
John Kirkpatrick Ummmmm

Daniel J Towsey I was at St.Mary’s university in Halifax listening to this arab guy doing a lecture claiming that now

he liked Israhell..I had to interrupt him by saying this (above) well the whole student body absolutely went wide in

support of my statement and the Police had to come to calm everyone down..

The students were all in agreement with me..it was quite a scene. The lecturer could not respond to my question..

he had no answer.

John Kirkpatrick Good on you

Carol Hannonmail shared I Acknowledge Apartheid Exists‘s photo.

no reason…no reason at all…justifies murder except for a zionist!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/p320x320/1911697_225998254261531_1120698067_n.jpg” width=”320″ height=”320″ />

Viva Palestine!! MThis is cold blooded murder!‪#‎Palestine‬ ‪#‎Justice‬

Adnan Abdulal shared ‎وكالة فلسطين اليوم الإخبارية‎’s photo.

Occupied Palestine: Say something about the Zionism terror & to the soul of the martyr

Saji Sayel Jaraba’a “18 years”

who was shot today by occupation soldiers in Ramallah ..

https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1/s843x403/1798538_763411700335942_1025813327_n.jpg” width=”302″ height=”403″ />

قُل كلمة لهذا الشهيد قبل أن يدفن في قبره ..

الشهيد ساجي صايل درويش جرابعة (18 عاماً) استشهد مساء اليوم الاثنين في رام الله برصاص الاحتلال الصهيوني .

Say the word of the victim before he buried in his grave.

Martyr saje sayel Darwish grabah (18 years old) was killed Monday evening in Ramallah by Israel.

Tiretheos Chiron Be that man !

John Smith Nazis were Zionists only in the sense that they wanted the Jews to go to Palestine and

be in their homeland. While I don’t agree with this either, the alternative is killing the Jews. So, if you don’t

agree with killing the Jews, I advise you shut the fuck up about Nazis being Zionists, you filthy Jew shill.

Daniel J Towsey wow you really need to do some research and learn where, when and how Zionism was born…

The First Rothchild created and financed it. He wrote the Protocols of the learned elder of Zion..

Their plan to take over the world. Zionists are not Jews they are Satanist. Real Jews do not support

Zionism and do realize that real Jews were already living in Palestine and were very happy. for over two

thousand years. There was no return because the real Jews never departed..they were never kicked out…

John N Wendy Eleazer “Nazis were Zionists” NOT!!! NATIONALIST SOCIALISTS weren’t Zionists

either and they did not refer to themselves as Nazis …

John Smith Jews don’t believe in natural law. Read the wicked parts of the Talmud.

They have been hated universally long before Rothschild* for their heinous deeds.

Okay, it looks like we are in a verbal dispute over the word “Jew”, and that is going to get us nowhere.

You’re using the word “Jew” in a strictly racial sense.

And when I said that Hitler want to put the Ashkenazis in their Israeli/Palestinian “homeland”,

that would be inaccurate in a geographical, racial sense, but it is accurate enough in a religious sense.

Can’t do anything about it, but get these Zionist parasites out of Europe.

In this sense, a Zionist is a Khazar who feels that Zion/Israel is their homeland and wants to return

(at least claims to want to) and believe that all religious Jews should live in Israel.

That is a more fitting definition of Zionism given that era, but that does not denote Satanism in any way;

injustice and insanity on Jewish religious grounds, sure, but not Satanism.

The Zionism of today that also implies the establishment of a JWO with Greater Israel as the capital is

simultaneously Jewish and Satanic in nature. Now, if you think that this is why the Ashkenazis wanted to

return to Israel in the first place, and not because they had sincere religious ties to it,

then you may have a case for them being Satanists, but your claim still, then, must depend on a claim that

religious Judaism itself is Satanism and that the only real Jews are racial ones who do not follow a Talmud.

You are trying to be ambiguous and misleading when you use “Jews” and mean it in a very narrow racial

sense and don’t describe what you mean.

You’re saying that “Jews” only relates to racial Sephardic Jews,

denying a Diaspora (understandably in light of the Askenazi/Khazars), and claiming that all

Ashkenazi Jews really aren’t Jews but Satanists.

These are absurd claims, and I’d like to know where you’re doing your research, if at all.

I doubt you do a lot of research, because if you read a lot, your grammar, punctuation, spelling would

probably be better and you’d be better informed and more sincere in wanting to know the truth rather than

just dismissing people on faulty grounds. Also, some Sephardic Jews did depart to Spain and other regions.

Also, I highly doubt your claim that Mayer Amschel Rothschild produced the Protocols as he lived in Germany

from 1744-1812 and the Protocols first appeared in ~1895-1897 in a different language.

I think religious Judaism could be called Jewish Satanism, but it is not unaffiliated,

individualistic Satanism per se. Ultimately, Jews are not worth talking about either racially or religiously,

and religious Judaism, much like Islam, is not worthy of existence.

And, the axiom perennially perdures “Never trust a Jew”.

You Jewish agents really need to stop and to convert to Catholicism before you make things a lot worse

for yourselves in this life and the next.

Daniel J Towsey John..Communism, NWO, Nazi’s etc and every other oppressive thing that was all created

by Rothchild banking empire. Go do some research about the FED…All the evil destruction on this planet

was financed and created by the sick Rothcild empire banksters..

all the evil destruction was to build their

one world gov empire..go read what Rotchild wrote on how they were going to do it.

read “The Protocols of the learned elders of zion” then come back and tell that they did not do all that since

they took over the creation of money.

The Fed financed everything because the banksters just created any

money they wanted out of thin air. Go search for “Project paper clip” were the N.Y. Nazi Zionist bankster

Bush family created and financed Hitler.

Paperclip was the bringing of all those in prominent positions in

the Nazi empire in the USA

They were put in charge of the new U.N. FBI and CIA.. the Nazis are part of the

Zionist satanic one world take over after they destroyed and killed most of the German population in fire

bombings every night while they slept for a whole year.

The infrastructure that the banksters financed was

not touched. Just the residences were burned.

There is not one ww2 film from Germany that does not show

all the buildings and cities completely burned to the ground. Remember when you watch those films.

All those buildings were full of people. There was no military attacking military.

Then the very few survivors were heard screaming the word in german that is “Holocaust” that word means

to burn up in an inferno…that was the real holocaust.

Hitler, as instructed took ALL the military out of

Germany and walked them to their deaths in the frozen Russia. Oh and at the end of the second world war

Britain ordered that all 1.5 million prisoners of war be killed. Not one prisoner was released. . ..

Daniel J Towsey and by the way so you know..

When the Communist Zionist state of Russia collapsed.

all the second world war records from Germany were released on the internet and all the proof in the world

was there that told the real truth about what was done to all the Christians peoples of Germany.

The camps had Christians in them.

The Jews all got on trains before the fire bombings began and went to

Palestine. 50,000 Jews lived in Palestine at the beginning of the war.

Six million so called Jews were living

there at the end of the war..do the math. All those photos of dead people at the camps was because the fire

bombing killed all the Germans and those people in the camps were deliberately not rescued by the allied’s

until three months after the war had ended.

What you were shown was deliberate to make sure all the

Christian prisoners would die. You saw dead and starving people..

There was no mass graves found any where.

All the camps were checked with ground penetrating radar. There were NO mass graves. Just the ones the

allied dug. That is the pictures you see with the bulldozers pushing dead people in pits.

Then the Zionist communist put up that concrete wall around the whole area of Germany.

The Iron curtain so no one from the rest of the planet could report what had been done to the civilian

population. Sixty years later when they thought that there were eye witness survivors to speak of the holocaust,

they tore down the wall.

The Zionists never expected for their Russian Zionist communist empire to collapse

and they sure never thought about all the documented records getting released to the internet.

Daniel J Towsey The destruction of Germany is the same identical agenda that the Zionist Bankers have

used all over the planet.. Fire bomb then insert their banks. rebuild and control everything.

The list of countries this has been done to is endless..Japan every city was fire bombed except for one.

The two cities Nuked were the only two that were Christian, Russia after they killed the czars family,

was taken over by zionist rothchild communism then they went about killing and starving up to 80,000

Christian Russians, Then they moved into China and brought communism there and killed over 200 million.

Lets not forget Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, and keep researching you will never stop finding more destroyed

civilizations.. That is the Rothchild Zionist bankster empire of insanity the world is plagued with…

John Smith Not ALL the records were released, but what you say here is quite accurate.

I saw a Youtube video of Holocaust revisionism that speaks exactly to what you are referring.

Typhus and the Allied’s destruction of supply lines also were major contributors to deaths in the

concentration camps and the propaganda later put out against Germany to make it look like a

Holocaust of the Jews occurred. With all this in mind, how can you defend the lying Jews and act

like only banksters are the problem?? I really cannot tell whether you are an agent/shill or not,

but I always live by the mantra “Never trust a Jew.”

Mark Ashwill NUMBER OF JEWS IN THE WORLD BEFORE AND AFTER WORLD WAR 2http://www.thenewsturmer.com/Historical%20News%20Letter/number_of_jews_in

www.thenewsturmer.com -

Mark Ashwill well damnt…I’ll post the whole thing since it won’t allow it in a link

John Smith Towsey, the only two Japanese cities that were not just “Christian” but truly Christian:


Mark Ashwill NUMBER OF JEWS IN THE WORLD BEFORE AND AFTER WW 2Historical NewsletFor the past 55 years we have been pestered by the Jews regarding the alleged loss of Jews due to gassing

by the Germans during World War II. The alleged number of lost Jews has varied from 48 million by

rabbi Dr. Miklos Nyszli in his book “Behind Humanity” to 5,370,000 by Lucy Dawidowicz.

This in spite of the fact that more than 4,344,371 Jews survived the concentration camps.

This last number was given to us by the Jews themselves in their Zionist publication,

“The Canadian Jewish News”, of 1. January 1981. The number, 4,344,371, represent 99,1% of the Jews

that by the end of 1980 had claimed indemnity from the German state for their stay in any of the

concentration camps during World War II. Using arithmetic we come to a total number of 4,388,825

Jews who survived the war. But should we believe this is the number?I have great doubt even as to this number especially since the number has been given to us by the Jews

through the Jew’s greed for money.Let us look into the number of Jews living in the world before World War II.

Mark Ashwill Let us look into the number of Jews living in the world before World War II.Let me give you some details regarding the Jewish population in Europe prior to WWII: – the world’s

Jewish population faced a serious demographic crisis before WWII. This was true even for Jews living

in Eastern Europe.- during the 1930′s roughly 1,000,000 Jews left the historical places in central and eastern Europe

for North and South America, Palestine, western Europe and several other minor recipient countries.- at the beginning of WWII there were less than 16 million Jews in the world. They were found in the

following areas:- United States of America: …………………………………… 5,0 million (4,8)- USSR (including Baltic states) ……………………………… 5,3 million (3,2)- Palestine ………………………………………………………… 0,4 million (0,4)- European countries occupied by Germany during WWII: 2,9 million (6,1)- rest of the world: ………………………………………………. 2,4 million (2,2)

Total …………………………………………………………….. 16,9 million (16,6)

- at the outbreak of the war the largest part of the Jews

were moved to Siberia.

Less then 15% of the Jews living in the Soviet Union fell into German hands.

- one million Jews died while fighting in the Red Army or in Siberia. (even though their brethren ran

the gulags. If interested I can give you names of some of the Jews who ran the gulags in the USSR.)After WWII there were 14,7 million Jews in the world. They were spread as follows:- United State of America ……………………………………….. 5,2 million (5,0)- USSR (including Baltic states) ……………………………….. 4,3 million (2,0)- Palestine ………………………………………………………….. 0,6 million (0,6)- European countries occupied by Germany during WWII: 2,4 million (1,1)

- rest of the world: ………………………………………………. 2,2 million (2,3

Total ……………………………………………………………… 14,7 million (11,0)

2 minutes ago · Like

Mark Ashwill These numbers come from the book “The Dissolution of the Eastern European Jewry”

by Walter N. Sanning, 2nd Edition Torrance/California 1985 We must trust Sanning in his specification

of the number of Jews. His book has been praised by Jews around the world.The World Zionists give higher numbers for Jews before WWII and in 1945 than Sanning, but since the

Zionists are a propaganda organisation I do not think it is wise to believe their numbers.

Zionist numbers are in brackets above.Let us look further into the number of Jews in Palestine just after WWII. In 1948 Jerusalem had a

population of 100,000 Jews, and in Palestine as such more than 850,000 Jews. This number was given

by the UN in connection with the establishment of the state of Israel. Were did all these Jews come

from? Europe!!!!Looking closely at the rise in the numbers of Jews living in Palestine between 1939 and 1945 we see

that this number has risen the same amount the population of Jews in European countries occupied by Germany has fallen.We also know that Jews emigrated from Hungary and Romania to Palestine during WWII.

They emigrated without the concurrance of Germany through Turkey on ships to Palestine.

This was stopped as Germany did not want to ruin her relationship with the Arab states.Based on these numbers not many Jews died during WWIIWe might agree on a few thousands, with an upward limit of 150.000 Jews. Of these we know that

some 74.000 inmates died at Auschwitz. This number is based on the death books discovered in

Moscow after perestroika. Not all these dead inmates were Jews.

Mark Ashwill Since none of the death books of the other camps have been discovered we are not in a

position to give any realistic numbers for those camps.Treblinka was a camp used early on during the war for producing sand and gravel for roads during the

early campaign against Russia – and since Germany at that time had full dominion over her own air

space we must assume that they could get medicines to those inmates at Treblinka who became sick.

Further, as Treblinka is not located in an area of damp with a high water table it is less likely that the

amount of typhus, cholera and other deseases could spread among the inmates as they did at Auschwitz.

To dig out sand and gravel one does not need many men because the Germans had machinery to help

them.Majdanek was another camp located in the east of Poland. The camp at Majdanek was obviously a camp

for detaining Jews before they were to be shipped eastwards. When the Germans did not manage to

overrun Russia as they had planned the Jews who were gathered at Majdanek had to be shipped to other

camps in Poland or in the Baltic states. We might even think that some of them ended up in Auschwitz

and were either transported westwards as the Germans withdrew or chose to wait for the oncoming

Soviets.Belzec, Chelmno and Sobibor were camps in the east of Poland and surely used as rest places before

transportation eastwards into Russia. For those of you who know your holocaust history you might

recall that Belzec was the camp were the Germans killed Jews by forcing them to stand in water up to

their hips before turning on the electricity which killed the Jews. After all the Jews were killed the water

was pumped out and the electrified iron floor which the Jews stood on was again turned on and the

dead Jews were fried to ashes. This story was told by Dr. philo. (PHD.) Stefan Szende in the book

“Poland’s Last Jew”. Even Simon Wiesenthal has told this story. Everyone who has by mistake left a

chop too long in the pan knows it is impossible to burn/fry a chop to ashes.

Mark Ashwill Let me now return to the fantastic numbers of The Canadian Jewish News”,

of 1. January 1981: 4,344,371. This is obviously the number of Jews who have blackmailed Germany

into paying them money, but the number has nothing to do with the number of Jews within the grasp

of Germany during WWII.If one adds the post WWII numbers of Jews given by the Zionists to the number of allegedly gassed

Jews given by Lucy Dawidowicz, 5,370,000, one comes to a larger number than that of the Jews living

in occupied Europe before WWII. See for yourselves: 1,100,000+5,370,000 = 6,470,000.

This number is higher than the number of Jews who lived in occupied Europe before WWII.

And in this number we have not accounted for those Jews who survived WWII and demanded

compensation from Germany, 4,344,371 Jews.If we then add the Zionist numbers for Jews living in occupied Europe to the number of those whom

by 1981 had gotten compensation from Germany we get: 5,444,371 and to this number add the rise in

Jewish population in Palestine between 1939 and 1945 we get 5,844,371. This leaves us with a number

of dead Jews of 255,629 which is far from the number given by the Jew Lucy Dawidowicz

Mark Ashwill THERE IS SOMETHING ROTTEN ABOUT THESE ZIONIST NUMBERS!!!WHAT ABOUT THE YEARLY RISE IN POPULATION DURING WWII?Well, we could estimate this to be 1,3% (per cent) per year of a positive rise in population.

Based on the number of Jews living in Germany and the countries she occupied this would be based

on 2,9 million Jews giving a rise in population per year of 37,700. But this number must be less since

the greatest part of the Jews were in camps and were not allowed to copulate – the Germans did not

want an explosion in the number of Jews during the Jews stay in these camps. I say this knowing that

there were delivery rooms and midwives in each camp.RISE IN THE POPULATION OF JEWS AFTER WWIIThe population of Jews only increased by 1,6 million between 1945 and 1985.

This shows that they are not that fertile. You can surely use this number for your further discussions

with friends and proselytes of the Jews. Ask them to explain.UNDERSTANDING OF THE NUMBERSWhatever way we look at the numbers of Jews in the world in 1939 and 1945 as provided to us by the

Jews we cannot find a loss amounting to millions

John Smith Aaand this is why I use an anonymous Facebook name.

Mark Ashwill Any way we look at the number of “lost” Jews as given above:- Sanning: 100,000- Zionists: 255,629- my estimate: 150,000We are far from any millions of Jews walking towards chambers of any kind, either one in a mountain

containing a frying pan or in Auschwitz-Birkenau with it’s alleged gas chambers.The above number must be understood based on the unhealthy situation in some of the camps,

people getting sick from typhus, cholera, tuberculosis and other illnesses.According to the Zionists the number of Jews in the world between 1939 and 1945 fell by 5,600,000.

According to Lucy Dawidowicz 5,370,000 were gassed.If this number is correct the Germans were responsible for Jews who died in the USSR as well as all

other countries.No, my statement regarding something rotten in those numbers stands

Mark Ashwill I could not get the damn link to post right so I did it like this.

Mark Ashwill The fact is we’ve all been screwed in the rear by these evil people.

Daniel J Towsey Mark you copying and pasting is interesting but makes for a difficult

conversation. I appreciate that you did it since Facebook wont permit the links.

I have copied it all to my blog. But the formatting on Facebook does not work properly when

inserting it into my blog. So this is a lot of work. I haven’t even had the chance to read everything

you posted. and facebook does not refresh my page when someone posts something.

so that means that posts are not immediately followed with in a proper sequence of responses

and as such the order is out of proper sequence which makes it further more difficult for me to

copy to my blog with and proper order.

Daniel J Towsey everything appears in order to you but that is not how it works.

If I finish copy something and go back to this facebook post to respond.

While I am doing all that if anyone posts a response it is not on my screen until I refresh it then

I have to go back and find the tread.. believe me copying treads and re-posting is actually very

difficult to do. When it is an active tread. I have to do it while is active as Fcebook has many times

before deleted my treads while they are going on Facebook.

And they also completely removed

the groups from Facebook..My active copying defeats Facebook and discourages them from

interfering as they now know I have a copy of it all and the proof that Facebook does what I just

told you they do.

Mark Ashwill Are you telling me you are stopping me from putting a link on my site? I hope not.

I hope its just FB that is not working right as it usually never does.

John N Wendy Eleazer Daniel J Towsey…I have read Operation Paperclip and all the other stuff you refer to.

I’ve been around almost 60 years and my belief in what is Truth has evolved with time and research.

I have formed my own unique opinion, and that being said, I believe that what occurred to Hitler, the NSDAP,

and the German nation was a Zionist plan fomented prior to WWI and set into motion by the vengeful Versailles Treaty.

Sure the Bushes and various profiteers put some support behind Hitler.

They knew fully well of the plan to destroy Germany and Nationalism in Europe.

Hitler, on the other hand, loved his country, and her people. He fought and was a wounded veteran of WWI,

and his people loved him. He saw first hand what the decadent Weimar Republic did to his country.

He saw the Jew inspired Bolshevik communism being spread across Europe.

His country tried to follow military guidelines set out by the Versaille’s, but the nations that surrounded Germany did not.

Hitler tried in vain to make peace with his neighbors, but the true Zionist and their Judea Zionists cronies forced war upon


He was baited into Poland by the atrocious actions instigated against ethnic Germans by Poland and her British/Zio

handlers. Then they declared war on them because that was what they wanted.

The USSR was poised in an offensive plan prior to Hitler “invading” also. Hitler was not a Zionist.

And as far as Operation Paperclip, that is nothing but propaganda, to make people think they smuggled Germany’s

scientist and such out of Germany. What is fact, is they stole those individuals from that nation.

They had the choice to come to the US or stay in Germany and die. You my friend are the one who needs to research,

and don’t necessarily believe everything you read as fact. Much has been skewed by the victors in their drive for one world

communist government. I wasn’t born yesterday son!

Mark Ashwill WEll pardon me for even posting then. I’ll give you all night lol

Daniel J Towsey Here is something to know about Facebook. They really do not care about anything revealing

posted in a group as it quickly disappears when new posts show. Try scrolling down a day or more. It does not work

if the pages had stuff they want to hide. But I am on their watch list since I run many very revealing blogs, am an

insider in politics and very well known for telling the whole truth.. I am presently very disabled as they drove a car

over me several times to kill me.. I am a very active public speaker.

My life is seriously in danger and I no longer have

a life except when I go out on the streets in my electric wheelchair that they keep sabotaging so that to try and do me

more harm.. My life is extremely complicated. I have been a public figure my whole life. So facebook has,

Like I said deleted my posts because they know who I am and that I have been read by millions over the years.

I have been on thousands of sites and forums and they have deleted and removed almost all the sites I posted to.

Many were huge sites.. I am not kidding or exaggerating.. Just type my name in a search engine or type in

A Truth Soldier..no matter how hard they work to keep my stuff out of the search engines.

The more people that copy my stuff and repost the more likely they will stop interfering..

I have really awesome videos on youtube and youtube does not show the real views count..

they make my important videos look like they get no views. But I know that I am getting thousands of views after

I posts the videos with links back to my blog. I can see on my blogs stats that the videos are getting alot of views but

youtubes blocks the result to discourage more viewers. If they keep the count really low.

Few will check them out…

Daniel J Towsey Mark copying and posting text is not a conversation..I am writing my own words here.. And one more thing. Most people who stuff on facebook do not have their own active blogs so again facebook does not care about dead beats but activists like me they really monitor..nothing is hidden from them on the net and everything is real time instant to them..

BOYCOTT any regime that kills for sport…as it certainly has no grounds for it otherwise!

Lothar Jung shared Free Palestine’s photo.

Suffering of the indigenous population – in the US the same as in Palestine……never ending story!

Suffering of the indigenous population – in the US the same as in Palestine……never ending story!

Mark Krall This story is non sense…..Not at all similar to the Palestine woes today….Not even close.

Susan El-zaatari There are many similarities between the American Indians and the Palestinians.

Most American Indians live in extreme poverty on Government Reservations.

They were massacred in great numbers during the 1800 when the Western US was being settled.

They were almost annihilated.

Mark Krall Not at all a fair comparision……Palestinian Arabs have it 100 times worse……

Many many differences in the two situations

Susan El-zaatari I agree that many do have it worse than than the American Indians because the Israeli violence

continues, but the History of the Indians is very much the same as that of the Palestinians.

Mark Krall Not even close to being the same……Indians sent out war parties attacking peaceful farming


Indians would travel great distances just to surprise attack peaceful settlers that never did them any harm.

When that happened, yes, some white guys would get together and go after them…….

Like I’m tring to tell you….not at all like the Palestine situation.

John Kirkpatrick Agree with Mark here

Mark Krall Here’s what I don’t get about the Palestine thing. There’s a bunch of Arabs stuck with being harmed


by the Israeli’s. Where the hell are all the big bad Arabs? If those in Gaza and the west bank were white folks,

other white folks would be in there kicking some serious jew ass.

Mark Krall Further, if the US gov’t wasn’t so freakin jewed up, that shit in Palestine would not be tolerated one


day. It would have been solved long ago. I feel for em but damn it, we gotta get them bastards out of our house

before crap like the Palestine situation can have a resolve

John Kirkpatrick The issues are not related at all

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