The ATA has welcomed news that more than 2 million small-scale renewable energy systems have been installed in Australia, saying it showed a decisive culture shift.
The figures, released by the Clean Energy Regulator, come just months after Australia reached 1 million rooftop solar installations.
In 2008, there were about 50,000 households with some kind of small-scale clean energy system: solar photovoltaics, solar hot water, heat pumps, small wind and micro hydro. Now, it is estimated there are as many as 2 million – a fortyfold increase.
“The numbers speak for themselves. What we’ve seen in the past few years in Australia is a huge change in people’s attitudes to renewable energy,” said Damien Moyse, the ATA’s energy projects and policy manager.
“When once it was considered a fringe interest, now people realise that clean energy not only helps to save money on energy bills, it’s crucial for an environmentally friendly future,” Mr Moyse said.
“Electricity demand in the national electricity market has fallen for the fifth year in a row. A major reason for this has been all the installations of solar and other efficient technologies by households and businesses.”
The not-for-profit Alternative Technology Association (ATA) has been at the forefront of campaigning for small-scale renewable energy since its inception in 1980.