
Welcome to Libra season: The Sun is in this fair-minded, aesthetic sign from September 22-October 22, putting our focus on balance, relationships and beauty.

And there’s a special bonus: In 2016, expansive Jupiter, the planet of luck and enthusiasm, is also in Libra until October 10, 2017, magnifying the Sun’s harmonious rays even more!

Every 30 days or so, the Sun visits a new zodiac sign. During this “season” everyone feels the energy of this prevailing astrological energy, no matter what your Sun sign. Libra is the second of the zodiac’s three air signs and part of the “cardinal” quality (or triplicity). Cardinal signs (the others are Aries, Cancer and Capricorn) are leadership-driven, discerning, and can even bit a bit entitled at times. Cardinal signs begin every season, so they are known as initiators and pioneers—but this also gives them an alpha-male or queen-bee air when taken too far.

As we bid adieu to the efficiency and detailed focus of Virgo season, it’s time to welcome more pleasure and communal vibes into our worlds. Virgo helped us spot the flaws; now Libra season invites us to join forces and fix them up, working in synergistic partnerships and dynamic duos.

Here are five ways you can capitalize on Libra season and invite some balance back into your life through October 22.

1. Put down your phone…and actually be present.

Libra is the sign of interpersonal relationships, and Libra season puts yours front and center. When was the last time you were truly “as one” with another human being, engaged in a back-and-forth energetic dance? Sounds lovely, sure. But this is no simple feat in our era of smartphones and constant connectivity. Building relationships is an “inefficient” task in our productivity-obsessed world. It’s easier to swipe, “friend” or “like” than to do the awkward getting-to-know-you routine, or deal with people’s real-world idiosyncrasies. Yet, our screen-to-screen approach removes the soul and beauty of a Libra-inspired union.

New York magazine’s September 19, 2016 issue nails this phenomenon in a mind-blowing article “I Used To Be A Human Being.” In it, author Andrew Sullivan details his addiction (and he uses this word literally) to life-on-the-web and his radical attempt to unplug. It hits home, and as Gen Xers who remember life before even cable TV (and remote controls!), it struck a deep chord with us. It’s now become nearly impossible to put down a smartphone without being awash in FOMO or twitching with anxiety.

Can our tech-addicted culture reclaim a balanced life, where we can actually relax and enjoy ourselves without a screen in easy reach? This is a theme worth exploring during Libra season. But as with any addiction, we’ll have to take it one day at a time.

2. Honor the beautiful and the feminine.

Elegant Libra is ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty, art and social grace. This sign is truly “the fairest of them all!” During Libra season, we can all (regardless of gender) use a dose of metaphysical matriarchal mojo. One easy way to start? Simply slow down. Take time putting together your meals, your outfits, or even your workspace for the day. Make a ritual of getting ready for bed, waking up or savoring a morning routine. Even a tiny adjustment to mindless rushing can make a huge difference during this phase.

Our culture is all about rushing and achieving maximum results in the minimum time. But Libra season is NOT about efficiency—and that’s okay. It’s about maximizing the amount of pleasure you take in every experience. For women who’d like to plunge in headfirst and reconnect to your feminine fierceness, check out the radically-named new book Pussy: A Reclamation by Regena Thomashauer (a.k.a. Mama Gena), which teaches women to reclaim their power through pleasure. To bring some Libra-inspired glow back to your wellness routines, pick up the new book Radical Beauty by Kimberly Snyder and (Libra) Deepak Chopra, which has fascinating tips for establishing both inner and outer radiance.

3. Help reform the meaning of “justice.”

Libra is symbolizes justice and democracy, and we can’t step over the troubling issue of police brutality—not now, and not ever. Our stomachs have turned and churned at the senseless police murders of Black men this summer in the U.S.—and again on the eve of Libra season, as Tulsa resident Terrence Crutcher was shot with his hands up when his car broke down, and Keith Lamont Scott was just killed by police in Charlotte.

These are people’s fathers, brothers, sons. They are not given the same rights as all Americans are supposedly entitled to: innocent until proven guilty. In fact, it’s not only the complete opposite, but they’re being executed before they’re even given a chance prove whether or not they are.

Here’s a thought: What if we treated some of these killings as hate crimes? It’s time for Libra-style justice to prevail at a system-wide level. Would that mean required sensitivity and cultural awareness training? More dialogue between police and communities? There’s no simple answer to these issues that date back to times of slavery. But at this rate, we need to start with something—anything—so that with any bit of hope, we might one day look upon one another as equals, regardless of race, gender, age, shape or size.

4. Peaceful protesting? Revive the spirit of Libra peacemaker Gandhi.

Peaceful protesting was the hallmark of Libra icon Gandhi’s “passive resistance” movement in India—and it worked. But is anyone listening now? As Donald J. Trump excuses violence at his rallies and civilian protests devolve into teargas, rubber bullets and property destruction, it’s clear that our world has lapsed into a deeply troubling state of “might equals right.” Perhaps we’ve given up hope that any other tactic will work..? Yet, our frustrated efforts to be heard are only compounding the problem. Gandhi himself said, “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” Indeed, our vision—and our views of each other—have become severely impaired.

How can we clear ourselves of this negativity? This may sound oversimplified, but putting ourselves into a happy, love-filled state of mind can be the best and easiest place to start. Music, which falls under Libra’s domain, has the power to heal. Turn on Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now,” which is apparently officially the “happiest song on earth” according to science. Go look at art or a gorgeous scene in nature. Libra season is a time to take in sights and sounds that fill your heart. Read up on HeartMath, which explains the power of the heart’s electromagnetic field which can be felt several feet outside the body. And go make some art yourself.

But first, a musical interlude from Freddie Mercury…

5. Choose love.

Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love,(Libra season required reading) put it perfectly: ” The biggest problem today isn’t just that hate is speaking so loudly; it’s that love is speaking too softly.”

She has a point. Heck, even Brangelina—the ultimate icons of modern love—filed for divorce. And as we approach Election Day in the U.S., fear is at an all-time high—within valid reason. Sure, there is so much to be angry and outraged about. But what would happen if, say, we imagined the candidate we loathe actually winning the U.S. election—and visualized ourselves NOT reacting with fear? This is more of a philosophical exercise (and it’s not easy). But let’s remind ourselves that fear creates chaos, disempowerment and divisiveness.This post, though it may seem oversimplified, has suggestions for remaining peaceful during election season.

After the recent bombings in Manhattan, for instance, New Yorkers—albeit spooked and on edge—are model citizens when it comes to adopting a fearless mentality. Because when we let fear take over, that’s when we lose. For love to win in the end, perhaps Williamson’s definition can guide us: “Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn.” It’s time for some un-learning like never before.

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The post Libra Season: 5 Ways to Invite Balance Into Your Life by October 22 appeared first on Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins.

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