Fine art reproductions of masterpieces are also available from this art gallery
CHINA, 20th SEPTEMBER 2013: Art lovers from all over the world can choose from a wide range of oil www.refinegallery.com painting collections at the refinegallery.com online store. Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery is specialized in watercolor paintings, frames and oil painting reproductions. Resellers and art brokers are offered wholesale oil paintings at reasonable rates from this online art gallery. Experienced and highly professional Chinese artists are behind the production of each painting and they strive hard to deliver good quality works to diverse customers. Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery guarantees to provide oil painting reproductions of any style and size with zero risk payment options.
The online store refinegallery.com features masterpiece reproductions of some well-known artists like Alfred Sisley, Fernando Botero, Caravaggio, Gainsborough Thomas, Diego Rivera, Leonardo da Vinci, Paul Klee, Gustav Klimt, William Bouguereau, Georges Pierre Seurat, John William Waterhouse and many others. Each reproduction is categorized under the particular artist’s name, and hence shoppers can easily select from among their preferred artist’s paintings without any confusion. The specialized services of this art gallery consist of paintings from photo, giclee prints, watercolor paintings, canvas prints, decoration paintings, Digital Ink Jet Photo on Canvas Prints, and so on. Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery delivers oil painting reproductions of different quality levels including commercial quality, medium, high and top.
The website says, “We can offer you large?volume high quality, 100% hand-painted reproductions oil painting reproductions of old masterpieces and?oil paintings?of our artists, you can find from us whatever you miss in your own oil painting collection.”
Potential consumers and art lovers can browse through categories like Abstract/Decoration, Animal/Pet, Flora, Fruit, Cartoon, Group Painting, Landscape, Knife Painting, Mediterranean Sea, People, Seascape, Still Life, Streetscape, Venice, Water Country and so forth. Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery ensures that a team of expert artists evaluate the oil paintings before it is shipped to customers. No minimum quantity is prescribed for order placements, and hence people can purchase any number of works from this online art gallery.
Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery has clients from all over the UK, Middle East, Australia, USA, France, Denmark and Italy. The exclusive oil painting database of this online store allows art lovers to have access to the best and unique oil painting collections. Orders for wholesale oil paintings can be easily placed via the website refinegallery.com.
To get more information about wholesale oil paintings, visit http://www.refinegallery.com
About Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery
Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery is situated in Xiamen, China. This professional oil painting art wholesale oil painting with knife gallery has over 10 years of experience in delivering good quality oil paintings and masterpiece reproductions to customers from all across the globe.
Media Contact
Company Name: Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery
Contact Person: www.refinegallery.com
Email: Send Email
Phone: 0086-592 6211 500
Country: China
Website: www.refinegallery.com
Source: www.abnewswire.com