees we can spend time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, recite the rosary, visit a Marian shrine, and celebrate the Sacrament of Penance.

Prayers requested

Please remember, in prayer, Holy Cross Father William H. Donahue, 91, who died Sept. 30 in Notre Dame, Ind. Father Donahue served in the Diocese of Austin from 1974 to 2002; first as rector of St. Mary Cathedral in Austin and then as pastor of Holy Family Parish in Copperas Cove.


Reflection question

Gospel Meditation

Please consider using the following question for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Oct. 13):

The story of the 10 lepers reminds us to be thankful to God at all times for everything he gives us. In this Year of Faith, how have you given thanks for the gift of your faith?

La historia de los 10 leprosos nos recuerda ser agradecidos con Dios todo el tiempo por todo lo que Él nos da. En este Año de la Fe, ¿Cómo ha dado usted gracias por el don de su fe?


Stewardship and Development Office

Catholic Services Appeal

Thanks to all those who attended a training session or deanery meeting concerning the Catholic Services Appeal. You should have received your materials at this meeting.  If your parish has not received CSA materials, please contact Margaret Kappel at (512) 949-2444 to arrange for pick-up of your materials.

CSA postcards will be mailed this week to every Catholic family in the Diocese. Postcards contain a message from Bishop Vásquez and a QR (Quick Response) code directing readers to our website where they can learn more about the programs supported by the CSA and watch this year’s CSA video.


Catholic Charities of Central Texas

Homes for All: Forum on Affordable Housing

Join the Catholic Charities Junior Board on Oct. 16 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Fado Irish Pub, in Austin, for "Homes for All: Forum on Affordable Housing" to learn about the housing challenges facing low-income residents in Austin and some possible solutions. Speakers include representatives from Catholic Charities of Central Texas, Keep Austin Affordable and Foundation Communities.


Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center

The Art and Heart of the Spiritual Life Nov. 1-3, 2013

Franciscan Father Albert Haase will present “The Art and Heart of the Spiritual Life” based upon his best-selling book and DVD, “Catching Fire, Becoming Flame: A Guide for Spiritual Transformation,” Nov. 1-3 at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. The retreat will focus on important elements and attitudes of a vibrant spiritual life: prayer, surrender and trust, confronting temptations, and experiencing God’s presence in our everyday, ordinary life and routine. Only shared rooms are available at this time. The cost is $155 per person for a shared room. All meals are included.

The Gospel of John: Oct. 14

The fourth Gospel is written in great poetic language by John often telling two levels of stories at the same time. This day will be an opportunity to enter more deeply into the Woman at the Well story and the Eucharistic Discourse in Chapter 6. Brian Egan is the director at Cedarbrake and will present this day of reflection. The cost is $35 and includes lunch. For more information, contact Cedarbrake at (254) 780-2436 or cedarbrake@austindiocese.org.


Weekly notes

Pope Francis’ prayer intentions

Please consider Pope Francis’ prayer intentions for the month of October:

That those who feel weary from the heaviness of life, and even long for its end, may sense the closeness of God’s love ...

Que aquellos que se sienten cansados por el peso de la vida y que inclusive ansían su fin, sientan la cercanía del amor de Dios...

That the celebration of World Mission Day may help all Christians realize that we are not only receivers but proclaimers of God's word …

Que la celebración del Día Mundial de las Misiones ayude a todos los Cristianos a darse cuenta de que no solo somos quienes reciben sino quienes proclaman la palabra de Dios...

Bishop Vásquez’ prayer intention

Please consider Bishop Vásquez’ prayer intention for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Oct. 13):

That medical researchers will continue to work on cures for diseases in a way that respects the dignity of the human person …

Que los investigadores médicos continúen trabajando por encontrar la cura para enfermedades de una manera que  respete la dignidad de la persona humana...

Movie: Mary of Nazareth

Get to know Jesus through the eyes of his mother in an epic film, Mary of Nazareth. This new release portrays Mary’s profound faith and trust in God, and the deep love she and Jesus shared for one another. This movie underscores her mystery, her role in redemption, her tremendous suffering during Christ’s Passion, and her serene joy at his Resurrection. This film is only being shown Oct. 5-6 at the Marchesa Theatre in Austin. To view a trailer, or to see show times and to purchase tickets, go to www.RestlessHeartAustin.com.


Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM)

Upcoming EIM Basic and Refresher Workshops

EIM Basic and Refresher Workshops are scheduled on a quarterly basis by the EIM Office, coordinating with the EIM site administrator at parishes, schools and other diocesan agencies. Staff of any site wishing to host a workshop must coordinate with their EIM site administrator. The EIM site administrator should make all workshop requests on the Workshop Request Table. Additional workshops will not be added to the EIM workshop calendar unless the EIM office determines a particular need. EIM site administrators may direct inquiries about EIM workshop scheduling to Emily Hurlimann or Colleen Schiller in the EIM Office at (512) 949-2400.

For general information about EIM Basic or Refresher workshops, please click here.

Anyone needing an EIM workshop will sign up online through their EIM account. The sign-up process is explained once you access your EIM account; please contact your parish or Catholic school EIM site administrator if you need assistance or if you do not have Internet access.

Click here to login to your EIM account in order to find the schedule of EIM workshops and to sign up. Instructions are provided in case you do not recall how to login to your EIM account.

Department Categorization: 

Communications Office

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