
The Atlantic County Library System has an exciting and innovative resource just in time for back to school!  With Explora, Ebsco combines its popular Searchasaurus, KidSearch, and Student Research Center into one all-encompassing database.  The new, simpler interface is designed especially for students, with its easy-to-use search setup that quickly delivers relevant results for research topics.

Let our librarians show you how to "Explora" your world and research any topic with ease.
Visit the Mays Landing Branch on Wednesday, September 16th
and stop by our special table in the Atrium from 3-5 PM
or anytime at the Reference Center on the 2nd floor.

Explora’s resources include:

Periodical and newspaper articles



Primary source materials

Literary Criticism

Profiles of foreign countries and the U.S.

Associated Press videos from the 1930’s to the present (content updated monthly)

Reference Books on a variety of topics

Explora can be used at any of our library branches or remotely with your library card.
Try it today and happy exploring!

Read more to learn more about what Explora has to offer.

Users can find information in all subjects, including literature, current events, math, history, science, careers, health, and culture. Several colorful and eye-catching topic review choices on the top of the Explora homepage can give students additional ideas for starting research.  Explora features easy-to-browse categories organized by popular topics, along with topic overviews, that will help students find and develop research ideas.  Within each larger topic are dozens of related subjects that provide students with ready-made search result lists which can simplify the research process.

Some special features of Explora’s resources include reading-level indicators which allow students to find research appropriate to their grade level, a text-to-speech feature for some articles which can provide help for struggling readers, the ability to translate search results into a number of other languages, and the ability to listen to an audio version of text-based search results.  Students can also print or email articles to their own email addresses for viewing at a later time.

Explora can be found on the this website by using the Search this Site box or in the Resources Section under Databases and Research. Get ready to Explora today!

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