
The Healing Codes is a system developed by Dr. Alex Loyd that helps people to clear their stress and heal the issues of their heart. When those who use The Healing Codes clear out their stress, it allows the body to heal itself naturally. It is not a magic pill. It uses the laws of quantum physics.

I’m still not sure I understand exactly how it works or why. I’ve been using it for almost three years now. Although I can honestly say it wasn’t an easy process, at least for me, what I do know is that it works, and it works like gangbusters.

I spent a lot of time debating whether or not to share the information I’m about to share with you. There’s also about 355 pages of conversations right now, and it takes time to read, copy, format and paste this stuff. However, helping others won out, and so I will be sharing it with you. Please understand that I am not a Healing Codes practitioner, nor am I a doctor. I am simply a student of this healing modality, and it worked for me. I will be adding the disclaimer to everyone of my posts for those who want to read it.

As for my experience, it’s been painful, and it’s been amazing. I take no medicines anymore. My gray hair is gone. Although I still have a few pounds to lose, and I’m rebuilding my business, now I have the foundation to stop self sabotaging and finally live the life I am capable of living.

I look forward to hearing your comments. One more thing: any names mentioned have been XXXed out. I wouldn’t want to expose to ridicule those I care about. It’s some juicy stuff, and I really show my human side as well as the side of me that’s a woman.

My coach’s name is Susan Glynn. She’s from Australia. I will be including her link in every post. For those who are interested in contacting her, please feel free to use the link included in the post. She’s a wonderful lady, and her dad was a veteran. She does not understand what it’s like to be a veteran. She does, however, understand what we as veterans go through, and she’s very good at helping us.

Since I am publishing this in its entirety, some of it may be boring. Skim through it to find the parts that interests you the most. You’ll find plenty of nuggets to help you.

Susan Glynn – Healing Codes Coach

The Healing Codes Disclaimer

Aug 3, 2013 – Susan Glynn

Hello Jinger,

Susan Glynn here, and you made an offer to Coaches on THC program facebook page, so I’m following up on that if you would be ok with that.

I’ve been a Coach with The Healing Codes for several years now, and been doing THC on me, since mid 2005, and doing Energy for 18yrs altogether. There is a good broad range of experience in those 18yrs…

I’m in Australia.

Looking forward to hearing from you on what exactly is possible here and to hear more of what your own work entails.!!!.?

I have been interviewed by my local radio station, and thoroughly enjoyed that.

Cheers for now…Susan.

ps. fbk is telling me below, that this will go to your ‘other folder’ within facebook, as i’m not ‘friended’. Hope you find this. SG.

Aug 3, 2013 – Jinger Jarrett

I check this folder. I just did this because it filters all the spam. Unfortunately emails from people like you, that I actually want to get, end up here too.

Let me sit down this week and create a handout for this. That way I can go into full detail for everyone on how it works. I have a lot of document accounts, and if we did a written interview, I have tons of places to send them. Audio interviews can be distributed to software directories etc. Plus, you get it to host on your own site and give away. I have a way for us to do the interview through Skype and it gets recorded.

Aug 4, 2013 – Susan Glynn

Hi Jinger…and i’m glad you Do check that folder as fbk did not give me the same usual pm option, so was thinking you may not find it. Takes an experienced tekky to know where to go, eh?

You do your handout, as its likely you will get good response to your offer. A recent project for me is a website, so if this in audio form, it may well suit going on the site.

Yes, i have skype and am on it…. susan.glynn811

I have to learn how skype records chats.

Thank you, and whatever time frame you need is ok with me.

Cheers for now…Susan.

Aug 4, 2013 – Jinger Jarrett

I will be happy to add you to Skype. I’ll also add some stuff on guest posting on blogs. I have just repositioned myself, and my blog will be heavily promoted. I would love to have guest blog posts from coaches. Some good free publicity. I’ll get on this. It’s so important to me to promote this. It is amazing!

Aug 4, 2013 – Susan Glynn

Fine I’ll look for you on skype & accept…

As for the blogging…not familiar with it…so if when you say ”guest blog posts from Coaches” you mean we write something and submit it to you, or the blog….I’m up for it…just give me the subject, the size and how to post it up.

I’m used to posting on THC fbk pages, after that its ”????” for me…

Aug 4, 2013 – Jinger Jarrett

Yes. It’s easy. You would also include a link to your website for promotion.

Aug 4, 2013 – Susan Glynn

Great…just have to finish the site & get it pointed…

Aug 4, 2013 – Jinger Jarrett

The ideas for promoting this just keep coming. It would mean a lot more clients for the coaches, and it would allow me to do what I do best. Win-win for all, and we could help so many. I want to invite you to my group, and I want you to be in a book.

[This link is no longer active]

Aug 4, 2013 – Susan Glynn

Geez Jinger, you have LOT going on here…much of it is new to me…

So…you are asking me to join this group?

Is it a fbk page you want people to put up posts about their work?

THEN, when you say a book…do you plan a ‘group authors’ book where each person does a chapter and each chapter is self contained?…something along that kind of line?

Aug 4, 2013 – Jinger Jarrett

Ok. Here’s how the book would work. I’m doing several series. My goal is to start a publishing company in 2014 called “Tell Your Stories.”

Books will be composed of interviews by experts on each topic. The first will be on small business startups. I have most of the interviews for this. I want to do a book with Healing Code coaches. Then there’s the veterans’ angle. All will be low cost, heavily promoted, and much of the money will be used to fund this stuff. So in the case of the Healing Codes, any revenues could be used to get copies of the book into the hands of those who can’t afford it. Or pay for sessions with coaches. The veterans’ books will fund veterans’ causes.

What I am doing is taking what I do best, which is interviewing, and combining it with my desire to help others. Yes, it means a paycheck. Don’t work, don’t eat. It’s about me using my God given talents to make the world a better place.

Aug 4, 2013 – Jinger Jarrett

Here’s my blog. I finished it yesterday. http://askjinger.com/

Aug 4, 2013 – Susan Glynn

Wow…i had a run around there and none of the articles are particularly long…very to the point. When you say you ‘finished it yesterday’ do you mean you actually ‘built the site’ yourself?

Aug 4, 2013 – Jinger Jarrett

I own 14 websites. And yes I did.

Aug 4, 2013 – Susan Glynn

oh Jinger…14…and i’ve had such a big issue dealing with constructing this One website. Its bedtime for me…and now…14!!!!!!!….oh dear, that is nightmare territory…hahaha. Chat soon…THANK you, you have given me a Lot to think on. Susan.

Aug 5, 2013 – Susan Glynn

Two questions Jinger…if you feel you’d like me to write a blog post, or be interviewed, what would you say that firstly the blog readers are looking to know about?

..and what would you like to know about me and my own life, as its been pretty diverse?

Willing, either way…

Aug 6, 2013 – Jinger Jarrett

Depends a lot really on what you do. If you’re a coach, I would say write about how the Healing Codes can help, something like that. It’s about contributing your unique perspective on how you can change your life for the best. That type of thing. Does that make sense?

For example, I do the 5 Tibetan Rites because it’s the most effective and efficient exercise on the planet, and it works. It’s really hard, even now. Do I feel WOW! after I have done it though.

Aug 6, 2013 – Susan Glynn

hahaha…and i’ve just finished My 5T’s too…and with a classical ballet background plus pilates and yoga practices at times…i Totally agree that the 5T’s are the most valuable effective set of excerices.

mmm…its 1am here, so bed is beckoning…Yes I’m a THC Coach, plus multiple other Energy tools over the last 18yrs of doing Energy on me and with others…so a lot to contribute & able to comment on really.

I’ll sleep on it…and…do i write and post much like one does on fbk? I have not taken part in a blog before.

Aug 6, 2013 – Jinger Jarrett

Sounds like you have some good material to work with. I don’t have a lot of guidelines. I just like good content that’s helpful. Here’s the guidelines. Pretty straightforward. http://askjinger.com/submit-your-content/

Submit Your Content – Mind, Body, and Spirit Business and Life

Submit your unique articles and blog posts to my blog. All posts must be related to health, wealth, and relationships.


Aug 29, 2013 – Susan Glynn

Hi Jinger,

I’ve just answered to your Heart & Success issues finders, on the fbk page…and…if you don’t mind, could i ask you a really ‘newbie’ website question?

I have been building a website in Wix, and i bought the domain name 2 yrs ago through an Australian company, Melbourne IT,…pretty expensive and i didn’t know any different and didn’t know how to use what they had on offer.

The domain renewal came up, and due to not knowing how long and complicated a changeover to a new company would take i have left my run so late i have renewed Just the domain name with Melb IT at this time, and would value any suggestions you may have towards cheaper domain registering and hosting companies.

I have paid $70aus to Melb IT for the next 2 years (its a .com.au site, so they are only available for 2yrs).

Would i be best to just stay with Melb IT now, and get hosting from Wix, where i’m building the site, and just get the website up and on the net asap.?

I’m a VERY newbie at this…so hope you don’t mind me asking, and suggesting if you can?

Mostly i hope i have used the right terms to ask what i think i mean. I find the tekky lingo confusing.

THANKS a heap…Susan.

Aug 29, 2013 – Jinger Jarrett


There are two really good websites where you can go to build a website that’s easy, and they offer lots of free training. You can also transfer your domain to them. I don’t know if they handle domain renewal. I know it would be cheaper as they charge market price.



Now, if you just want a nice business website, I would recommend Yola. They have nice templates, and it’s easy to do. If you want a blog and website, then use Weebly.

Both websites make domain transfer very simple. Just follow the prompts on the screen when you sign up. If you get stuck, they have good tech support and will help if you run into trouble.

Yola – Make a Free Website

Make a free website with our free website builder. We offer free hosting and a free website address. Get your business on Google, Yahoo & Bing today.


Aug 29, 2013 – Susan Glynn

Oh THANKs Jinger…yes i’ve ‘played about’ with a friend, in both Weebly and Yola. I have my own name dotcom in the early stages of building, in Yola now.

The site I’m building right now & where i’d just left my renewal to the last minute, is being built in Wix…friends picked that medium to build in, and its been good, easy too, and plenty of skilled support as well. Now i know it i will likely use it more.

You are right, Wix does not do domain registration at all and agree that neither Weebly nor Yola are likely to either.

A different friend had started me building this site i am on now, in Homestead…and it was just Not working…the actual program they use was not easy, would not ‘hold’ txt and in the structuring that we wanted…a mess all around.

I have just given SO Much Energy to changing my own fear levels to tekky stuff…i was Terrified when i began all this.

So, clearly its all been ME that creates the uncertainty and stumbling.

I have taken the pressure off myself now by renewing the site. Had a shock how complicated and time consuming the ‘change of renewal’ would have been, cos i left it to the last few days.

See…it shows me a long held ‘issue’ with leaving things to the last 11th minute. Got to Code again on that one baby…big time. hahaha…

THANKs so much. Glad the HIF & SIF thing is a bit clearer for you.

Just know that Dr Alex put them together himself way back in his psychology clinic days, and its used by many medicos and other health professionals with their patients and clients, to gauge their ‘measure’ on various aspects of self.

You can ‘aim’ your results to give you a measure of whatever part of you or aspect of your life you are after more depth in…just by adjusting your FOCUS as you answer the questionnaire.

Clever eh?

Go for it…

Aug 30, 2013 – Jinger Jarrett

Either I am one of the most extraordinary people on the planet or the most stubborn. I taught myself all this stuff, and believe me, I’ve broken it all plenty of times.

Aug 30, 2013 – Susan Glynn

Hahaha…you sure are a crack up…!!! LOL…

Yeah…i so do carry mirrors with you on ‘stubborn’ and persistant and consistant and ‘keep at UNTIL’ and a few others.

I’ve long described my life as an Experimental Laboritory…even said so in my new website.

Its coming along nicely actually…been double proofing it and had the guts to go the link embedding myself after the ‘help’ told me how. ITS WORKING…

So easy once you DO know how…Terrified me before…Sure HAVE Coded out some huge fear walls in me this last fortnight to have made all the progress in the website that i have just in this one day. Phew!!!

Aug 30, 2013 · Sent from Web

Jinger Jarrett

I have no problem with those who try and fail. You get back up and try again. It’s the ones who never even try who irritate me. Life is meant to be experienced, not something you do from the sidelines.

Aug 30, 2013 – Susan Glynn

Yeah life always feels better to me too, if i’m in there and BATTING.

About the ones who quit trying…when you sit with them a while and feel the depth of their Hearts, they are so often weighed down with more fears & hurts than i could ever imagine trying to carry around.

It took me some Coding…and now i manage a bit of acceptance of them just as they are…and that simple thing can be enough for them to give it a go.

Aug 31, 2013 – Susan Glynn

Hi Jinger, and have just read your post specific to David Shen.

Stunningly good.

I put a post below it…

Here are a few more detailed thoughts.

It is so VERY helpful how experimental you are being in your use of that Universal Code and its taken me such a lot of encouraging towards many people, to get them to be that flexible. They just have tight issues with only following instructions for fear of not ‘getting it right’.

Not even relevant…and you clearly got that one.

I do love how you take one Heart issue & one Success issue and park on them one after another…i think that is very skillful and not sure if its been done as specifically as that before, so updates will be keenly awaited when you notice stuff that is new and different.

And YES its not helpful to Compare…yet, the suggestions to be an explorer here, are so Good.

With the bit about not going to the earliest memory but rather focus on what is bothering you now…and let the Energy work its way down the Energy Flow of that, to the Cause…that is great and its towards my way of doing my own Coding, yet you are more exacting in your process to mine, so i will play your game more specifically for a while and see what i get.!!!

You possibly have heard that its typical THC process to go for the earliest memory…so lets see what the ‘perfectionists’ say about Not.!!!???

Does not matter…if it WORKS with clearing the stubborn stuff then its perfect.

I do love the idea you are thinking of doing THC coaching in the future…yes Jinger you would be just Great with that.

& Yes…best to get you where you feel good all around, first.

You are likely asleep now…so sleep deep & well and THANK you again for every contribution…you are a Diamond. :-0

XXX Susan.

Susan Glynn

Just a quick word to add to the post i just put up after a client of mine yesterday told me of YOUR fbk posts boosting them immensely and also that they felt a Lot of what you had been describing. The 12 step thing was also a point of joining energies with this person as well.

No its not Tasha on the fbk page…its someone out of the many who have not so far written anything…yet they are there and getting So Much from your posts…from the page in general.

Jinger…another point i have been pondering too.

You mentioned maybe being a THC Coach down the track…and i have had that on my mind a LOT since you wrote it.

YES you would make a FANTASTIC Coach and one who has so much Broad Life Experience.

You would by now know what a Diamond set of qualities all your life experiences would be, brought to this kind of People Assisting.

I for one vote for you to do the Coaching when you are ready.

…not before…its worth going the distance you Feel is right for you to get to a Strong place…where Completeness feels its in your grasp…just that you know it and sense more on the way. That…

Love4now…Susan. xxx

Sep 3, 2013 · Sent from Web

Jinger Jarrett

Thank you. I’m so glad I helped. Sometimes I don’t always understand the question. That’s when I have to think.

I actually got the pieces yesterday of how I’m supposed to do this. I’m planning to become a certified Tae Bo instructor and also T5T. Blend this into my hour of power thing.

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