
Egg white omelets and other yolk-free recipes have become synonymous with “healthy” to many. But if you toss out your egg yolks, you’re also tossing out some of the most nutritious parts of the egg. A recent POPSUGAR article confirmed that skipping egg yolks "makes the meal void of vitamins B2, B12, D, and iron."

YOLK IT UP: Egg yolks have been unfairly vilified for decades because they contain cholesterol and saturated fat. But contrary to the prevailing nutritional dogma that such dietary components need to be avoided, the cholesterol and saturated fat in animal foods like egg yolks are quite beneficial for your health. The cholesterol in egg yolks is not associated with high blood cholesterol levels or heart disease.
The yolk is arguably the healthiest part of the egg and should be consumed lightly cooked or raw (provided it’s free-range and organic).

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