Early on in her book, Your Custom Homestead, author Jill Winger of The Prairie Homestead makes the point that these days, homesteading is no longer 160 acres and a sod house. Instead, it’s more of a mindset. I couldn’t agree more. You may not think of yourself as a homesteader. You might prefer the term urban farmer. Or micro-farmer. Or survivalist. Or you might just be thinking about taking steps toward a more self sufficient lifestyle. No matter how you identify yourself, Winger’s book in an inspiring read.
As the author of this book (see ‘creativity’ there in the subtitle?) I was impressed with Winger’s encouragement to use creative problem solving in figuring out how to make the homesteading lifestyle work for various situations. This is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor!
The meat of the book includes actionable items that will help move you forward in your quest to live the homesteading life. While these sound simple—set goals, prioritize, expand your skill-set—the author spells out why these actions are important, suggests ways to implement these changes, and shares an anecdote from her own homesteading efforts for each activity. After reading this book, I’m reminded again at how sorely lacking I am in my organizational skills. (Adding to list: Start garden journal!)
Busy seasons on a homestead seem to come in phases. The majority of our work load occurs in the summertime, but your own busy times will depend on your climate and what types of animals and plants you keep. Regardless of what type of custom homestead you are creating, I cannot fully express how important it is to keep an eye on the calendar for upcoming events.
You might assume that it will be easy to remember when the garlic needs planted in the fall, but don’t be surprised when December rolls around and you have yet to even think about purchasing your seed garlic. When you are homesteading, years seem to fly by at lightning speed.
Your Custom Homestead is an e-book that can be read on your computer, Kindle, tablet, or phone. Currently, it’s part of the End of Summer E-Book Sale I shared yesterday. 30 e-books about real food, self-reliant living, and greening your life for just $39.
I received this book for review purposes.
This post includes affiliate links.
The post Your Custom Homestead Inspires appeared first on Attainable Sustainable.