Cosmic Awareness, Will Berlinghof, Interpreter
The More WE Change, the More THINGS Change
QUESTIONER: Is there an opening message please?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness welcomes one and all to this brave new world, the world that
is now the reality of one's experience. There have been many shifts in energies, many events that
have occurred: upheaval, confusion; many will not even remember this, for in their new reality it will
be the same reality that they were experiencing previously. Many may even wonder if anything at all
happened--what the buzz was about, what the flap was about.
This is because, for many they successfully transversed the timelines, creating for themselves a
continuance in their consciousness, one where events and circumstances have supported the
realities they are experiencing in a manner that they did not seemingly experience any events that
created for them an ending of the old and a beginning of the new.
For those on such timelines who do not know any difference between what was and what is, for
those who are experiencing a continuance of their lives, having gone through some perplexing times,
some changes, but not any of a nature that were so damaging, so devastating, that their worlds came
unglued and the shift happened in the most obvious way, a way they cannot deny; for those ones this
Awareness says, "Your reality is that which you have created in continuance with what you were
holding before."
Many are to continue now, still moving forward in their life's journey, still seeking experiences that
will teach them and guide them, and that will give them the opportunity for growth and
development, or not. Not all learn from the lessons that they receive in life. Not all learn from the
experiences they undertake. They still will need to learn.
You Have Successfully Created Your Own Reality
For those who have experienced continuance with no understanding or visible awareness of
extreme changes that were promised, do not think that changes did not take place. Do not think
that on other timelines, events were not of such magnitude that the worlds of those who had
such timelines were utterly and completely destroyed, altered and changed in the most
outstanding of ways.
Simply understand that you have successfully created your own reality and have forwarded your
own timeline in such a way that you can continue with your life's journey after the energies of the
past few months and years that did not seemingly manifest as you might have thought they would.
The objective is still the same in that you are still a spirit having a physical experience whereby you
can grow, whereby you can learn, whereby you can come to higher levels of understanding and
It is just that certain energies will not be as present anymore in your life, and it will be of a subtle
nature, one that may not even gain your attention. Thus, you will continue experiencing many of the
things you were once experiencing, that you were experiencing during the time of shift and upheaval,
and it may even appear that all the players are still in place, those who were on the stage before that
period of Ascension that has occurred on many timelines.
With time you will begin to truly see that the world is not the same place, that more and more
sanity has returned and that the world is a better place, one where it seems now people are genuine
and truly concerned with creating a more harmonious future. You need always to make this so in
your own life. This is why information that this Awareness will present will still be valuable in
learning how to do this, learning how to cooperate between the low self and the High Self.
There was a buildup of energies leading to the event that was Ascension and this has completed
itself and now you are in the settling down period. As there was a buildup to the completion of the
Ascension process, so will there be a general gradual letdown and therefore, there will be a period of
several years at least before those old forces are completely neutralized and no longer the Powers
That Be.
It Takes Time for Petty Dictators to Change
The majority of those who were the Elite, those who were the Powers That Be, have departed but
some of their minions have not, nor will they be of a nature where they will simply take over those
roles, for it is a new reality that you are experiencing, and it does take some time for bureaucracies to
change, for petty dictators within a bureaucratic system to change and come away from the old ways
into the new ways. But almost immediately, one will find that it is not as bad as it once was, and as
the new energies of Planet A/B start to truly assert themselves and the shifts start to go to new
levels, those that were catalyzed by the Ascension process will awaken and society will begin its
subtle transformation.
This Awareness is primarily now speaking to those who are reading these words at a time of
aftermath, after all of these events are completed. It is not addressing those who are not any longer
available to these new timelines where this Awareness will continue Its work of teaching and
informing, and of presenting information that will benefit individuals at different levels.
Therefore, this Awareness is still available, even to those ones who may be disappointed that they
did not experience the grand predictions that were made by so many, and even this Awareness spoke
of events that would happen for those who needed to experience those events, those whose destinies
were to undergo them and to undergo the transformational process that went hand in hand.
This Awareness speaks now to those who have shifted their reality in a way that they did not even
realize that they had done so, but this Awareness has always said that if one successfully creates the
timeline, or moves oneself into a timeline where they do not experience the upheavals or the
corruptions, then they are truly creator beings. This Awareness would add that they lack the
conscious awareness of how they have done this.
How You Managed to Shift Your Timeline
By having stayed positive and hopeful, and holding to the highest perception that change was
coming; this is how many have shifted their timelines and are now experiencing the brave new
world, the new potential Planet A/B of balance and harmony that this Awareness has long talked
about, and it is those that are now reading these words of Awareness. It will continue to be a voice
and to guide, and to assist all those coming forward in their journey toward higher awareness and
higher understanding.
This Awareness will continue. This Awareness also says that the old format where a forecast was
made will not be followed at this time for this new month and this new year for much is still
unfolding, and while this Awareness is addressing those who may be reading these words in the new
year of 2013, as this Awareness is giving this message, It is also straddling many timelines that have
not yet manifested themselves, many different events that may still occur on the many timelines, and
the many futures seen and known by this Awareness.
It is only addressing the one set of timelines which is that of continuance, that which was a
transition from old to new without extreme upheaval or even apparent notice of any great shifts, or
anything major happening, but at this time, as this Awareness presents this information, It sees so
many timelines, that until things have settled down substantially after the completion of the
Ascension process, that It chooses at this time not to present forecasts, not to deviate at this time
from the energies that are presenting themselves as multiple futures. When the time is appropriate
and things have settled, then this Awareness may again present forecasts, but not at this time.
Therefore, to conclude this opening message, this Awareness says to those who are reading these
words, who have gone through their shift apparently without the upheavals so often spoken of:
Congratulations! You have, in the most economical of ways, gotten yourself through a period of
extreme change and shift and are now moving forward on a new timeline, a new planetary
consciousness that has just been given birth to and is at the very beginning of a new experience, a
new experiment in consciousness.
This Awareness will have much more to say over the months and years ahead, but at this time It
simply wishes to congratulate one and all for having gotten to this moment in time and in space. This
completes the opening message for the January 2013 newsletter. This Awareness asks now for the
energizer Joan Mills to present the questions that you have.
QUESTIONER: Thank you very much. The first one comes from BC. He writes, "In reference to the
Galactic Federation, Cosmic Awareness states this about them in the 2012-5 newsletter page 10,
"Their intent is earnest, and those who choose to have this experience may well have that experience
of being taken up into the ships to view the events that unfold on the planet earth below from the
heights of the atmosphere of Mother Earth and be returned back when the shift is complete to carry
on with their ascended lives on Mother Earth."
He writes, "Since this option wouldn't seem to apply to Earth A candidates going to a pristine Earth
A and "Ascended lives" automatically rules out Earth B, my question is whether this statement is in
strict reference to Earth A/B candidates being temporarily beamed to ships and then being returned
to the new balanced A/B to continue their lives. If this is in strict reference of A/B why does Cosmic
Awareness make reference to the 'Ascended lives' as I thought only those going to Earth A or higher
would be considered as having ascended. In other words, I'm wondering if Cosmic Awareness really
meant something like "improved lives" rather than "Ascended lives." Your thoughts please?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness meant Ascended lives, not improved lives. Furthermore, this
individual suffers from assumptions that are erroneous, for this Awareness has never said that one of
the pathways to Ascension could not be through the participation with their Galactic counterparts,
for many who are on the planet at this time, that being before the Ascension process is completed,
are also those who are of a Star Nations’ background, or a stellar background. They are Star Beings
who have volunteered to come to this planet, to be born as human beings to assist during these times
where the Ascension process has been underway, where Mother Earth was to undergo an Ascension
in her own consciousness, creating a new template of her own being on that higher Ascended level,
and even bringing forward the Planet A/B scenario, leaving a shell behind that would house those
who would intend to continue to have experiences of negativity and separation from the Divine.
There are many ways one will be able to Ascend and this Awareness has spoken of the many ways.
It has spoken of those who are complete in their earth mission who will simply go through portals/
vortexes/ energy fields, to return back into the higher states of consciousness, transmuting the
physical body and allowing themselves to return back into the higher states of consciousness. This
Awareness has spoken of those who by the process of many lives and their own personal journeys in
this life have reached high levels of inner comprehension and awareness, and even that which is
The Internal Portal
It has spoken of that which is the Internal Portal, the way to ascend through the acquisition of this
higher state of awareness, due to their inner work, both within themselves and without. This
includes those who have taken on the challenge of dealing with the ego, of finding true balance and
alignment with the low self and incorporating the energy and the consciousness of the High Self so
that they will be able to transmute, transmogrify their bodies without necessarily going through an
external portal or vortex.
Then there are those whom this Awareness referred to a moment ago as the Star Beings, who have
come and volunteered to be on the planet at this time. Many who will ascend will be of this nature.
This Awareness would even say that all those who ascend at the higher levels, ascending to the
Planet A scenario are Star Beings as well and they have come not only to assist in that process of
Ascension for humanity and Mother Earth, but for their own next level of Ascension, for many of the
Star Beings have ascended previously to other levels.
This is why the Galactic Federation forces on the whole have a much higher comprehension and
understanding of Spirit and of the connections with the Divine. There will be those however, who
simply choose to go into the space ships who will be beamed up, not necessarily by Scotty, but who
nonetheless will be beamed out and view the process of earth changes and earth shift from their own
home planet vessels for they will often go to the ship that may contain their own Galactic Federation
brothers and sisters from their planet of origin.
Become Aware of Who & What You Truly Are
Bear in mind and remember that the Galactic Federation beings also have access to 4th dimensional
consciousness where they understand past lives, where they have been involved for countless
centuries and thousands of years in many lifetimes on this planet and on their own, as well as many
of the other planets of the Galactic Federation.
Therefore those who become totally aware of their being, of Who and What They Truly Are, will
remember their choice and their agreement to come from the Galactic Federation forces to be part of
the ongoing events of Ascension that have led to this particular point in the development of
consciousness, and there will be some who choose not to go back into the spiritual levels, but rather
choose to go back into the Galactic Federation vessels that surround the planet to wait out the events,
for they have already attained high consciousness and they know that they will come back onto the
planet to assist the many who will need assistance after the completion of the Ascension.
These are the ones that will be on the space ships. They are not improved humans; they are
Ascended Human Beings. They already have the capacity or will develop the capacity in these times
to flip in and out of the states of consciousness that are the higher states, but they will choose to join
their brothers and sisters on the Galactic Federation ships to await the shifts and changes on the
When this is done they will return to assist those many who remain to experience the events for
their own soul reason. That is also when the Galactic Federation forces will start to assist humanity
much more openly in the journey ahead, but this is another matter and another question. This
Awareness hopes that this answers the question this entity has presented.
Many Science Fiction Books are about Surviving Times of Catastrophe
QUESTIONER: It does. There's another one here that he has. "Can Cosmic Awareness elaborate
somewhat on the scenario of these entities being returned to a planet that has just experienced a pole
shift, such as whether there will be any provision for food, clothing and shelter, all of which sound
more like Earth B survival concerns, which further confuses me?" Your comments please?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This sounds like a Planet B scenario, for it is a Planet B scenario. The Planet B
survivors will be those who come through the tremendous destruction, death and chaos of a polar
shift, of a planet tumbling over on itself, and it will be extremely difficult, but it is their choice, for
those who will continue the Planet B scenario wish to experience such a disaster and hardship, for
they have as their goals survival.
Many of the survivalists who preach the rhetoric of survivalism in times of catastrophe are looking
forward to extreme events so that they come through them in order to have the grand adventure of
surviving and being able to boast that they are survivors. Many science fiction works are about such
cataclysms and the survivalists that have coped with them. There is a book called The Postman which
was also a film, which traced a future world where there had been a massive series of events and
after these events there was struggle to reorganize and restructure a new world, a new life.
These are survivalist dramas that many envision for themselves, and even though this Awareness is
speaking before the time of mass-upheaval, many anticipate this and indeed look forward to it.
Therefore, do not be confused. This is a Planet B scenario that you are speaking of, not a Planet A
scenario or a Planet A/B balanced harmonized planet, but truly Planet B. Does this answer this
portion of the question?
No Mass Destruction on Planet A
QUESTIONER: Yes it does. Thank you. Additionally, "If the location they've just been rescued from no
longer exists, example, it is under volcanic ash or underwater, what determines where they will be
returned and to what?" Your comments please?
COSMIC AWARENESS: The other matter this Awareness wishes to address here is his perception
that only a physically destroyed world will remain. On the Planet A scenario there will be no mass
destruction of this nature nor on the newly reconstructed Planet A/B scenario. Therefore, individuals
who were removed, who chose to await the shift from the spaceships above the planet will return to
those timelines where the death, destruction and upheaval did not take place in the same way, or
they will return after the reformation of Planet A/B into the new Planet A/B.
There will occur an event of such staggering importance and magnitude that many will find this
hard to understand and to believe, but nonetheless this Awareness will now present information on
the transitional period, the 3 days of darkness that will occur to Mother Earth's body during that time
of upheaval. Many know of an event that is referred to as the 3 days of darkness.
A Complete Dematerialization & Reformation of the Planet
What will occur is nothing less than the complete dematerialization of the planet and a reformation
of it back into a healthy and pristine state. Many will undergo a period of unconsciousness, where
they will be out of phase, where they will not be in a physical corporeal body, and where they will not
be on a physical corporeal planet.
During this 3-day period of darkness, they will be in a type of suspended animation, on a level of
vibration where they will not be affected by the extremities of the situation of transformation that
some will choose to actually experience-- those that are choosing to go to Planet B or who are
choosing to at least experience much of the upheaval-- but the most extreme upheaval will not be
experienced by those who will move forward to the new balanced and harmonized Planet A/B.
They will be placed in this form of suspended animation where their bodies will not be destroyed,
their planet reformulated, and much that would have been evidence of the catastrophes, even
evidence of a population much bigger than what will exist afterwards, will simply not be
It will not be recreated when the planet comes back into form and the new experience of balance
and harmony is initiated. Many will forget what has happened for along with the suspended
animation will be an altering of the memories that they have of the previous times. This is one of the
reasons why this Awareness is speaking what It speaks now. It understands that some will read these
words and not comprehend.
Your Memories of the Past May Be Altered
But those who read these words will be on a timeline where it is part of the intent to remember
what has occurred, or not. They may remember the events leading up to Ascension and many of the
answers given by this Awareness, many of the predictions made by It as well as others for various
timelines, but when they fail to experience the upheaval they will simply think that there was
continuity, that they did not have anything happen, but this Awareness says that in truth what will
have happened is that many will have been put into this suspended state, with their memories
Many who are readers of this newsletter and these words of Awareness have as part of their
purpose, the purpose of retaining certain memories, but not necessarily will they retain the
memories of the reformational period of time that will occur, and that for you it will be that you
remembered from the previous times much, but not necessarily all.
A majority will go to the new balanced and harmonized Planet A/B who are not Cosmic
Communication members, or those who read these words of Awareness will simply forget what once
was and have modified memories, for it is their choice to continue on the planet without carrying
huge grief, anguish, depression and despair. They are there to have the new experience, minus the
burden of remembering the death of loved ones or the destruction of their world.
For them the continuity will be such that they will look back and simply think, "Those crazies who
simply talked about Ascension and the end of the world in 2012 were wrong! Nothing happened!
Everything is fine! Everything is okay!" for it is their agreement to continue without that burden of
knowledge and memory they might have had, had they not agreed to go into this suspension of their
It will be something like going to sleep, having many dreams, waking up and not remembering the
dreams, but it will be much more. The planet will have been reformulated. For example, many of the
houses, homes, equipment, cars, etcetera, that would have supported a populace much greater will
no longer be there, and individuals will find themselves for example, in smaller cities than they once
were, but their memories will be they were always this size.
There will be no disruption. There will be no controversy. It will simply be that they are in the
same city that they have always been in, for they will not remember that the city that once housed
one and a half million is no longer needed and that which now houses 700,000 is right and correct
and has always been this way. This is an area of discussion that many may find even preposterous
reading these words, not remembering, and that is why these words will not be read or known to
those other than those who have an agreement to remember, to know, to awaken to who they really
are in the new world, and begin even more strongly their personal Ascension into higher states of
consciousness. But this is a slightly different matter. This Awareness is primarily speaking of the
experience the majority will have who continue on to the Planet A/B scenario.
For those who move to Planet A, they will have awakened to the higher truth of their own being,
their own consciousness: their own spiritual sources. They will not need to forget, for they have
transcended, and it is not necessary to undergo this type of process. As to those who choose to go
into the Planet B scenario, they are the ones who wish to go through the devastation and destruction
so they can play a new game of survivalism, of a separation from Spirit, of allowing corrupt ones to
still be their masters and to experience whatever timeline on the Planet B scenario they wish to
In the end it is all just different levels of consciousness that are being played with. Whether one has
reached a level where one can open up their consciousness to the highest levels of Ascension to have
the Planet A experience or if one has opened up to the level of consciousness to have the balanced
harmonious experience of Planet A/B or whether one chooses to have experiences of negativity,
death, destruction and despair and separation from Spirit; these are all simply roles to be played and
experiences to be had in the continual movement of consciousness as it expresses itself on the
earthly plane. This completes this answer.
Communications Between Planet A, Planet A/B and Planet B
QUESTIONER: A quick question: It's not likely then that there would be any type of communication
between Planet A, Planet A/B and Planet B, is that correct, because they are on different frequencies?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This is incorrect. Planet B will have as its new goals the experiences of total
separation from Spirit where one only has physicality as the measure and the goal. There would not
be high Ascended Masters at this time arriving on the Planet B timelines for the new goal would be to
take as long as it takes to return back to heightened levels of consciousness, millions of years
perhaps, and on those timelines in the future they may start to ask questions such as, "Is there
anybody out there? Do I have a different spiritual nature than what I have thought I had?"
In other words, the Planet B scenario will eventually bring forward the spiritual masters and
teachers to teach from within as has somewhat been the case with the present Ascended Masters on
the present Planet A/B. For Planet A/B, that which is the new experience, the plan is for
mass-Ascension the next time around. By mass-Ascension it is seen already that the purpose and the goal is
for all of civilization, all of humanity to finally step forward en masse as one mind into new
consciousness. This is something that lies thousands of years ahead, but to achieve this, many of
those who are from the higher levels of consciousness that have ascended through the Planet A
scenario have chosen already to assist on Planet A/B right from the beginning.
Therefore, there will be a flow of higher spiritual consciousness and beings of higher spiritual
consciousness into the fabric of the Planet A/B scenario to guide and to teach, and to help create a
new world. Also present will be highly advanced spiritually aware Galactic Beings that also have as
the goal to assist humanity to reach these new levels of consciousness that will eventually take that
which is the harmonized and balanced A/B scenario to full completion and full Ascension for all.
These will therefore necessitate the participation and involvement of spiritual beings such as the
Interpreter and his wife who already see and know that they too will still be on Planet A/B even
though they have ascended, that they will come back to assist, as many others will do, but the
difference is that they will be aware, as many will who have ascended, of Who and What they truly
are, and even though they will operate in the timework of the new planet A/B these enlightened ones
who have ascended. They will not be trapped as all have been in pure physicality for they will
supersede the rules and laws of physicality when they wish.
They will also participate in a way that does not contravene or counteract the new laws of
physicality that will come into place on the new Planet A/B. This means that there will be many
Ascended Masters, many Ascended Beings who will assist humanity in its journey forward and it will
be a gradual process, but no longer will the spiritual ones be crucified and murdered, no longer will
the truth be quashed and oppressed.
There will definitely be those at the beginning who may not be able to fully comprehend or receive,
but still the messages will start to go out that all are spiritual beings having a physical incarnation, all
are creator beings, all a spark of God, and this in a way is much different than the Evangelic
Christianized versions, the Judaic versions, the Muslim versions, even the Buddhist versions and all
other religious faith versions, and this is but the beginning, and it is inappropriate in this moment to
talk more on this matter.
All that this Awareness wished to do at this time was present these ideas at this beginning point for
those who read this to understand that you are all those who have this knowledge and awareness
and are ready to open and develop more than you were during the period of oppression and physical
domination by dark ones. But this again is another question that this Awareness looks forward to
answering in the future.
QUESTION: Thank you, that was excellent, and very helpful. It will be an exciting time.
A New Year, a New Dawn and a New Planet
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness wishes to reiterate that those who will be receiving the
newsletter and the information of this Awareness in the time after the Ascension process is complete,
in the new year and the new dawn and the beginning of the new planet, are those who have
committed themselves from that spiritual level of their being to still being available on a physical
planet that will allow them to have experiences of dualism and polarity experiences of physicality,
but new opportunities to develop on this planet with a fuller and more complete awareness of the
truth of spirit participating in their lives in a way beyond simply religion and dogma and they are
ones whose purpose is to take the message and even spread the message in ways that they could
never do before.
It is not that this Awareness expects them to stand on soap boxes delivering their message, but rather
that they will bring them into their lives, they will have a certain memory of something deeper and
their lives will be radically different than what they once were. Therefore, this Awareness is aware
that the continuance of Cosmic Awareness Communications is guaranteed on those timelines where
this is to be the experience, and those who continue to be its members and the new members that
will come on board are doing so because they are already committed to continuance of their journey
toward fuller consciousness and awareness and the making available to the masses, to humanity, the
truths that have always been so, but have been rejected due to the domination of those in power who
are dedicated to the repression and suppression of the truth. This Awareness is complete.
QUESTIONER: That is excellent indeed. Thank you. Our next one is from RB. He would like to discuss
the Light Body. He asks, "Can Awareness please tell us more about the work done by the Light Body
in the 4th & 5th dimension at night while the body sleeps.
COSMIC AWARENESS: Basically, no work is done by the Light Body in the 4th and 5th dimensions
for the Light Body is the spiritual form, and therefore, when one sleeps and the middle self, the
identity of consciousness moves itself from the physical body, it is the Light Body. It does not need
therefore to work on itself for this Light Body exists at that higher level of consciousness. It is the
Light Body form that one truly is. The Light Body form is that which immerses itself in physicality in
the waking state, but a curious separation occurs whereby at night, when the consciousness is
somewhat asleep in the body during the day, it is allowed to escape the body, and it remembers its
totality, its Light Body form, and thus engages in activities in the 5th dimension or higher strata of
4th dimensionality.
When the process reverses itself and the Light Body descends back into physicality, a part of it does
go to sleep, although it is always there and available, but because the focus of consciousness during
the waking state is to have the physical experience and because the laws of physicality demand that
one forgets this spiritual connection, the Light Body is put on the back burner, if you will.
It still forms the template of possibilities for the physical body and form and it could transmute many
physical situations, but because it is asleep in the sense that it does not have the full awareness, the
consciousness that is available during the waking state is one that is limited and restricted and plays
in accordance to the rules of the game of physicality at this level of conscious awareness. Thus the
body cannot always create that which would be easily available to it if it were aware, if the middle
consciousness was fully awakened to itself during that state of somnolence that is wakefulness or the
time that is daylight for most people.
Ascension itself is the process of the Light Body consciousness awakening within physical reality,
awakening that sleeping consciousness in the human body to its total truth and its total being. When
it does so then it can operate from 5th dimensional consciousness in 3rd dimensionality. This is
when many miraculous things would be possible.
The Movie “The Matrix” Excellently Expresses this Theme
In many ways the film The Matrix, especially the very first of the trilogy expresses this theme in a
most excellent way. It is truly a story of the middle self consciousness awakening to the truth of Who
It Is and What It Is, and discovering that the reality that everyone takes to be concrete and
permanent is illusionary, and as Neo remembers this as he awakens to it, as he goes beyond the
challenges of belief and through the veil of forgetfulness, he finally awakens to his truest powers and
his True Being. At that stage he is no longer shackled by the rules of physicality and can supersede
them, even flying, as he does in the final scene.
This is what awaits humanity and for those who awaken in the body to the higher truth of their
being, of What They Really Are, of Who They Really Are, and at the time when this occurs, then those
who are truly aware they are the Light Body can reconstitute the body, can change the body, and they
can affect the reality around them. They are not subject to those laws and rules that others say are
immutable and inescapable. They are truly Ascended Beings who are having a physical experience in
total awareness of their True Being, their True Reality.
The Game of Life is Played in a State of Forgetfulness
QUESTIONER: "Why do we not have our full consciousness, does our low self take over?
COSMIC AWARENESS: The reason you do not have your full consciousness is because you agreed to
not have your full consciousness while you were having this unique physical experience in dualism
and materialism, this experience of the loss of power and the giving away of power to corrupt ones.
There are many, many realities and experiences to be had in the mind of God, and the physical
experience is only one, but it is relevant to those having this experience, and it comes complete with a
set of rules and laws, the procedures one uses to function in this physical reality so that one can have
the complete physical experience that the soul desires. Part of the plan is that one comes into this
reality and diminishes the level of conscious awareness it has, and the conscious memory of Who and
What It Is, Who You Are and What You Are.
It is so that one can have the fullest experience and much of that is based on the experience of
believing that you are a separated being, separate from God, from the Divine Spirit, separate from
your own soul, thus there is no encumbrance of such knowledge while one is having the total
experience of the physical life, whether it is a good life, a bad life, a joyous life or a tragic life.
It is simply the soul's desire to have this experience to learn and grow from, and as the soul always
knows it will return back into its Divine Essence, it is not seen as something detrimental. It is simply
seen as a sojourn into the physical game of dualism where certain dark ones have control, where one
will have the experiences one will have as they play the game.
It is a much better game if one does not remember the truth, for as soon as one remembers that
they are higher states of consciousness having a physical experience, then the game changes. If the
intent and desire of the soul was to have an experience of this peculiar and interesting game, why
would it wish to interfere unless that was the goal and purpose?
Ultimately it is the spiritual awakening and evolution in the physical state. The majority of entities
have come into this experience of physicality and dualism for the purpose of having these
experiences and they are not yet ready to awaken. Many lifetimes will bring the soul to a stage where
awakening occurs and Ascension happens, but mostly at this time, the majority are asleep and
abiding the laws of the game without ever realizing they can be transcended. It is simply the
agreement made in order to have the physical experience without the complete knowledge that at
the end of the game, at the end of the experience of a lifetime, all will be returned back to the soul
unless they choose not to return, but then that would be a different game.
QUESTIONER: "What can we do to energize and awaken our Light Body?"
COSMIC AWARENESS: What you can do mostly is to become conscious and aware that you have a
Light Body! Many know of the aura and the auric field, but this is also part of the Light Body. Kirlian
photography/aura photography can show this emanation of light and luminosity and color that
surrounds the body, and yet one sees this and does not think of this as the Light Body.
It would be appropriate to realize this is the Light Body, and as one seeks to grow into the Light
Body, one needs to finally realize they already are the Light Body, and that in the process of becoming
completely conscious of it, it would be helpful to affirm that you are the Light Body. The affirmation
may be, "I Am the Light Body. I am open to remembering and knowing this, that I AM the Light Body!"
Through such affirmations and others of one's own designing and through the proposal each night
as one goes to bed that one remembers one's True Being, one's Light Body as that which is one's
conscious state of being, then one can move oneself ever forward to the remembrance of this fact that
already is. This is the recommendation by this Awareness of how to truly gain a much greater
perception of the Light Body, a much greater memory and knowing of it as well.
QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was excellent. The next one is from Anonymous. "Several years ago
realizing I was about to be struck by a hard object coming quickly toward me, I was frozen on the
spot and could not move. I had the sensation of my body falling limp to the ground while I felt myself
being lifted up from it. Is this a normal or similar experience that others have when they are involved
with any physical disaster experience? Would you please discuss this? Thank you."
COSMIC AWARENESS: This is not always the way of it. This individual knew that she physically
could not get out of the way but she chose to remove herself, lifting her consciousness out of the
body, which then endured the blow. Many have this experience. Many have reported that they have
seen themselves from above at an accident site, or seeing their body from above an operation, for it is
their true state of consciousness, the middle self state of consciousness that is the consciousness, and
while many think that they are the body, they are only housed in the body, and under such extreme
situations where an accident may be unfolding and occurring or during an operation when the
individual is anesthetized, the middle self consciousness can leave the body.
It does so every night, but mostly this is not remembered, for the body has relaxed itself and gone
to sleep, but in triggered experiences like an accident or like this individual experienced, a heavy
object heading towards her and she could not avoid it, she chose to leave the body so that she would
not experience directly the pain and the shock of the experience.
Most, unfortunately, do not do this. Most are hit by the object, or have the accident, or simply go
completely to sleep being anesthetized during the operation and do not remember seeing themselves
from above. These ones find it very difficult to believe such stories and are closed to them. This is one
of the reasons they do not even have such experiences normally, for they are closed to such
experiences. But even those who are sometimes closed to them can have them nonetheless, and then
their whole philosophical understanding of reality is challenged. Those whose philosophical tenets of
faith are ready to shift and move may do so, while others may reject it-- but again, this a different
In the case of this individual she is conscious at a high enough level to have had this experience, to
have the middle-self consciousness jump out of the body to view it before unfortunately having to
return and face the music, so to speak, and experience the pain that will have occurred because of the
accident. This type of experience, while relatively common is not always the case for many.
QUESTIONER: Interesting. Carrying on, we have something by VB. It concerns the Universal Law of
Forgetfulness. The question, "In Part 2 of a "Segment from a Private Reading" from Awareness…
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness intrudes for a moment. There is no Universal Law of Forget-fulness.
The Veil of Forgetfulness or the condition that exists on planet Earth at this time is one of
agreement. It is not a law. It is an agreement so that those aspects of the soul that are choosing to
have the physical experience can have the full experience of this particular reality set. It is not a
Universal Law at all, for such would insinuate that in all levels of reality this is so, but it is not.
There are many reality levels where consciousness is held, the higher states of consciousness
remembered; that this will be so for those who have achieved Ascension and choose to live on the
Planet A/B that is being born. They will have the higher level of conscious awareness and knowledge.
They will not come under the Veil of Forgetfulness. Thus, this Awareness needed to intercede on this
point. It is not a Universal Law. It is simply one of the rules that govern engagement on this planet so
that those doing so can have the unique experience of this particular game.
QUESTIONER: Thank you. So there's not one now, and there will not be one in the future, is that
Change The Rules and You Change the Game
COSMIC AWARENESS: This is so. This Awareness asks the energizer if she has ever played
COSMIC AWARENESS: Does the game not have rules and laws that govern the playing of it?
QUESTIONER: Yes it does.
COSMIC AWARENESS: And if one were to play Monopoly and suddenly use the rules for the game
Clue, or Stratego or any other game, would it be the same game?
QUESTIONER: No it would not.
COSMIC AWARENESS: Therefore, the participants in the game of Monopoly all have an agreement on
how to play the game and those agreements are followed until the completion of the game. Such is
life. Such is the physical game of dualistic material physical reality, or the game of life (not to be
confused with the board game Life). This is how it works.
It is simply that all put themselves on this planet and forget it is a game. They forget that they are
creator beings, and they forget that they are eternal in nature. They forget that they are part of a
Divine Consciousness that is extended from the God Essence, and the God Essence is infused in all.
After all, what fun would a game be, if you changed the rules as you go, if your intent was to have the
experience of that game?
One does not introduce the rules and laws of another game if they have set out to enjoy the game
of Monopoly, for it would not be Monopoly they are playing. Does this help understand this matter?
The Toxic Nature of Foods in Our Modern Society
QUESTIONER: Yes definitely. We have one from J of LNW. It concerns a book, Revolution of Biology
and Medical Science by Professor Kukuo Chishima. He writes, "The findings of Prof. Chishima
simplified the role of our food changing into our blood cells and our blood cells into our body cells.
According to modern medical science, the main role of the red blood cell is considered to be the
transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide. In other words, a red blood cell carries oxygen to a cell and
carries carbon dioxide back from the cell to the blood. However, in reality it is not so simple.
He discovered that in our body, the digested food (which is organic matter) transforms itself into
the simplest life (like a red blood cell), and this simple life transforms to a higher stage of life-- a body
cell. The red blood cells are the pre-cell stage of our body cells produced from the food we intake."
Could you comment on that please?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This is so. The body does acquire from the foods that are eaten the basic
building material for the construction of the physical body at all levels and all stages. As the food is
absorbed through the digestion, it breaks down into the chemical components needed to create the
blood. The blood then is used to build the cells of the body as the information suggests.
What is not followed up on after the point of cells being made, is that the process in actuality
continues, and that from the life cells of the body, other cells that are non-corporeal, not
physical, are then produced. These are cells of the Light Body. The Light Body process is two-way
in a manner of speaking.
The physical creates through the energetics of the digestion of food, the building of blood cells, the
building of body cells, the energies to also help the maintenance of the Light Body and the creation of
the Light Body, in a manner of speaking. This is a two-way street and thus the Light Body, which is
already in existence, can also stimulate the growth of the body cells and organs and all parts of the
body can infuse the blood with the properties of life itself, and can even go back into a lower state
where foods taken in can be energized for maximum effect and efficiency.
It is also for this reason why food is so important to the whole process. Modern society engages in
the practice of eating basically dead food or highly toxic food. This creates a problem at the digestive
level, for the colon, the small intestine, the large intestine, the bowels and other organs of digestion
are affected by the food one eats.
The Problem with Dead Contaminated Toxic Food
Thus if one eats dead food, contaminated food, toxic food, de-energized food, then one is not
absorbing from living fresh organic food the substances needed for health and vitality, for the
creation of healthy blood cells and healthy body cells and in a way, although this does not affect the
Light Body, it does create a difficulty in that step between the physical organism and the non-physical
organism that is the Light Body.
Thus it would perhaps be more accurate to say that as one eats good food, the Light Body has a
stronger affinity and assimilation into the body and there is greater access to the Light Body. It
is not so much that the eating of food creates the Light Body, but makes the bond between the
physical body and the Light Body a greater, stronger bond; and when food that is eaten is not of
a great quality, as is the norm for most in North America, especially in the United States of
America at this time, then the capacity and capability of finding the spiritual body, the Light
Body, is greatly affected and even diminished.
When one eats fresh food, live food, real food, minus the toxic sprays and chemicals that are now
used profusely in America and the world-- for America is not alone; this is occurring around the
world, and is part of the plan of the Powers That Be to prevent spiritual awakening-- individuals do
not derive full benefits from this food. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
They eat poison, they eat junk; they eat food that is detrimental to them-- rancid, rotting, toxic, bits
and blobs of the food unseen that would never be consumed if they could see the parts of the
animals' bodies that were being used to provide the meat. Furthermore, such is the lack of awareness
on this matter that the majority think that when they eat the food they eat without question, without
knowing, that they are doing the right thing.
There are many ways of thinking about health now that are so wrong and erroneous, but still totally
accepted, that they have become a true problem.
For example, low fats are considered as being healthy foods, but they are denatured foods. They
are chemically altered foods. They are genetically modified foods, and they are not at all healthy
foods. And yet such is the present belief that to eat the foods that provide high levels of fat, such as
butter, milk and cream are considered as not only being bad for you, but are taboo now, for such has
been the brainwashing of society that only those foods that are being told to the populace as being
good for you are accepted, and yet they are not good. They are not the foods that will increase health
and vitality and give the body a chance to have good digestion, good absorption, and good nutrients.
Most of the Food Available in Supermarkets is Not Fit for a Human Being
Thus, in the end it is crucial to be aware of such matters and to understand that the Powers That Be
have intervened to the point where most of the food that is sold in the supermarkets and bought in
the fast-food places and is consumed regularly around the world is not food that is fit for a human
being, but rather is food that will imprison and debase and deter one's spiritual growth and
A final matter this Awareness will speak on is the matter of cleansing the colon. It is important to
understand that by ingesting such foods that create such problems, such buildups of plaque and
mucus and parasites, that the actual digestive tract is severely compromised. This again prevents the
absorption of the nutrients of the food that would build up the blood, and this not only takes oxygen
from the body's system, but also takes carbon dioxide away that lends itself to the process of building
body cells, and lends itself to the process of creating a strong bond to the Light Body—all of this is
seriously impaired and limited because of a blocked or plugged colon, a coated bowel and intestines
that cannot absorb food.
Therefore, as this Awareness has done in the past, It recommends that individuals cleanse this
system regularly through those cleanses available that help clean out the system. There are
herbs available to help cleanse the small intestine. Colonics or colonic hydration is something
that could benefit many with blocked colons and intestines.
This is of course something that for many is taboo, and they are uncomfortable with the thought of
using colonics, and yet as the intestines are cleansed and the bowels cleared, the food that one takes
in can be truly absorbed instead of being stored as fat, as is now the case, hence many have extreme
obesity and are overweight, even though they are eating all of the right foods.
Ironically, even though they think they are eating the right foods, because they do not realize how
the system works, how digestion is important, how the colon is the most important area to bring
health and well-being to, they are doing themselves a great disservice and then to avoid concepts of
colon cleansing or parasite treatment etc, as being distasteful to them simply promotes further their
unhealthy lifestyles.
This Awareness does ask that individuals who are not upset with such thoughts as colonics,
consider this also, for to cleanse the intestines, to remove the layers of material that block proper
absorption will do much to restore natural health and well-being. Using herbs and cleanses that are
available will also help, and this would allow the proper absorption of good nutritional organic and
fresh food, and would bring much greater health and well-being and promote the absorption of the
nutrients into the body, the creation of the cells of the body, and even promote a spiritual connection
to the Light Body. This Awareness is complete.
QUESTIONER: Thank you. His next one, "The bone marrow is not the main organ producing blood.
The blood production normally happens in our intestines; but by fasting, the bone marrow changes
into blood cells in order to maintain the needed number of the red blood cells. This is a compensatory
blood production or reverse transformation. Modern medical science has misunderstood this
important phenomenon." Is there any comment on that one?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness supports this and confirms this to be so. It is also similar to
the fat that is stored in and around the body that is created for the purpose of providing energy when
the body might need energy. It too is reconverted back into energy when needed. The body is a very
complex self-regulating organism if it is allowed to be in its most natural condition. When one
introduces toxins and poisons as a regular diet to the body, the body is thrown into states of
confusion. When fasting, which often was a normal situation in times when there was not the gross
abundance of fast foods and prepared foods and food generally, this was not the case.
Humans of those periods when food was not available naturally fasted because they had no choice, and
their bodies generally were much healthier, not only for the fasting, but for the fact that none of their
foods were contaminated, sprayed, poisoned, genetically modified, irradiated, etcetera. The body has the
capacity to heal itself when provided with the natural materials needed.
The production of the red blood cells in the marrow is as suggested in this report, but also the
body itself has the capacity to produce what is needed when it is needed, if it is in a healthy state. It
has the capacity to rid itself of toxins if it is allowed to, and is assisted by such techniques as colonics
and supplements and herbal remedies and fasting, etcetera. The body is a most magical organism and
one that is a true work of art.
QUESTIONER: Here is one from PMR. It is about beings associated with suns and stars. "I have a
question for Awareness that I do not think was ever asked. There has been plenty of discussion about
beings on other planets, but I am wondering if there are beings associated with the suns/stars, i.e.,
are there beings that live, for example, on our solar system's sun."
COSMIC AWARENESS: This question has been presented in the long history of Cosmic Awareness
Communications, and this Awareness has spoken on this previously. Indeed, there are other levels of
consciousness or other beings that exist on those planets and suns that are considered by scientists
as uninhabitable and inhospitable to human life.
As there are many levels of consciousness and many forms of life that exist not only on the
spectrum of vibration that is associated with physicality, then it is possible to have life on other
planets. It may simply not be in the physical range of life as known on this physical planet. Thus there
are beings that live on the sun, and on Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter, etc.
This is about levels of consciousness, and the human assumption is that human life is the only life
there is. Humans do not even regard other sentient beings that coexist with them on their own planet
such as the dolphins and whales. Even animals that are not sentient in the way humans are sentient
have sentience. Even the trees have spiritual consciousness and awareness. The rocks and minerals
in the planet all have consciousness and could be considered to be beings of consciousness.
Therefore, the planets other than earth; the suns in other galaxies and universes all have other life
forms that are in existence, other beings of consciousness that are alive. It is simply not physical life,
as it is known by the humans on Mother Earth at this time.
QUESTIONER: I see. Do they have a purpose?
COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed they have a purpose, just as every human has a purpose. The purpose
is to have an experience. The soul is seeking experience to understand itself within the confines of
the situation it find itself alive in. They are simply different games being played in consciousness, if
this helps to explain the matter.
Beings That Exist in the Energies of the Sun
QUESTIONER: Yes it does. Thank you. His final part is, "I am not sure that this is possible as I
understand the suns to be portals or magnifiers of the Light Energies." Is this true?
COSMIC AWARENESS: On one level they are indeed portals, but as portals exist on this planet and
there are humans existing on this planet, then one can see that it is possible to have portals existing
on a planet and still have life available as well, especially if life is at different vibrati