
A plastic surgeon claims he has created the "perfect" looking face, which says a lot about what we consider beautiful in today's world.

Dr. Julian De Silva, a London-based facial surgeon who works on necks, faces, noses, and eyes, looked at data from 1,000 patients over the past decade to identify the most common surgery requests among women. Here is what the "perfect" face looks like, according to his sample of patients:

I took my patients' requests & created the #perfect face https://t.co/XauU721Q0w #duchessofcambridge #selinagomez pic.twitter.com/V7wy2ZmHrv

— Julian De Silva MD (@drjuliandesilva) August 31, 2016

Indy100 reported that the number one patient request was to have a nose appearance similar to that of the Duchess of Cambridge (Kate Middleton). A 2014 study published in the JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery journal found that female noses are seen as more feminine when they are slightly turned up, and are most beautiful with a nasal tip angle of 106 degrees. Dr. De Silva said that the Duchess of Cambridge has a nasal tip angle of 106 degrees:

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit Bute Mills in Luton https://t.co/czNIvilRfa #RoyalVisitLuton #RoyalVisit pic.twitter.com/p6ZdcP724m

— PA Images (@PAImages) August 24, 2016

Dr. De Silva also reported that Keira Knightley's eyelids were the second most popular facial feature among patients.

"Thankfully, a lot of the time, it works very naturally to replicate a nose like the Duchess of Cambridge's or eyelids similar to Keira Knightley's," Dr. De Silva said, according to U.K. publication, the Daily Express. "But on other occasions we do have to amend the plans because there are limits to how far you can improve what nature has given you."

Other celebrities who made the cut for their physical appearances were Angelina Jolie, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Reese Witherspoon, Cher, Penelope Cruz, and Jennifer Lopez. Though the list includes a couple of women who are of Hispanic and Spanish descent, the celebrities mentioned are mostly white.

In an MTV News video released earlier this year, writer Danielle Henderson argued that white features are often the "default" cultural ideal for beauty.

Henderson and several other women of color shared how societal beauty standards can alienate writers of color:

Comedian and activist, Franchesca Ramsey pointed out that the beauty industry caters some of its products to white people:

Writer Maisha Z. Johnson shared a similar sentiment about society perpetuating whiteness as the ideal beauty in a piece for Everyday Feminism published earlier this year:

"The easiest way to confirm society’s belief in whiteness as beauty is to look at the most common images presented as 'beautiful women.' Glance at a Google image search, a rack of fashion magazines, or advertisements, and it’s clear that selling the image of 'beauty' usually means taking pictures of white women."

Watch the full MTV News video on beauty standards below:

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