

Attention handmade valentine lovers!

For the fifth year running I am inviting my readers to participate in the biggest, most snazztastic valentine swap of all! Last year more than 500 folks participated from all around the world. That means more than 1,500 Valentines were exchanged between total strangers. Wowza! This year I cut sign-up time to one week to ensure only the most dedicated Valentine makers would participate. It’s going to be nuts. Are you ready for this?

I know what you are thinking….

Gee, I love the sound of this valentine swap. How does it work?

Well friend, I am glad you asked. This is the nitty-gritty: You send three handmade valentines to total strangers = You will receive three handmade valentines from total strangers.

That sounds fun! Where do I sign up? How do I exchange addresses?

Good question. Let me break it down:

You fill out the signup form below before midnight on Jan 30.

You receive an email from me on Feb 1st with the addresses of three total strangers.

You send one valentine to each address you receive, no later than Feb 5.

You receive three valentines sometime before/around Valentines Day.

What sort of Valentines should I send?

Handmade! It could be a simple scrap of paper with a doodle from your kids, or a stitched up and sequined masterpiece. Adding some glitter or a buttons to a pre-existing valentines is OK too. Just as long as it has a handmade touch and can fit in an envelope, it’s game.

I’m in! What else do I need to know?

This exchange is open to anyone, anywhere, any skill level. No one is expected to buy anything except stamps (heads up: people who read this blog are scattered around the world, so we all might need to double up on stamps).

You are welcome to include a note inside your valentines with information about yourself, your blog/website/etsy business etc…but it is not required or expected.

This is not an advertising opportunity. This is just a simple way to exchange random acts of kindness and send some love out into the world. No Debbie Downers, por favor.

If you feel weird disclosing your name and address, I assure you I will not compile and use this information for any other purpose besides sending you valentines! PS: Please be sure to include your name. Some folks like to omit their name for privacy purposes and then the post office refuses deliver the cards, so just include your initials or nick name if you are uncomfortable with everyone getting up in your business.

I don’t like filling out forms, can’t I just reply in the comments or send you an email?


What happens if I get busy and can’t send a valentine? Can I back out at the last minute?

Good question. If you back out before Jan 30, no problem. Just send me an email (the address will be in your confirmation email) — no harm, no foul. If you back out after Jan 30, that’s a problem. Your address will already be in circulation to three other people who will be sending cards to you. Those three people would be pretty peeved if they knew they were sending valentines to someone who was not holding up their end of the bargain, as would the three people who will not be getting your cards. So altogether, that’s six people who will be ticked at you. SIX. Do you really want to risk those kinds of karma points?

Is it okay to send my valentines after February 5? Or back out altogether?

No. It’s not okay. There will be 3 people who were assigned to receive your valentines and your lack of participation will ruin the swap for them. I am not okay with that. Also, people are very vocal about complaining to me about missing Valentines, so it is easy for me to figure it out who dropped the ball. And even if the recipient doesn’t know who didn’t send them a valentine, I will. And I’ll have your name and address.

*True story: There was one woman in Georgia who signed up for valentines two years in row and never sent any in return. Not one. When she didn’t respond to my emails, multiple emails, I sent her an envelope of hair. Just hair. No return address. I’m not sure if she ever traced it to me but I’m pretty sure that freaked her out. HEY GLORIA!

Can I share pictures of the lovely valentines I made and received?

Yes. I would love that! We would all love that. Please post them on any social media platform using hashtag #auntpeachesvalentineswap. If you aren’t into hashtags, post the picture on my Facebook page.  In the past, some folks have even become friends with the person who received their valentines. It’s pretty swell!

Can I request certain countries or areas of folks I want to swap with?

Nope. All assignments are made at random. FYI, in 2014, around 70% of participants were located in the United States, 10% Canada, 10% UK, the rest were scattered around the world. One year there were like 40 people in Bulgaria. It was pretty rad.

Can I skip the swap and exchange valentines with you instead?

As much as I would love that, you would end up with the short end of the stick. I don’t get to check my mailbox more than a few times a year, so I probably wouldn’t see your valentine until long after Valentines Day, which will make my response very lacking indeed. But, gosh, thank you for asking!

Can you tell me if my Valentines were received and what they thought of them?

No, sorry. I know we all love feedback on stuff we made, but that is the nature of anonymous swaps. We rarely hear back from the other person, and with hundreds of participants, I’m not able to act as go-between. This is another reason why I encourage everyone to post images on social media.

Okay, I’m in! Let’s get this party started!
Please fill out the form below ONCE. One entry per person, please. If you are singing up on behalf of a friend or family member with the same address, please use a different name.

Any other questions? Leave a comment at the bottom!

Okay folks, here we go!

Aunt Peaches Valentine Swap 2015

Name (most post offices will not deliver without a full name)*
First Last

Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code


Enter Email Confirm Email

Participant Confirmation*

I promise on everything that is sacred and glittered that I will send my valentines before February 5.

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