

((Shit that is really shitty to wake up to: discovering that people are attacking other prussia rpers, comparing them to me and telling them to stop because they are not good enough or their art sucks or some other bullshit like that. So dear anons that think it’s okay to go around telling someone to stop having fun because ~they’re not playing how I want them to play~ Let me tell you that I think that’s absolutely disgusting, and if you are going around doing that, you are immature, mean, and petty as all fuck, and I’d prefer if people like that didn’t go around being rabid fans using my account as some sort of ruler others have to measure against, because that’s fucking stupid, and is not what having an askblog is about.

I started off somewhere not that great, and I had to learn and grow and improve, and that wouldn’t have happened if I had anons attacking me every two seconds for no damn reason other than they’re bored and bitter. I follow and appreciate a lot of wonderful, adorable and hilarious gilbert accounts and love them all to death, and wouldn’t change a thing about them and I WILL FIGHT YOU FOR THEM because the only requirement to rp anything or anyone is a love for the character and a desire to have fun. That’s. it.

A friendly reminder that this isn’t middle school, so don’t act like it is.))

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