I don’t think I’m cut out for interviews, y’all. I like the talking part, but the technical stuff does me in. This one is WAY better than the last (and first) interview a month ago, but it exhausted my limited editing skills and still has a bajillion flaws.
But the content is good! I talked to Mary Carver of GivingUpOnPerfect.com who co-authored the book: Choose Joy: Finding Joy and Purpose when Life Hurts, which you can get on Amazon (through my affiliate link) or wherever books are sold.
The book’s focus is the perspective of Mary’s co-author, Sara Frankl, who passed away in 2011 after dealing with severe chronic pain for years. We talk about decluttering stories, thought redirection and more.
And we also talk about fun stuff, too. Like Tide Pods (<-affiliate link). Mary loves them, and I actually ordered some when I went to grab the link and saw that there’s a 2.00 off coupon right now!
Also mentioned: My new amazon link!! Just go straight to ASlobComesClean.com/amazon and you’ll go straight to Amazon through my affiliate link! No need to search for an affiliate link on the site. (P.S. I greatly appreciate those who use my affiliate links!)
Be a patron! Next patron only hangout will be Monday evening at 7 p.m. Central!
The post 089 Dealing with Hard Things – Interview with Mary Carver of Choose Joy appeared first on A Slob Comes Clean.