


Imagine you have been invited by the Universe to be one of
the handful of people on Earth who know about NESARA Law and you are asked to
promote it to help raise Earth Consciousness to end war and live in abundance
which is our birthright; health, freedom and prosperity. There are actually
millions of people on Earth who know about NESARA Law and are working to bring
it to fruition, but they all have a gag order in place and they are instructed
to behave as if they have no idea who you are. If they break the gag order, not
only will they be killed, but so will their family members. Also, many affluent
people who are the few controlling the many will produce websites debunking
NESARA Law and will launch personal attacks on you which will last years. It
sounds almost like a conspiracy theory? It happened to me. I’m sure after a
quick look around the internet you may be wondering how I can think it is real?
Who gave the bankers and wall street companies a 700 trillion dollar bail out?
Do you believe that is real? Millions of Occupy America protestors do believe
that is real. It is real. All of the corruption, the government working in
collusion with the banks to take away our land and take us deep into poverty,
that is real. NESARA Law was written as a remedy for a lawsuit that the farmers
filed and it was taken all the way through the Supreme Court. Please read
through and it will begin to make sense to you. I invite you to sign the NESARA
White House Petition designed to invite President Obama to Announce thereby
Enact NESARA Law.  ~Elizabeth Trutwin Sign The NESARA Petition here

“Long before NESARA, a project was born to restore the
United States of America to its original Constitution of the Republic, and to
remove the structure of the Corporate United States. This project began in the
early 1950’s and involved intelligent and patriotic minds of both civilian and
military background. These people over the years became known as the White
Knights. Out of this restoration process came the Prosperity Programs, the
Farmer Claims, and finally NESARA. The children of the wealthy families on our
planet became concerned about the future of our civilization, when they
observed the poverty, disease, starvation and suffering of the masses. They saw
the imbalance between the wealth of the few and the destitution of the many,
and agreed among themselves to try to correct it. One hundred of these wealthy
children, who came to be known as “wealthy visionaries”, put one million
dollars each, of their money, into investment programs in the 1980’s called
“roll programs” to generate funds to be used for humanitarian purposes. Thus,
the Prosperity Programs were born. Gradually, news of this spread to the public
and millions of people invested small amounts of their meager funds to aid in
these various Prosperity Programs success. Also, during the 1970’s and 1980’s
many U.S. farmers were losing their land, machinery, buildings, and cattle due
to fraudulent foreclosures by the Federal Reserve Banks, in cooperation with
the IRS. Many farmers joined forces and brought a class action lawsuit against
the U.S. Government, the non-federal Federal Reserve Bank, and the IRS, for
fraud against the farmers.” ~David E Robinson from his bookNESARA

What is NESARA?

National Economic Security and Reformation Act.

Is NESARA for real?

I can assure you that NESARA [the National Economic Security
and Reformation Act] is for real. I say that because I and my colleagues have
talked to Bill Clinton, King of Swords (KOS), Ashtar, Mother Sekhmet, Lady
Master Nada and 14 members of Congress who contributed their expertise to
crafting various sections of the Law – not a bill! KOS and Seal teams
recently moved the original signed document to a safer place so it will be
available to Lady Master Nada when she makes her TV Announcement.

NESARA [National Economic Security and Reformation Act] was
signed into Law by Bill Clinton in Oct 2000, but sealed from any attempt to
prove its existence until it is announced, at which time it becomes fully

What are your sources on NESARA?

What I know comes from Faction 3 Intelligence, which is 38
levels above the President, which involves KOS, ACIO [Advanced Contact
Intelligence Organization] of which I am a member, Ashtar Command, Ascended
Masters, Mother Sekhmet, the president of the Solar Tribunal, and White Knights
within the top levels of government and intelligence.

One of my friends was originally contacted by the team of
100 wealthy visionaries over 33 years ago and asked to help get the word out
and be a liasion between parties. My friend, Rama Arjuna, who is Ashtar’s incarnated
son, was contacted by Ashtar to combine their efforts with KOS in 1979 to
help bring this to Announcement. All of these folks are real and backed up by
Galactic Federation support, around the world in every country.

The sources of our information, come from both alternative
broadcast media–like Air America Radio; local media personalities and, most
importantly, from those at 38 levels above the President in the ACIO/Seal/Delta
Teams/King of Swords/King of Egypt (code names of course); Mother Sekhmet
through direct channelling; OOB meetings with Ashtar, Sananda, Ascended Masters
on the Starships and Solar Tribunal Councils.

KOS has an encrypted telephone network through which he
sends people messages to get information out to the public. He is based in D.C.
and was appointed with St Germain by the World Court in 1999 as head of the
worldwide militia of over 4 million, and is a high ranking member of the secret

One source was approached more than 33 years ago by the
wealthy visionaries and asked to assist with what became NESARA. She has
continued with that work to this moment. And, NO, this is not Dove.  Rama
goes up to the ships almost every night to work with Mother Sekhmet, and many
others. We are all dedicated to getting NESARA announced and bringing the New
Republic into full manifestation and to full Planetary Ascension.

Our summaries are sent to a very small circle of close
friends. We try to only include what we have personal knowledge of even
though–like everyone else–information comes in dribs and drabs and some
questions and exact times will not be answered until it is safe to do so. I
mention the designations of those we get info from even though some congressmen
have checkered political records. Some are double agents and will soon decloak
and spill the beans as to their roles. Filters are about to be ‘cleared’ and
new mission assignments will be downloaded, internally, to each of us as these
current events transpire. I should mention that many existing leaders may well
surrender their vehicles to fully awakened galactic walkins. This has already
happened in many cases…in addition to the hundreds of involuntarily
cabal-cloned ‘standins’ we see on TV.

What does NESARA mandate?

The illuminati controllers will do anything to prevent its
implementation as it immediately spells their removals from political and
economic control over the people and resources of this Planet. It requires full
return to Constitutional and Common Law principles by 190 countries starting
with the US. It involves — due to present fraudulent practices — mortgage debt
forgiveness; cancellation of all credit card debt; student loan forgiveness;
ends IRS collection of Income Tax and substitutes a National Sales Tax on
non-essential items only with no tax on food, medicines or used goods. It
requires all existing congressional/administrative heads to resign; all lawyers
would have to take a 30 day Constitutional Law course as statute laws will be

The world economic system will shift to transparent
operations — Basel II was implemented in the month of April — precious metals
backed currency and the federal reserve and its collection agent [IRS], and
most corrupt alphabet agencies will be dissolved. Current Federal Reserve notes
will be exchanged for US Treasury bills backed by Gold, Silver or precious
metals on a $1 for $1 basis.

Special Trusts and 78 programs which were originally created
by St Germain over 200 years ago for this time, will provide the means to offer
free education to all and assist all in upgrading quality of life. Suppressed
technologies, secretly being used by the controllers, will be made available to
the public. These provide clean and unlimited power for home, industry and
travel. Replicators will be made available with First Contact landings to
provide most items.

There will be a worldwide re-indexing of currencies, 30 days
after announcement, so that while you now receive $100 income and pay sales
taxes and income taxes on that amount, you will only pay sales taxes on $10
when spent for non-essential items after re-indexing. This is to remove much of
false inflation from the prices of goods caused by use of fiat money instead of
precious metals backed currency.

Peace is a requirement and no more wars or nuclear weapons
will be allowed. The methods and means to achieve this are already in place and
can be implemented upon a single command.

A single molecular change in the nuclear process will make all existing nuclear
processes benign. Galactic/human teams will clean up air, water, soil and toxic
contamination in the first two months following Announcement. Polluting
industries will no longer be necessary as their replacements will be
non-polluting and the old plants will be removed by processes that re-cycle the

Benefactor programs will become available and gifting
programs are extensive and worldwide to ensure that all will experience
unprecedented opportunity to make new choices for their future occupations and
enhanced learning programs will be available to quickly upgrade or learn new
skills. Diagnostic/healing methods and technologies will become available to
reverse all medical conditions and restore optimal health. All these
technologies and methods presently exist. Many others have been suppressed but
will be brought forth for all to benefit from.

Our new financial foundation has already been laid and is
being powered up now.  St Germain and Kuthumi are in charge of that
aspect. Massive arrests and millions of Starships will be decloaking over all
the major cities on the planet. That will be followed by direct broadcasts from
all satellites…connected by nanites to the bridge of the New Jerusalem the
Flagship of the Galactic Federation …with messages from Ashtar and Sananda.
First Contact landings will occur within 7-28 days following NESARA’s
Announcement. This is why the NESARA Petition and the Disclosure Petition are
intrinsically connected.

An interim government will be enplaced with full revelations
of the truth about our origins and the galactic presence that has been actively
kept from us for over 70 years. Everyone will be told what to expect next and
all areas of life will be invited to participate and share in the
abundance–free from credit card/mortgage/student loan debts…with NO IRS; NO
war; all military brought home immediately and given positive new employment
and educational options. Constitutional Common Law will be fully restored.
Peace will be declared. Skies/water/air/land will be cleared of all toxic
substances and all DNA is being raised to higher awareness. Everyone will
experience an increase in quality of life…no matter what age.

Enhanced educational opportunities will become freely
available along with enhanced medical care and a new worldwide communications
system–’Internet 5′… will begin to replace existing communications systems.
Zero pollution energy systems will become commonplace along with new
transportation methods. New housing methods will quickly be introduced and
congestion in cities will no longer be necessary as new transportation
innovations will not require roads or petroleum products.

There will be a National Sales Tax payable only on
NON-essentials, with food and medicines/medical treatments non-taxable. Within
30 days of NESARA’s Announcement there will be a worldwide re-indexing of
currencies on a 1:10 ratio which will mean that a 10% sales tax on $100=$10 vs
$1000 x 10%=$100…a major savings for each of us. This is needed to wring out
the inflation caused by fiat/worthless paper currencies, worldwide.

These funds and others will result in the end all poverty on
the planet within a 12-15 month period. That will then ensure that all will
have the opportunity to receive spiritual education about who we all are; our
purpose here as an expression of Source essence in physicality.

Who has the power to announce and enforce NESARA?

KOS has the defacto authority, granted by the International
Court of Justice at the Hague in 1999, to get NESARA Announced and the power to
use his Martial Law authority “as needed.” Lady Master Nada—previously
appointed by the ICJ/World Court as International Special Prosecutor with
authority to take whatever actions are required, including dissolving our
Supreme Court and unsealing all 10,000 indictments and ordering arrests–is
thereby the top Officer of the World Court and can override any order of that
or any other court. As President of the Solar Tribunal and as NESARA’s “Postal
Lady”, she is the ONLY one who can order NESARA’s Announcement and authorize
deliveries of funds.

We are at this moment actually under the joint jurisdiction of the
International Court of Justice/World Court and the President  of the Solar
Tribunal [Lady Master Nada] who has been appointed by the ICJ as Special
Prosecutor with power to arrest the indicted ones; dissolve our corrupt judiciary
and Announce NESARA. Agents from Interpol and ICJ are present in D.C. along
with the 82nd Airborne and others. We have been well advised that galactic
ships are over every major city and will decloak when the signal is given.

NO one gets any money until Lady Master Nada makes her
Announcement on TV, at which time she will tell us the date of release that
will be within 72 hours of her announcement. She is Special Prosecutor
authorized by the Solar Tribunal, of which she is President, and the ICJ. She
is expected to dissolve our Supreme Court; appoint Patrick Fitzgerald as Acting
Attorney General and then authorize the arrests and removals of all cited ones.
Many of these are now clones.

The legal means to take us through this denouement was set
in place in 1999 by the ICJ at which time St Germain and the King of Swords who
is head of the worldwide militia of 4,000,000 men + 40,000 Galactic-humans,
were given the power to prosecute and take such actions as are required to
remove the corrupt ones and to insure that the whole Planet is prepared for
upshift into the 5Dimension, in the short time left in this cycle.

Are we under NESARA law now?

The King of Swords … put us inside NESARA Law and saved the
world banks and stock markets from crashing. We’ve been under ICJ jurisdiction
since then. So it may look like Congress has the power; that is a fiction. They
are simply convicting themselves of treason…prior to being arrested and
removed. We have been inside NESARA Law since Oct 1, 2008 and that has allowed
many foundational changes to be implemented.

NESARA has been divinely decreed and refined into its
current form by the labors of dedicated terrestrial and celestial beings.

There is only one LAW and that Law of the Land is NESARA.

There is no other Law to cite. It is popularly known in D.C.
as “the Reformation Act”.

Anything else deals with the reach of NESARA, which is
global, but which starts here.

We have been INSIDE NESARA Law, since 10/2/08.  … King
of Swords has sent in teams of his men to each of the banks and about 99% of
the infrastructure is ready to go on receipt of a signal from Ashtar, St
Germain and/or Lady Master Nada. … Mother confirmed not only that we are Inside
NESARA Law and all that that entails, but that most of the foundational changes
have been quietly set in motion since 10/2/08. She rephrased that: We are in a

The next day, was the day we went INSIDE the NESARA Law; not
UNDER, INSIDE. So that gave KOS [King of Swords] the go ahead to insert into
Basel II, some of the supports for NESARA.

We are seeing the first fruits of NESARA Law, and it is just
the beginning, as each new day will continue to reveal more and more positive
changes. All elected candidates will now have to be accountable for their
oaths. They have been told and Galactic Federation will ensure that any
failures to honor those oaths will bring removal and replacement by authentic
and honest representatives. Each day inside NESARA Law is bringing the means to
ensure that you, your benefits and your freedom to exercise your new
responsibilities as leaders of the Golden Age will be enhanced and moved
forward. NESARA is NOW the Law of the Land!

Is NESARA being worked upon in other countries?

There are people in other countries, such as the Canadian
hierarchy, who have been working behind the scenes to prepare for the
announcements and implementation in their country. New leaders of truth,
integrity and accountability are ready to come forward in 190+ countries.

What is this about a “gag order”?

There was a gag order that prevented congress or the media
from talking about this on pain of death. It is about to be lifted. Thousands
of media people have attended weeks of briefing sessions arranged
by KOS and are ready to flood the media with stories as soon as the
gag order is lifted. The Secret NESARA Law was signed by Bill Clinton in Oct
2000, and then Sealed with a gag order on all government and media. I do not
have a gag order in place. I have been asked to get the word out and my goal is
1 million people.

Don’t bother to check on the Internet as that Law is sealed
until announced and is now protected by Lady Master Nada and the Galactic
Forces along with Faction Three earth-based resources under the King of Swords.

What is the significance of Basel II?

You remember that Bush had G7 Visitors a few days before the
end of the Fiscal Year on 9/30. He was told, as was Paulson, Bernanke and
others, that if the money owed to them from the $300 Trillion in recovered
stolen funds was not paid on 9/30 that they would be toast. There was also a
deadline of 9/30 for coming into compliance with Basel II Provisions, which
Bush had agreed to in April 08 but had not yet complied.

If certification of compliance did not occur, Oct 1 would
require that Central Banks not accept funds from Federal Banks that day. Here’s
what happened: Bush failed to comply. The White Knights stepped in with Program
funds and saw to it that all US Banks were in compliance, inside NESARA Law.
Bush intended to declare Martial Law due to Economic Emergency. He was stopped
by the Provost Marshal General and specially-selected Naval Flag Officers and
placed under House Arrest along with the Vice-President.

The G7 ultimatum which finally got this administration to implement
Basel II financial standards of transparency and accountability on Monday,
after very major assets were seized, included a 100 day period for full
compliance in bringing all off-balance sheet assets onto the books. Since these
‘assets’ were fraudulently constructed and leveraged by 30-150 times their
actual value, they have little real value and that requires other assets to be
produced to cover the equity requirements. Since no other assets exist the 100
days is reduced to hours as full compliance would result in worldwide bankrupcy
and criminal prosecution of all involved. The latter is unavoidable, as justice
must be done. We will see every nation and every bank bankrupt as we change
over to the new financial provisions which will be made available to every
child, woman and man on Earth. All who are illegally jailed under false laws
will be released, all except violent offenders. Those ones will be offered
appropriate remediation.

How long has this been in the planning stages?

All of the measures now culminating have been planned for
hundreds of years. This is no political party scheme. This is the Return of the
Light to the Planet and the Planet’s Ascension to the spiritual dimension by
divine decree. All of the Universe is involved. Trillions of spaceships are
here to help.

Where are the funds being kept?

The true funds and documents are safely out of their reach,
in St Germain’s safe custody. Too many criminals in the banks, government and
black ops/intel organizations would steal the funds in an eyeblink if the
deliveries occurred prior to regime change. All of those ones will be purged
from the international financial systems before any funds are inserted into the
new safe system.

What about the rest of us?

In addition to these beneficiaries, all citizens, men, women
and children, of these countries — not in any program– will receive $10
Million, and forgiveness of most debt, bank credit cards, and student loans.

They can expect to receive their $10 Million within 72 hours
after Announcement. Thirty days later we will have re-indexing on a 10:1 ratio.
That means the buying power of that $10 Million will actually be the equivalent
in purchasing power of $100 million. Pretty impressive result.

Most of the inflation of the past 30 years will have been
wrung out of the market. The adjusted prices for Gold, Silver and Platinum have
already been set.

Mortgage payments will be deferred for 30 days after
announcement, to allow expedited application for cancellation of mortgages.

Income Tax will be ended and IRS will be handling refunds

A National Sales Tax on non-essential, new items only will
replace the Income Tax.

You can see how no one will have to work to pay basic living
expenses ever again. That frees us all from the drudgery, which will then be
accomplished by new technologies, and that allows plenty of time for creative
pursuits and spiritual development opportunities unprecedented in scope,
supporting Planetary Ascension. We will no longer be in the pursuit of survival.
We will be able to spend our lives on Earth focused on spiritual development
which is the whole point of being on Earth.

Will any be left behind or lose out from participation in
NESARA – for instance, from the drop in value of our 401Ks?

No one will be left behind that chooses to trust, ask and
allow the new to unfold. Presenters were all very definite about not fearing
loss of Social Security; 401Ks, Retirement benefits, supplies of food,
non-toxic medical treatment, education for our children. It won’t happen!
NESARA is here and is ready to bring better solutions forward with our

When will children be eligible to receive their benefit?

New kids being born will be able to ‘come aboard’ in 12-15

Gold will be the currency of choice

Gold will be the currency of choice for as long as we still
need currency, and it is also important in the alchemy of our own Ascension.

What will be the impact of these programs?

The arrangement is exceedingly fair and will have a
predictable effect of jump-starting the new economy and technologies. Of
course, anyone wanting to open a trust or create a foundation will incur fees
and expenses for those professional services.

Four countries – the US, the UK, Canada and Australia — will
begin the NESARA distributions within 72 hours after Announcement of NESARA.
Other countries are to be paid in sequential numerical order over the following
12-15 months. I neither created nor am involved with the administration of any
of these major programs so I can’t speak on the subject of how these programs
were designed or the order of payments.

A few of the major programs are unlabeled and theoretically
could be used to fill important needs not originally anticipated.

There will be NEW programs after all 78 current programs pay out around the
world over a 12 -15 month initial period post-announcement. This is so much
simpler than the random and complicated bookkeeping methods that were spoken of
ten years ago. This is far more generous and yet, the amount left to do projects
will still be greater than ever!

Will every one of the original participants in the 78 major
gifting programs receive a payout?

Everyone who has been operating mostly from integrity since
entering one of the major gifting programs and whose intentions are harmonious
with the divine purpose will receive a payout.

Anyone in these programs who has been intending or
demonstrating criminally-corrupt intentions and whose spiritual frequency and
behavior is inimical to
unity, healing,
harmony and integrity will not receive a payout from
their investment in the programs.

How will this disqualification be determined?

KOS and his people have been monitoring everyone involved in
the major gifting programs for years. Irresponsible, criminal behavior or
intentions has basically disqualified one half of the original participants.
That means there is more to be distributed in various ways by half as many
people than was originally calculated. I won’t cite expected amounts, but it
should be clear that far more — perhaps double the original amounts — will now
be available for the gifting programs and their intended humanitarian projects.

Will the existing economy utterly collapse?

There is a critical mass of people who now understand that
big changes are required and that–painful as change is–we can not try to patch
the old system. It is too far gone; it’s too late and there are no resources
left. In this country we are still better off than 90% of the world, where
conditions are beyond the average American’s comprehension.

At the same time as the outer conditions collapse, we are in
a profound universal situation where all are waiting for us to take our next
step towards Galactic Citizenship.

What is the fate of victims of stock-market fraud?

Outside of the Prosperity, Freedom, Farm Claim
programs, the bad guys owe additional settlements for which they have not
paid; i.e., stock market fraud settlements, will these be paid too and
will they be paid one for one or will the payments be RE-Indexed 90%?
If so, will they be paid in the new Rainbow Currency that is backed
by gold/silver?

Those obligations are of the Corporation USA, in D.C. They
have nothing to do with NESARA. The money they put into their secret offshore
accounts has been recovered by the Hong Kong Blondes who now work for KOS. The
country settlements represent fraud/theft and none of them will get those
funds—$300Trillion cyber-lifted from those secret accounts and back in the U.S.
now…in safe hands.

Neither Wanta nor 160 nations’ heads will get any of that stolen
money.  St Germain has good projects benefiting the People that will get
that money. Post Announcement, the Phoenix ‘Rainbow’ currency will be
exchangable by US Citizens, in this country, on a $1=$1 basis. 30 days after
NESARA’s announcement, all non-NESARA funds/prices will be reindexed to wring
inflation out of the world economy. That will put more spendable income into
the hands of citizens.

How is this operation being conceived and managed?

The St Germain World Trust … brought the gold of Atlantis
forward for the Lightworkers of this time. One of the keys to the success of
this culminated in the St Germain ‘Advisories’ which became

Ascended Master St Germain has watched over those funds and in
addition has coordinated much gold coming here from Venus and other off-planet
locations which cumulatively now equal $1+40 zeros which is sufficient to
provide $10Million to each man, woman and child after NESARA’s Announcement.
These funds and others will result in the end all poverty on the planet within
a 12-15 month period.

Some logarithms from St Germain, have been mathematically
modeled through matrices to develop self-replenishing ways to keep generating
income and participation for as long as needed. I’ve seen those matrix examples
and they can do what is needed to fund governments and people and projects

There is no need for any anxiety or fear. All has been
prepared and solutions to all the major challenges of food, shelter, income,
education and safety are included in NESARA’s provisions.

What about the impact of matters like the Bailout on NESARA?

When Bush signed that bogus bailout bill, it did not become
law! He was under house arrest. That was what Ashtar meant on Tuesday 10/7,
when he said: “Bailout Cancelled!” Signing that bill was only a way to get him
to convict himself and all who were his corrupt co-conspirators in treason …
going all the way back to 9/11. What this meant was that the Congressional
votes had to do with the Corporation USA and not the Republic which is “We the
People,” who are being protected and funded inside NESARA.

When will the banking and economic arrangements behind
NESARA be put in place?

All NESARA gold and precious metals are in US Banks along
with our new Phoenix Currency, and we are compliant with Basel II since 0ct 1.

New banking and economic systems are NOW in place!

KOS has sent in teams of his men to each of the banks and
about 99% of the infrastructure is ready to go on receipt of a signal from
Ashtar, St Germain and/or Lady Master Nada.

When is all this likely to be announced?

Soon. Be cautious about anyone giving an exact date for
actions. That should be seriously questioned. We will know when these events
are happening, be assured of that. Signing the NESARA Petition is one of the
most important things anyone can do to bring the Announcement into
fruition. http://wh.gov/4d5

We have been INSIDE NESARA LAW since Oct 2nd per KOS’s
authority and direction. Much is being done to purge the financial systems of
‘tinkering’ vulnerabilities. That has progressed significantly and will be
ready when needed.

Mother Sekhmet confirmed not only that we are inside NESARA
Law and all that that entails, but that most of the foundational changes have
been quietly set in motion since October 2nd.

We are not waiting for Inauguration. Tying all these loose
ends together: 9/11 Treason, the role of the Vatican/Pope; War Crimes;
Financial Fraud on unbelievable level; Peace across the planet; Truth about
Galactic presence and assistance throughout all times and ages; truth about all
the clones, holograms of all types; complicity of the media; the rogue
intelligence harassment of citizens; and criminal collusion and corruption with
all government heads.

We have been told there are two things pre-requisite to NESARA’s
Announcement.  They are: Sibel Edmond’s testimony about 9/11 and the
lifting of the coverup about the galactic presence in our skies, over every
major city on the planet. The two, 4 day, earth-based meetings in Europe and
Dharamsala, along with Solar Tribunal meetings on Saturn, and currently in
D.C., produced a statement from both the King of Egypt and associates of the
King of Swords–all of whom work together, since being in service together
during the Vietnam war, at the 38th level above the President.

That statement was quite specific: All the alphabet agencies
known, and a few most do not know, have White Knight assets inside. Those White
Knights along with about 40,000 fully awake and aware galactic-humans will
combine with complements in the military to bring about and support the needed
changes. The ascended masters are now present. It is obvious to any informed
observer that any large sums paid to anyone at this time would put their lives
in extreme danger as well as result in the funds being stolen.

That is one of the imperative reasons for No Distributions
until after regime change and Lady Master Nada addresses us on TV.

All the preparations are now complete. When the first TV
address is heard, the removals will all have been accomplished. This is a
worldwide restoration of freedom, honesty and abundance. Gold in the amount of
$1+ 40 zeros, has been recovered and includes gold and precious metals from
many other Planets. These funds have been accumulating in Master Trusts for the
last 200+ years through the stewardship of St Germain. Over 200 banks and safe
depositories are involved worldwide in these programs. All but the master
criminals and confederates, will have greater abundance, opportunities and
assistance in all areas: medical, educational, expanded spiritual awareness,
political expression, and so many other areas that will be possible when peace
is established….  The means is already in place and can be accomplished by
a single command.

What is the cabal doing to prevent its announcement?

The Bush crime family and cohorts have tried everything,
including the demolition of the Twin Towers and other 9/11-related events, to
see to it that the Announcement would never be allowed to occur. They have
failed, but their efforts have delayed parts of the program until now.

There are disinformation ‘damage control teams’ who have
planted bait on the internet. Their websites were made by people who got tired
of waiting for announcement, turned bitter, and then became pawns for Cabal
disinformation and damage control efforts.

But the Announcement is coming soon.

In earlier actions it was noted that “moles” existed in many
agencies including the US Marshalls and those insiders consistently gave
advance notice to bankers and administrative heads whenever arrests or other
legal actions were scheduled. Mother confirmed that all such ones have been
removed and will no longer be an impediment as the above actions prepare the
way for massive arrests of indicted ones.

Any fund transfers intended to subvert NESARA or steal the
so-called Settlement Funds, will be intercepted and given over to St Germain
and the criminals removed. They are being electronically ‘tagged’ and will be
‘bagged’ on a single command. Many are already ‘missing in action’. This is crunch
time for the tricksters.

Are the so-called “packages” legitimate?

Do not be concerned with Casper et al’s emphasis on
“packages” being delivered before NESARA is announced. That is a Bush Sr ruse
to dissappoint and distract Lightworkers.

Anyone receiving anything purporting to be a “packie”–
before Lady Master Nada announces on TV the delivery schedule—should be aware
that it is likely an invitation to sign papers that will put their lives in
danger. This is the way the dark side works.

Take a legitimate program and the lists of beneficiaries
which they have gotten access to, and send out ‘trial balloons’ to see how many
gullible ones they can snare; steal their funds, and then entice them offshore
and then dispose of them. For the protection of the funds; the beneficiaries
and all the purposes for which those funds are intended, no payments will be
allowed until the corrupt criminals are removed. We have been watching the
arrests and trials of these dark ones for over two years now. That is one of
the imperative reasons for No Distributions until after regime change and Lady
Master Nada addresses us on TV.

How does the Announcement of NESARA fit into the general
flow of events leading up to First Contact?

When Regime changes, 9/11 exposure by Sibel Edmonds (in
final negotiations for TV address at this moment) and revelations of the
Galactic UFO Presence will forever dissolve the Cabal coverup or suppression of
these facts. We will all then get an experience of upshift by a half step. This
upshift would have taken many, many lifetimes of spiritual progress to
accomplish, but has been decreed by the Grace of Source to each of us.
Therewith most if not all will ‘remember’ our core-resonance with the Spiritual
Dimensions and most hearts will open to that knowledge, already present.

This experience will be so awesome that most will want to
stay home from work, school or whatever the next day or three, to process this
experience. Since this will coincide with NESARA’s Announcement and >36
hours of TV/Radio Broadcasts of economic, political and spiritual information,
which will be quite dramatic to most. It has been known but suppressed by the
Cabal for eons of time to keep us in ignorance and separation from our Source
awareness. People hearing these broadcasts will quickly learn that debt is
going to be forgiven and that net income will be increased through elimination
of the IRS, Income Taxes and credit card debt with NESARA’s Announcement and
all the positive improvements it supports.

Can you give me an example of a country acting on its
knowledge of NESARA?

Yes. The news in Iceland recently was that they are
bankrupt, but will refuse Bailout Funds. They know that they will come inside
NESARA’s funding provisions so they are allowing their corporate bankrupcy to

What about something called “country settlement payments”?
Will they take place?

There are bogus “country settlement payments” that the
Banksters would like you to believe in. They are bogus. NO such payments will
be going to the crooks! I repeat: “country settlement payments” will NOT take
place. Those funds will be used for the benefit of all peoples on the Planet.

What will happen to the Federal Reserve and IRS?

Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul are submitting legislation to
put the Federal Reserve under the US Treasury and write off all that false-debt
that is income for the Bushes and Cabal associates…and END IRS collections.

The Federal Reserve has been folded into the US Treasury and
all of the Gold and Phoenix, Precious Metal-Backed currency, is in the banks
NOW. The US Treasury is already taking over many functions of the Federal
Reserve. The IRS is KAPUT, gone, dissolved, except for refunds, awaiting public

What will happen to the banks?

The general direction of the economy is downward as we are
approaching the point where the full off-balance sheet amounts of derivatives
are going to have to be dealt with–$2,000 Trillion estimated. Since they amount
to more than all the banks’ assets/income in the world, a wholesale bust or
bankruptcy is inevitable.

That involves,
banks, stock/bond markets, hedge funds, pension funds, 401k investments and
most mutual funds.

Since these are
insured by insurance companies, they also will have to face the facts that they
don’t have enough reserves to pay claims.

Nationalization of the major banks is likely. That would
allow the governments to take them over, clean them out of the criminals and
shadow-banking practices, and write off the mostly worthless derivatives, keeping
only the true asset-based investments.

They will then reopen as US Treasury Banks backed by
precious metals and without fractional banking.

Big Box Banks are very likely to become nationalized so they
can be
disinfected from
their toxic derivatives–estimated to be as much as $2000
Trillion worldwide.

What will happen to the Euro? The stock market?

The Euro is going to go sliding downward. Only Gold/Silver
will hold value. The stock market has not yet realized the magnitude of the
unfunded debt of the world. It is impossible to EVER pay it back. So bankruptcy
is the only option for the Cabal.  And, as we have been saying: That has
NOTHING to do with the Republic, which is fully funded by NESARA and which is
already in the Announcement stage, even though not yet formally announced.

What is the validity of all these discussions of “package

Casper/Poof reports what is fed to him by faction 1 and 2
sources.  1/3 is based on partial truths but spun to confuse and keep
folks looking for “packies” that will never come until after NESARA is
announced. Anyone receiving anything purporting to be a “packie”–before Lady
Master Nada announces on TV the delivery schedule– should be aware that it is
likely an invitation to sign papers that will put their lives in danger. This
is the way the darkside works. Take a legitimate program and the lists of
beneficiaries which they have gotten access to, and send out ‘trial balloons’
to see how many gullible ones they can snare; steal their funds, and then entice
them offshore and then dispose of them. For the protection of the funds; the
beneficiaries and all the purposes for which those funds are intended, no
payments will be allowed until the corrupt criminals are removed. Any fund
transfers intended to subvert NESARA or steal the so-called Settlement Funds,
will be intercepted and given over to St Germain and the criminals removed.

I have heard of “major gifting programs” or “numbered
programs” connected with “original investors.” What are these and how will they

Only programs completed before the end of 1999 will pay
out…. However everyone will still get $10 Million. … The 78 major programs are
funds designed for huge projects. Recipients will be contributing $10 Million
to each one on their lists of an estimated 200 people. … There are bogus
settlement payments that the Banksters would like you to believe in. They are
bogus and no such payments will be going to the crooks! Same is true of the
packages touted by a few Faction Two bankster shills. People that invested in
the 78 programs before the end of 1999 are legitimate program recipients and
will be charged with supervising projects and distributions of the funds
entrusted to them. Each program has specific instructions that will be included
in those document deliveries. Those designated participants in the 78 original
and existing numbered progams will receive large amounts to facilitate huge
humanitarian projects.  These are people who invested in the original 78
programs before the end of 1999.  They are legitimate program recipients
and will be charged with supervising projects and distributions of the funds
entrusted to them. Each program has specific instructions that will be included
in those document deliveries.

All major programs in all countries will be completed over
12-15 months maximum, except for the first four.  People in the programs
will receive many hundreds of billions –- which is an understatement — of which
they will be mandatorily gifting a small percentage of $10 million to each one on
their lists of an estimated 200 people. All the lists will be cross-compared to
ensure that everyone gets that amount.  There will not be any duplications
as each ‘gifting list’ will be recorded so no one is left out and no one gets
paid twice.

Of course, the main purpose of these programs is to level
the economic playing field and to fund massive humanitarian projects around the
world. In addition, other amounts could be donated, if the recipient chooses.
I’m only talking about the mandatory gifting amounts.   Clarifying
instructions and examples will be included in the major-program package
instructions each will receive. Different programs have different requirements
but all will participate in this gifting distribution.

What will be happening to the last cabal in these days

Ashtar stated on 11/18: “NESARA is NOW the Law of the Land.
Black Ops funding is being cancelled and certain Black Ops programs are being
dismantled and shut down.”  Many foundation changes are already being
implemented. House Arrest of the leaders of 195 countries has been necessary as
part of the changes.  Ashtar said that the funding for the Black Ops
programs have been shut down…permanently.

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