
This episode of Rich Embury’s R3TROGRAD3 originally aired on PURE ROCK RADIO July 17th, 2015. Rich returns to the mic after a 3 month hiatus from the show. Returning with a vengeance, the show is chalk full of brand NEW Hard Rock & Metal from the likes of ARMORED SAINT, DISTURBED, ANAKA, HOUSE OF LORDS, MARK SLAUGHTER, THE V (Feat. TONY MARTIN), BUTCHER BABIES, LAMB OF GOD, and SLAYER! Also a great selection of killer Hair Bands straight outta the 80’s with tunes from BANG TANGO, W.A.S.P., DAGGER, ICON, FASTER PUSSYCAT, VAN HALEN and JUNKYARD. This week’s #D3MOLITION Spotlight features San Jose, CA. Hard Rockers MAXX12! Download or Listen on one of our Pure Rock Radio Apps, throw in the Summer heat, add party favors and beverages of choice, then crank to 12! We can’t be responsible for the fist pumping and headbangin’ that may transpire \,,/ #D3MOLITION, #80s, #Anaka, #ArmoredSaint, #BangTango, #Benedictum, #ButcherBabies, #Dagger, #Disturbed, #Eighties, #FasterPussycat, #Friday, #HairMetal, #HardRock, #HouseOfLords, #Icon, #Junkyard, #LambOfGod, #Live, #MarkSlaughter, #Maxx12, #MeanStreak, #Metal, #Pure, #PureRockRadio, #Radio, #Repentless, #RichEmbury, #R3TROGRAD3, #Rock, #Saskatoon, #Slayer, #Spotlight, #TexasHippieCoalition, #TheV, #TonyMartin, #VanHalen, #VeronicaFreeman, #WASP, #WhitfieldCrane

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