
A message from Bishop Vásquez

Update on West Tragedy

Earlier this week, priests in the diocese were sent a memo from Barbara Budde, Director of Social Concerns, with an update on the situation in West and the Catholic response to the needs of those affected by the explosion last week. Click here to read the message in its entirety.

Feast of the Ascension

In the Diocese of Austin, the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord is to be celebrated on Sunday, May 12, 2013. Thursday, May 9, is to be observed as the Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter.

Lumen Gentium Awards 2013

The 2013 Lumen Gentium Awards will be June 25 at the Mayborn Civic Center in Temple. Nominations from pastors are due today. During this Year of Faith, pastors should consider nominating those in their parish who “evangelize.” Pastors should also note that, after 2013, future Lumen Gentium ceremonies will only be held in odd-numbered years (i.e., 2015, 2017, etc…). To submit a nominee, pastors should use the Lumen Gentium Nomination Packet.

Year of Faith

The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend has two electronic resources that are focused on the Year of Faith. The first is a blog-post that changes each day with a beautiful message designed to help one learn more about our Catholic faith. It contains an engaging article with beautiful slides that accompany that day’s message. Click on the title to access the complete article. Previous messages are also available on the site. The second is the My Year of Faith mobile app that provides daily catechesis, challenges for spiritual growth, and opportunities for participating in the New Evangelization. The app offers every user a way to engage their faith, deepen their relationship with Christ and spread his message in the digital age.

Contact information for Msgr. Pavlicek

Msgr. Louis Pavlicek requested that his contact information be shared through the E-Pistle:

Residence: (512) 358-6063

Cell: (512) 763-6495

Prayers requested

Please remember the following in prayer:

Holy Cross Brother Edwin Reggio, who died Wednesday. Services are as follows: Wake, May 2, 7 p.m., Brother Vincent Pieau Residence, 921 St. Edward’s Dr., Austin, TX 78704. Funeral Mass, May 3, 10:30 a.m., Queen of Peace Chapel, St. Edward’s University.

Msgr. Donald J. Fruge, 79, who died April 19. The Funeral Mass is at 10 a.m. on April 29 at St. Anne Parish in Houston.

Reflection question

Gospel Meditation

Please consider using the following question for the Sixth Sunday of Easter (May 5):

One of the most consoling verses in Scripture is in today’s Gospel, “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” Jesus is speaking to his disciples on the eve of his death and telling them not to be afraid that he will also send the Holy Spirit who will continue to be their guide. How do Jesus’ words provide you with comfort and consolation? In what ways do you need the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your life?

Uno de los versos más reconfortantes en la Biblia se encuentra en el evangelio de hoy: "Que no haya en ustedes ni angustia ni miedo." Jesús está hablando con sus discípulos en la víspera de su muerte, diciéndoles que no tengan miedo ya que Él enviará al Espíritu Santo quien seguirá siendo su guía. ¿De qué manera te dan consuelo y alivio las palabras de Jesús? ¿De qué manera necesitas la guía del Espíritu Santo en tu vida?

Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living

Catechesis on Human Love Certification

In response to the new diocesan policy regarding the necessary qualifications for catechists speaking on the sensitive subject of human sexuality and chaste living, Catechesis on Human Love certification has been created. Catechesis on Human Love offers the wisdom of the Church to catechists for education in human love and sexuality, in particular incorporating Blessed John Paul II’s catechesis on human love, which helps us to understand the human person in a way so radically different from the current culture. For more information regarding qualifications, class schedules or to enroll in the certification program, contact Yvonne Saldaña in the Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living at (512) 949-2486.

Mother’s Day Carnations

Mother’s Day carnations will be available for pick-up at the diocesan Pastoral Center between noon and 5 p.m. on May 10.  Don’t forget to arrange for the carnations to be placed in water and kept in a cool location until they can be distributed on Mother’s Day. The Blessing for Mothers is available here.  If you have any questions, contact Yvonne Saldaña in the Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living at (512) 949-2486.

Finance Office

Special collection money due

Please send funds collected for the Catholic Higher Education special collection, taken up Feb. 9-10, and the World and Home Missions special collection, taken up Feb. 13, to the diocesan Finance Office as soon as possible. Send checks to Finance Office, Diocese of Austin, 6225 Highway 290 East, Austin, TX 78723.

Weekly notes

Bishop Vásquez’ prayer intention

Please consider Bishop Vásquez’ prayer intention for the Sixth Sunday of Easter (May 5):

For Christ's peace to dwell in our homes, our country and our world …

Para que la paz de Cristo habite en nuestros hogares, nuestro país y nuestro mundo...

Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM)

Upcoming EIM Basic and Refresher Workshops

EIM Basic and Refresher Workshops are scheduled on a quarterly basis by the EIM Office, coordinating with the EIM site administrator at parishes, schools and other diocesan agencies. Staff of any site wishing to host a workshop must coordinate with their EIM site administrator. The EIM site administrator should make all workshop requests on the Workshop Request Table. Additional workshops will not be added to the EIM workshop calendar unless the EIM office determines a particular need. EIM site administrators may direct inquiries about EIM workshop scheduling to Emily Hurlimann or Colleen Schiller in the EIM Office at (512) 949-2400.

For information about EIM workshops, including how to determine which you need to attend, please click here. Currently scheduled 1½ hour EIM Refresher Workshops and 3-hour EIM Basic Workshops are listed here.

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Communications Office

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