
Andy Robinson posted a blog post

Career Success Elements

Leadership proficiency and personal excellence are the cornerstones of career success. The process of achievement of career success, although unique to each of us, involves the application of a consistent framework of career success elementsassociated with leadership proficiency and personal excellence.Those Career Success Elements include:Active Career Management - High level of career control and personal responsibility for career success. Excellent career track. Well-positioned for continuing advancement.Visible, known and "on the radar screen" for promotion or referral to a hiring authority.  Passionate about “what you do."Personal Integrity - Exceptional character traits; trustworthy; honest; strong sense of morals; principle-centered and values-driven.Clarity of Direction - Working within the framework of written plans, goals and objectives. Knowing where you are going and how you plan to get there and championing that same mindset organizationally.Focus - Mastery of the process of personal planning, prioritization of activities, and organizational efficiency, facilitating focus on those activities that add the greatest value.Positive Mindset - Relentless focus on the positive without dwelling on the negative. Role model for avoiding being overly critical of others, for avoiding gossip, and for discouraging complaining.Embraces Change - Open to new ideas and to new and better ways of doing things. Flexible and adaptable to changing "rules", conditions and circumstances. Proactive acceptance of and management of change.Resiliency - Accepting set backs as part of "experimenting" with what works and what doesn't. Always learning from mistakes, and moving on, having grown from the experience.Networking Proficiency - Mastery of the process of developing and nurturing your business and professional network, your strategic and tactical alliance partners and your business colleagues and partners.Leveraging Your Strengths - Having crystal clear clarity on those things you do that give you strength and for which you have a strong sense of passion. Commitment to ongoing mastery of those key strengths.Knowing Your Weaknesses - Having crystal clear clarity on your areas of weakness - those things that weaken you and drain your emotional and mental energy. Commitment to offloading those tasks to those who are strengthened by those activities.Intensively Results-Focused - Relentless emphasis on the achievement of exceptional, value-added results. Championing a results-focused and value-added-focused philosophy throughout your organization.Sense of Urgency - Strong bias for action and getting things done with a sense of urgency. Self-directed and self-motivated toward taking the initiative. Championing an organizational sense of urgency.Service to Others - Exceptional commitment to compassion and kindness toward others and to a mindset of giving to others.Development of Others - Commitment to bringing out the best in others - team mates, work associates, etc. -- and surrounding yourself with the best and the brightest talent possible.Superstar Listener - Exceptional and empathetic listener. Asks great questions. Seeks first to understand others and consistently confirms understanding.Ownership and Accountability - Takes full responsibility and takes ownership. Fully accountable for personal, team and organizational performance and results."Win-Win" Mentality - Seeking out a holistic approach to interaction with others where mutual benefit is achieved.Commitment to Excellence - Relentless commitment to personal excellence and delivery of exceptional quality work product.Lifelong Learning - 100% commitment to ongoing personal and professional development and keeping current on the latest thinking in your field.Life Balance Optimization - Creating and maintaining optimum balance between professional endeavors, personal time (health, fitness, spiritual development) and activities and family time and activities.See More

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