
Matthew Swash

BSc (Hons) Real Estate Management; graduated 2011

Before you came to Oxford Brookes University what did you study and where?

I studied English Combined, Maths and Product Design at A-Level (History at AS). I studied at William Brookes Sixth Form in Much Wenlock, Shropshire.


What made you choose Oxford Brookes as a place to study?

The course at Oxford Brookes University was rated as one of the best places in the country to do Real Estate Management and is highly regarded by employers. In addition, the standard of teaching was rated as excellent, and these were the main reasons as to why I chose Brookes.


What do you think of the BSc Real Estate Management course now you’re here?

I believe the course at Oxford Brookes is excellent due to the wide range of topics it covers and the relevance it has in the working world. I found that when undertaking work experience, I was able to apply many skills I had learnt at University in differing departments, and this really helped me excel whilst in this environment.


How did your scholarship or bursary enhance your experience of the course?

My bursary was the extra little bit of money each year that helped me purchase many resources such as books/paper etc. Many course-related books cost around £30-50, and this contribution from the university helped my learning as I was then able to afford such items.


What are your plans for when you’ve completed your course, for work or further study?

Once I have completed my course, I hope to undertake the APC qualification in a bid to join the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors and become a professional in this area. Alternatively, I may undertake a Masters degree if I feel it necessary.


What are the best bits of studying at Oxford Brookes University? 

The best bits about studying at Oxford Brookes are the excellent resources available to us, the ability to easily liaise with staff, and my course that is challenging, yet still enjoyable.


What advice do you have for others?

Work hard; reap the benefits. But most importantly – make the most of it!


More information about the BSc Real Estate Management course

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