
Solutions Bridal Real Woman Campaign Details:

Wardrobe + Styling: Roberta Noronha at Solutions Bridal Designer House | Photography: Gian Carlo Photography | Makeup and Hair: Makeover Station | Wedding Gown: Rita Vinieris from Solutions Bridal Designer House

I’ve never met a woman who didn’t struggle with body image issues on some level. I remember going on my first diet when I was seven years old. When I announced my “diet plan” to my mom, thankfully I had absolutely no idea what a real diet entailed. I had heard the older women in my family talking about their diets, and I wanted to do it to. Thankfully, my mom had the genius idea to tell me that a diet had nothing to do with losing weight. Instead, it was just a word for choosing healthy foods instead of unhealthy foods. She encouraged me to choose vegetables instead of cookies and fruit instead of candy. I accepted her explanation, and I spent the next few years “dieting” every chance I got. Unfortunately, my mom’s plan only worked for so long. I grew up and had physical expectations thrown at me from every angle. I saw stunning models in my favorite magazines, the pretty girls at my schools, and the thinnest girls I’d ever seen in my daily ballet classes. I wanted to do look like them. I wanted to be tall with long legs and a flat stomach. I wanted a nose without a bump and skin that never broke out. I wanted to look like all of the perfect women that I saw everyday, and I definitely, definitely did not want to look like my 5’3, curvy self.

As I grew up, I got to know some of the “perfect” girls I hoped to look like. I talked with actors and models on photo shoots, trained with professional ballet dancers, and became friends with the pretty girls at school. I remember hoping to learn their secrets to staying thin and beautiful, but I ended up learning a very different lesson. I learned that all of the women that I idolized disliked something about their appearance. Oftentimes, the element of their bodies that they hated were the things that I had admired from afar. It was shocking to find out that the people who I thought were absolutely perfect weren’t satisfied with their appearance or their lives. Thankfully, I’ve learned a lot about true beauty since my teenage years. I learned that my mother’s strength, perseverance, and courage were more beautiful than any magazine cover. I saw the beauty in my grandparents playing with their grandchildren and how beautiful it is to see a mother looked into her baby’s eyes. I learned that true beauty has nothing to do with age, size, or body type and everything to do with kindness, confidence, and respect for yourself and others. Of course I still struggle with how I look in bikini and the number on my bathroom’s scale, but I know that my true worth is based on my character.

A few months ago, I was asked to participate in the #SBRealWoman campaign with Solutions Bridal Designer House. The goal of the Solutions Bridal Real Woman photoshoot was to showcase that real women of all body types could look beautiful and confident in a wedding gown. Roberta Noronha gathered local Orlando bloggers (Diary of A Debutante, Upbeat Soles, Pop of Style, Kiara Michelle, Love Jomy, Sweet Tea with Madi, Orlando Fashion Girl, Sugar Spice and Sparkle, Super Fashionable, Melanie Pace,Cosmopolitando, A Parisian in America, and me!) of varying body types and personalities and created one of the most beautiful and heartfelt projects I’ve ever worked on. The photo shoot highlighted each woman’s natural beauty with brilliant photography by Gian Carlo Photography and gorgeous styling by Solutions Bridal Designer House, and I was blown away by each and every shot! Each and every woman looked incredibly stunning in their photographs, but I have to tell you that their inner beauty blew me away. This group is filled with women who are supportive, kind, confident, passionate, and hardworking. I was inspired just being in the same room with these women. Every girl was a little nervous when they walked in front of the camera, but the crew and the group of bloggers helped them find their inner confidence with kind words and encouragement. There was no gossip, no snickering, no competition- only respect and sincere kindness. And guess what happened? Each and every woman started to feel comfortable and completely work it in front of the camera! I saw supermodels born before my eyes as each woman confidently smiled, laughed, and posed in their wedding gown.

Every woman deserves to feel beautiful every day, but it’s especially important on your wedding day. When I look back on my wedding photos, I think I look beautiful. Not because I was the thinnest bride or had the best outfit, but because I look so happy and confident in the photos! I was so happy to finally be marrying the love of my life, and I was surrounded by all of the people I love most in this world. That love and happiness definitely helped me look and feel beautiful, and of course I chose a wedding gown that made me feel like a princess! I am so honored to have had the chance to participate in this campaign, and I hope that the #SBRealWoman photos will inspire women of every body type to feel beautiful on their wedding day and in their everyday life! Whether you’re a bride-to-be or not, I highly encourage you to check out the #SBRealWoman hashtag on Instagram to see women of all body types and styles looking drop-dead-gorgeous in their perfect wedding gown!

If you’re a Central Florida bride-to-be, don’t forget to say hi to Roberta Noronha at Solutions Bridal Designer House! She’s a beautiful soul, and her team will help you find the wedding gown of your dreams!

Read more #SBRealWoman stories here:

The Diary of A Debutante | Upbeat Soles | Love Jomy | Pop of Style | Sugar Spice and Sparkle | Orlando Fashion Girl | A Parisian in America

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic! Please leave a comment letting me know what makes you feel beautiful!

$200 J.Crew Gift Card

I want to spread a little happiness in this post, so I thought I’d join in with blogger friends to offer a fun J.Crew giveaway. I hope it puts a smile on your face!


Prize: $200 J.Crew Gift Card || Co-hosts: Laura Jane Atelier ♥ Peaches In A Pod ♥ The Jort Report ♥ The Box Queen ♥  Jenn’s Blah Blah Blog ♥ Erika is Little ♥ Mommy on the Money ♥ Ashley Brooke ♥ Stripes N Vibes ♥ Style Tab ♥ Sweet Haute ♥ The Mommyhood Mentor ♥ Prescribed To Fashion ♥ Tabler Party Of Two ♥ Jade and Oak || Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck! || Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 8/28 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email. || Are you a blogger who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog? Click here to find out how you can join a totally awesome group of bloggers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The post Solutions Bridal Real Woman Campaign #SBRealWoman appeared first on Ashley Brooke.

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