
Joining the market for high-quality leather products, Ledermann Leather recently launched their online shop for all their leather bags products. The online shop features leather bags for all occasions including duffel bags, messenger bags, and suitcases. Through the LederMann online shop, buyers enjoy less hassle in choosing the perfect bag by simply browsing the product catalog with just few clicks. All orders are processed within 2 business days.

Leather manufacturing has a consistent customer base. People are attracted to it because it is a status symbol in society. Production of leather bags and briefcases is fueled by the local and international demand for top quality leather brands.

Most of these brands are sold in store locations and customers must visit the store to purchase the product they want. However, there is a growing reliance to products being sold online including leather items.

Nethill, the Malaysia-based owner of LederMann leather, had just opened up their own website and started selling their products online. The site features leather briefcases, travel bags, messenger bags, and backpacks.

The brand has been known for both quality and affordability, qualities that the company has championed since they founded the company in 2002. “Our objective was simple: to offer men a variety of handsome, heavy-duty leather bags and briefcases,” said Des Ng, Nethill founder and owner.

All of their products are inspired by masculinity and classic styling. They call their style Old World Craftmanship. Despite the vintage design, they also considered allowing their customers to be able to carry modern gadgets inside their bags.

Des and Mindy Ng researched and consulted with established leather manufacturers to create their own unique design which led to the creation of the LederMann brand. The effort has allowed them to be recognized as a quality leather manufacturer.

In the creation of their leather bags and briefcases, they make sure that the leather used is of the finest and toughest grade full grain leather. Nethill has partnered with premier tanneries in Asia so they can acquire rich and beautiful leather materials.

The leather bought from the tanneries is shipped to their manufacturing plant in India to be sewn together. Each bag or briefcase that comes out of the factory is sewn together by industrial-grade nylon which ensures the durability of the seams. All the accessories found on their bags (buckles, zippers, rings) were made from heavy-duty materials as well.

Nethill’s product is ISO 9001:2000 certified specializing in the production of top quality leather items. It features cutting-edge machinery and highly-skilled workers that work together in a systematic production process.

Quality control is a priority for the company assuring all customers that every item they sell has undergone a strict inspection procedure from the best quality control agents. They guarantee all their bags and briefcases are against any defects once they get out.

Customers can visit their site and find a bag from their collection bags and briefcases. They can mix and match to fit their look or job. They can easily place their order/s and pay online without any hassle. After that, they can expect their item at their doorstep within 5-7 business days (2 working days to process order + 3 to 5 working days delivery).

Click the link for their online catalog.

For more inquiries, contact LederMann Leather at http://www.ledermannleather.com

Media Contact
Company Name: Nethill
Contact Person: Desmond
Email: Send Email
Phone: +6012-7718889
Country: Malaysia
Website: http://www.ledermannleather.com

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